How to catch striped bass using the fifteen minute rule.

By Captain Ryan

I use the fifteen min. rule most often when striped bass are shoaling, or disseminated amidst a sizeable expanse of water. Possibly I'm marking stripers which might be suspended in deep water, or maybe they are on the feed alongside a lengthy expanse of beach front. Regardless, when fish are distributed within a significant area, the 15 min. Rule has proven itself as an useful tool for establishing a prosperous trolling pattern.

After marking even just 1 striper I will next put lines in the water. I will begin trolling in a decided on course, practically always parallel to the beachfront. By doing this I troll along the depth that I marked that 1st striped bass.

I'll then simply troll for 15 minutes, keeping a close eye on the sonar the full time. If after fifteen min's I haven't enticed a bite, caught a fish, or seen any more striped bass on the fish finder, I resume my search parallel to the beach front along the same depth until finally I commence seeing stripers once more.

If I do hook a bass during the first fifteen minutes, lure a strike, or mark additional striped bass on the sonar, then my fifteen min. time is reset. Previously, a regular scenario I've stumbled upon is discovering an expanse of water, approximately a 1 mile in total, that's had striped bass down the whole length. The areas to the east, west, north and south of this stretch of water frequently consist of no life at all.

The 15 min. rule will help me to distinguish the productive expanse of ocean in the following manner.

Let's say I have recently been taking bass frequently on the troll for the previous 30 minutes. Throughout the last 30 minutes I have trolled a reasonably straight line eastward through a 1/2 mile stretch of water. It has now been fifteen min's since I have caught a striped bass, lured a bite, and marked a single thing on my sonar-suggesting that I've arrived at the end of the fishy stretch of ocean.

The following action would be to reel the lines in, and cruise westward, returning to where I started marking, and catching fish. I would maintain a close eye on my sonar while driving, noticing any bass marks that may arise.

If I mark striped bass on my westerly journey back to where I originally began noticing fish then terrific, the stripers are still hanging along the exact same expanse of ocean. This is the best situation, especially for anglers just learning how to catch striped bass.

Surely there will be those occasions when I do not mark stripers during the journey westward. And after cruising up to a mile west of the first location where I first began seeing striped bass, I'll still fail to observe any life on the sonar. In circumstances like this I'd presume that the biomass of bass has transitioned either shallower or deeper. I'd then cruise into shallower or deeper water and commence a new search.

Unquestionably, being able to find stripers with regularity is the initial step to understanding how to catch striped bass.

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