One24 Top Earner Secrets Revealed: Improve Your One24 Profits

By Eduardo Kooliantra

One24 representatives: Are you devoted to building a huge business? If so, read this entire article right now.

If you wish to become a top earner, you need a promotion strategy to implement because you'll run out of friends and family to approach.

You have to learn how to market- like a REAL business!

Here are 3 strategies 7-figure income earners use to build network marketing empires today:

- Give Something Away

Generating leads for your One24 business comes down to two steps:

1. Drive network marketers to visit your website. Good sources of traffic are popular sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.

2. Offer an instructional guide visitors can download in exchange for giving you their name and contact info Make sure to focus your guide on solving one or more of the biggest problems in network marketing:

- Small monthly checks

- Poor retention

- Duplication levels are too low

- Running out of friends and family to approach about the business

Your free offer could be access to a Free Webinar Training. Make the training yourself, or pay someone to do it.

Over-deliver on your free offer and exceed the prospect's expectations. Make this first impression with your prospects count, as it will influence your closing ratios of your One24 business.

You'll close more sales into One24 because you've made the right first impression. Email your prospects useful instructional tips every day, to further the relationship. Monetize by promoting your One24 opportunity or other products and services at the close of each email.

- Drive A Lot Of Visitors To Your Website

Retail stores depend on customers to visit the store. The more customers enter a store, the more that store's sales will increase. The same thing is true when you promote your One24 business on the internet. Getting more visitors to your website will increase the number of leads you create.

Your One24 income will increase as the number of leads you generate increases. Top earners generally attract more traffic and leads than everybody else. Commonly a top network marketing producer will attract 40-100 leads every day.

Typical One24 reps attract 0-3 leads in a day. So how do you produce lots of targeted traffic to help you become a One24 top producer?

Start with one traffic source only. It can be Facebook ads, or Youtube videos or blogging or something else. Grow only one source of traffic until about fifteen to twenty leads per day are flowing in. Never add another source of traffic until you reach this threshold.

Newbie network marketers try to master every internet marketing tactic at the same time. This is a bad idea. They get frustrated and quit. Start off with ONE web traffic technique.

- Market With Twitter

Twitter is s social network that allows you to tweet, which is to post short text messages to your following. With more than 100 million active users, Twitter is a terrific way to get exposure on the Internet to grow your One24 business.

You can develop relationships with other business owners on the Internet. It's very simple to do. Establish a Twitter account and begin to follow a core of people.

Follow people on Twitter who are following network marketing industry leaders. There's a good chance you'll be following fellow network marketers. A large percentage of people you follow on Twitter will follow you as well.

You should use an attraction marketing approach to generate leads from Twitter. Basically this means to tweet things that instruct network marketers how to grow their businesses. Below are some topics about which to tweet:

- Simple tips to generate leads

- Inspirational quotes

- Instructional videos

Do not mention your One24 opportunity on Twitter. Virtually nobody cares about your One24 opportunity. On Twitter, you just want to pique people's interest, not sell. Attract people from Twitter to your blog, where they can subscribe to your email list. Feed your followers instructional content to nurture a relationship with them. Some of your followers will ask to partner with you in your One24 venture.

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