Kamus Ngawur yg Disempurnakan

Kamus Ngawur yg Disempurnakan

air mata: tekanan hidrolis yang dengannya kekuatan tekad yang maskulin dikalahkan oleh kekuatan air yang feminin.
amputasi: cara mudah menghilangkan penyakit oleh dokter yang bodoh
antik: sesuatu yang telah dibeli oleh kakekmu, lalu dibuang oleh ayahmu, tapi oleh kamu dibeli lagi.
ayam: satu-satunya hewan selain bebek yang dimakan sebelum lahirnya dan setelah matinya.

bom atom: penemuan yang mengakhiri semua penemuan.
boss: seorang yang datang cepat ketika kamu terlambat, dan datang terlambat ketika kamu datang lebih pagi.
buku pintar: beberapa fakta yang dikumpulkan agar membuat orang menjadi bodoh untuk terus membuka-bukanya.

cerai: bentuk future tense dari kata menikah
ciuman: dua orang yang begitu dekat sehingga tidak melihat lagi apa pun kesalahan pada diri mereka masing-masing.

daftar belanja: anda habiskan setengah jam untuk menulisnya, untuk kemudian dilupakan ketika sudah berada di dalam toko.
diplomat: seseorang yang mengatakan kepadamu 'Go to hell!' dengan cara sedemikian memikatnya hingga kamu benar-benar merasa ingin ke sana.
dokter: seseorang yang membunuh sakitmu dengan pil, kemudian membunuh dirimu dengan tagihan.
dst...: sebuah singkatan yang membuat orang lain percaya bahwa anda tahu lebih banyak daripada yang sebenarnya.

ekosistem: sekumpulan makhluk hidup dengan manusia sebagai pembunuh semuanya.
ekonomi: orang kaya menghambur-hamburkan uang, sementara orang miskin diminta berhemat.

filsuf: orang bodoh yang menyiksa dirinya selama hidup, hanya untuk dibicarakan setelah kematiannya.
filsafat: ilmu yang mengajarkan kepada kita bahwa kehidupan ini tidak perlu dipikirkan, karena sudah ada orang yang menghabiskan hidupnya untuk memikirkannya (yakni si filsuf tadi).

guru: orang yang merasa sedih, karena dia pikir anak-anak menyukainya, padahal tidak.
gaji: dihitung berulang-ulang hasil akhirnya tetap negatif.
gadis: dibuang-buang ketika bujangan, dicari-cari ketika menikah.

hari esok: salah satu dari alat keselamatan kerja yang terbaik saat ini.
hamil: kata paling menakutkan para orangtua gadis remaja.

inflasi: memotong separoh uang tanpa merusakkan kertasnya.
internet: dunia tidak jelas (maya) yang dipenuhi oleh orang-orang yang tidak jelas (identitasnya).

jambret: panggilan untuk seseorang yang sudah dipastikan tidak akan mau datang.
jaksa: teman polisi yang sering ditangkap polisi.
jerawat: dibenci ketika dipandang, disayang ketika dipegang.

kampanye: perumusan janji-janji untuk disangkal di kemudian hari.
kamus: alat belajar berbicara untuk orang yang tidak bisu
kanibal: orang yang sudah bosan dengan manusia.
kantor: sebuah tempat dimana anda bisa rileks setelah menjalani hidup berumah tangga yang berat.
kerutan: sesuatu yang hanya dimiliki oleh orang lain, pada diri anda adalah garis-garis kepribadian.
komite: individu-individu yang tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa secara individu dan duduk untuk memutuskan bahwa tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan secara bersama-sama
kompromi: seni membagi kue dengan cara tertentu sehingga tiap orang percaya bagiannyalah yang paling besar.
konferensi: kebingungan seseorang dikalikan dengan jumlah peserta.
kriminal: seseorang yang tidak berbeda sama sekali dengan semua orang, kecuali bahwa dia sudah tertangkap.
kuliah: seni memindahkan informasi dari buku catatan dosen ke buku catatan mahasiswa tanpa melalui otak kedua belah pihak.
kulkas: kombinasi antara galeri seni dan penyejuk ruangan di dapur.

laptop: istri kedua bagi suami yang tidak mau berpoligami.

menguap: satu-satunya waktu dimana sebagian dari para suami bisa membuka mulutnya.
m.l.m: cara pintar menjadi kaya dengan mengumpulkan orang-orang yang ingin kaya untuk menyuruh mereka melakukan hal yang sama. Sementara mereka masih berusaha, anda sudah kaya.
musik: tujuh angka yang dikutak-katik bisa menjadi uang ratusan juta

nama lengkap: panggilan dari jauh kepada anak anda ketika anda sangat marah kepadanya.
nyamuk: jenis serangga yang membuat anda menganggap lalat lebih baik.
negara: tempat sedikit orang pintar yang membodohi banyak orang.
nenek: pengasuh bayi yang tidak suka bolak-balik menghabiskan isi lemari es.

oportunis: seseorang yang akan mulai mandi kalau dia tidak sengaja terjatuh ke dalam sungai.
optimis: seseorang yang ketika sedang melayang jatuh dari puncak Monas masih bisa bilang, “Lihat, khan. Aku masih belum terluka”.
dewasa: orang yang berhenti pertumbuhan badannya, baik ke atas maupun ke bawah, namun tetap tumbuh pada bagian tengahnya.

paranormal: orang yang paling dipercaya untuk menjelaskan hal-hal yang sulit dipercaya.
pelit: sifat yang membuat orang hidup miskin, tapi mati dalam keadaan kaya.
penata rambut: seseorang yang mampu menciptakan sebuah gaya yang tidak akan pernah bisa diulanginya lagi.
pengalaman: sebutan yang diberikan oleh para pria untuk kesalahan-kesalahannya.
politik: cara cerdas membujuk orang lalu mengambil hartanya dan menguasainya
politisi: seorang yang mgnguncang-guncang genggaman tanganmu sebelum pemilihan dan mengguncang-guncang keyakinanmu sesudahnya.
presiden: orang yang dianggap mampu untuk disuruh pusing kemudian disalahkan.
profesor: seseorang yang berbicara ketika orang lainnya tertidur.
psikolog: seseorang yang mengamati setiap orang, ketika ada seorang gadis cantik memasuki ruangan.

rangka: seonggok tulang-belulang bersama orang yang sedang membersihkan kotoran.
remaja: anak kecil berbadan besar yang kebingungan karena bermimpi basah.
rokok: tembakau yang digulung dengan kertas, dengan api di ujung yang satu dan seorang bodoh di ujung yang lain.

sapu tangan: penampung ingus.
sarjana: orang yang buang-buang uang jutaan rupiah hanya untuk memperpanjang nama.
selingkuh: poligami ala liberalisme
senyum: sebuah garis melengkung yang bisa meluruskan banyak hal.

telepon genggam: alat komunikasi yang mudah didapat, mudah dijual dan mudah dicolong.
televisi: teknologi canggih untuk membikin otak manusia berhenti bekerja.

umpan balik: hasil akhir yang tidak bisa dihindari ketika bayi anda menolak wortel yang keras di dalam bubur di mulutnya.

vegetarian: kosa kata purba untuk pemburu yang tidak pernah mendapatkan buruannya.
vulgar: banyak areal terbuka yang mudah diserang lawan.

wanita: istilah terhormat dan modern untuk perempuan tua keriput yang suka bersolek.
waria: keadaan transisi yang tidak pernah berakhir.

x (faktor eks): kata paling gampang yang digunakan oleh orang-orang sok tahu.

yayasan: berbisnis yang bebas pajak dan bebas pengawasan.
yoyo: satu-satunya permainan yang dipopulerkan oleh politikus.

Get Back With Your Ex Painlessly

By Daniel Dalton

If you were dumped, then your mind is probably restless and your emotions are running high. Without a special plan to get her back you could be making a lot of faults.You will kill all chances of getting her back.

If getting her back is your ultimate destination then you should understand the rest of this article to get the low down on how to bring home the bacon and win her back.

First Things First

To avoid making any common mistakes after a breakup, you should first get your emotions in check. Many guys make the mistake of trying to get their ex back by purchasing new things or showering with expensive gifts. The truth of the thing is that this will just make you look more desperate and needy. So if you are guilty of giving her flowers, perfumes or expensive, pricey gift, you need to end it immediately. Does this make sense to you? Probably not, but you should just take it easy for now and stop this type of inevitable behavior.

Stop All Communication

What you should be doing is cutting off all contact. Yes, no contact. No email, no text, no miss calling. She dropped you for her reasons and you should honor that. Grant her the space and time to consider things over and don't crowd her. This will make her second guess the decision to breakup, if you are not always "around".

By giving her time, you can give yourself some time to think over the relationship as well. Remember, it takes two to tango and you played a part in the relationship, also. If you messed up and caused the relationship to break then now is the time to examine why you did, what you did. Take a long deep look at yourself, and figure out what you need to change for the better.

Are you an angry type with a short fuse? Possibly, you have no patience when it comes to what you wish for. You should consider analyzing your inner devils and how you can put a lid on your toxic side. There are many ways to put your energies into something more productive.

Do You Trust Her?

Do you have trust issues with your ex girlfriend?Maybe you had underlying feelings of mistrust of her and always wanted to know who and what she was doing. You need to look within and see if you are the jealous type and get insecure with any male figure in your ex's life. This might stem from your own self value. It might help to look try and boost your self value.

If you did, then you need to understand why you did it. Was there something absent from the relationship that you didn't realize from your ex? This will help mend a few things and help you work over this breakup to amend it or move onward.

What Doesn't Work

The truth of the matter is that the breakup is real. Now is the time to look within and find some comfort because there is no single reason for a breakup. You will need to put some effort and work to fix this situation. Saying sorry without genuine actions won't work to get your ex back. Women are complex and it is no easy fix. So take the time and learn the best methods to getting your ex back, no matter how bad the breakup was.

About the Author:

Shinshe Cina vs Tabib Arab

Konon ada sepasang sahabat orang Cina dan Arab sedang kebingungan karena usaha mereka bangkrut. Setelah memutar keras otak mereka, mereka sepakat membuka pelayanan kesehatan. Maka si orang Cina jadi sinshe, dan si orang Arab menjadi tabib.

Setelah satu minggu praktek, si tabib tetap sepi pasien, namun si sinshe mulai kebanjiran pasien. Si tabib putar otak untuk melawan si sinshe.

Maka si tabib mengeluarkan jurus dengan memasang pengumuman di depan ruang
prakteknya: "Jika Tidak Sembuh Uang Kembali Tiga Kali Lipat!"

Taktik itu manjur, pasien lalu berdatangan ke si tabib. Giliran si sinshe sewot lalu mencari akal. "Haiyaaa, lumayan kalo owe pula-pula sakit dan tidak sembuh dapat uang lha."

Lalu ia mendatangi si tabib.

Sinshe: "Haiyaaa, tolong owe. Owe punya sakit mati lasa. Owe tidak bisa lagi lasain lasa setiap makanan yang owe telan, haiyaa…."

Tabib: "Ana fikir itu gamfang ana sembuhkan."

Lalu si tabib memanggil asistennya.

Tabib: "Hasaaannnn, cefat ente bawa kesini obat nomor 14."

Secepat mungikin si asisten yang bernama Hasan membawa obat nomor 14 dan oleh si tabib di berikan kepada si sinshe. Dan si sinshe langsung menguyah sebelum menelan obat nomor 14 tersebut.

Sinshe: "Haiyaaa, ini bukan obat lhaaa, tapi ini tai ayam."

Tabib: "Ente betul! Itu tai ayam. Berarti ente sudah sembuh dan tidak mati rasa lagi."

Si sinshe pulang dengan kesal karena kalah akal. Lalu ia kembali memutar otak berpikir mencari akal untuk mengalahkan si tabib dan sekaligus dapat uang si tabib. maka kali ini si sinse kembali pura-pura sakit lupa yang sangat kronis.

Sinshe: "Haiyaaaa tabib, owe sakit lupa palah sekali. Owe lupa semua pelistiwa dan memoli owe. Haiyaaa, tolong owe."

Tabib: "Gamfang. Ana fasti tolong ente dan ente fasti sembuh. Obat ana mujarab sekali."

Lalu seperti biasa si sinse memanggil si Hasan sang asisten.

Tabib: "Hasaaaaan, cefat ente bawa kemari obat nomor 14."

Sinshe: "Haiyaaaa, owe tidak mau lagi makan tai ayaaaam. Haiyaaaaa… Owe tidak mau…..!"

Tabib: "Alhamdulillah, berarti ente sudah sembuh. Daya ingat ente ternyata sudah kembali."

Tinggal si sinshe pulang sambil menggerutu.

The Way Companies Benefit From Software Regarding Wireless Device Control

By Victor Smart

Have you ever thought to consider how your company could benefit from having an "expert" look over your mobile services? Do you realize how much money can be saved and how much more effective your plans can be? Read more...

A software application is a powerful element of a cellular device operations plan. Commercial customers employ this software to manage wireless communication fees and also supervise mobile devices. Useful information is recorded in no time and can be easily altered to generate reviews helpful for supervising, planning, and financial control. Each business that would make control over cellular devices a top priority ought to establish if this software system will prove to add value.

Program directors utilize the software program to watch users, hardware, phone lines, together with other related information and facts. A record that's sorted and then saved in a central location is much easier and also a lot quicker to retrieve. Administrators can easily delegate their users to job functions, sections, or locations used for reports and spreadsheets. Units, telephone numbers, and wireless communication costs might be monitored by using minimal effort. Report filtering functionalities ease the process of creating reports.

With web-accessed software applications, leadership from any corporate building may draw documents to evaluate usage particulars for personnel by division, area, as well as other conditions. Almost instant access to data makes it possible for verification right away as well as the ability to download information to many other document types when essential. Supervisors can easily locate offenses with use policies and other concerns that should be addressed. This allows management staff to be able to assign supervision as well as compliance steps on to unit and department management, which makes the practice more efficient for all those associated.

Executives make use of this software system to accomplish business expense efficiencies not to mention support conformance for applicable consumption rules. Having a devoted merchant rep, they're assured that staff members spend significantly more time performing their own jobs and much less valuable time handling cellular device issues as well as corresponding expenses. If every person can do what they have been recruited to accomplish, the corporation works far more smoothly. This process contributes to greater productiveness. Concurrently, the company would help recognize alternatives with regard to communication cost lowering, reducing expenses.

IT employees could assist with primary set up not to mention population of the software but their day-to-day maintenance tasks are generally removed. A software program will make it possible for any certified staff member to monitor use. The seller steps into the duty of liaison with cell phone providers. Information technology staff, on top of that will help hardware subscribers through troubleshooting and give solutions to popular user questions. Issue resolutions can be reported and even disclosed to info tech team members or any other specific person. Info tech workers will no longer devote large parts of each day handling mobile device supervision issues. Considering that the software is cloud-based, they're no longer responsible for repair of this system.

The tailored reporting functions incorporated in wireless administration computer software cuts down on work required for drilling down to the key details. People can easily narrow and even list details in multiple methods to determine tendencies, cost savings, and also warning signs. This saves time and also helps concerns get attended to before they become widespread. Highest users, usage warnings, and also accounting grouping breakouts are some of all of the most viewed documents.

The ultimate way to decide if mobile phone control software will be advantageous would be to give it a try. Reliable vendors provide a no cost software tour and also test period which means prospective clients can see exactly how the software system may help their own firm. Businesses that will want to join an arrangement using the dealer will be ahead of the game.

About the Author:

Komentar Tentang Corp Cycle di Sleman

Setelah muncul gejala Crop Circle (bentuk geometris yang didufa jejak UFO) ke-2 di Bantul, setelah sebelumnya di Sleman..
Inilah rangkuman komentar2 para Tokoh2 di Indonesia pagi ini...

SBY : Crop circle itu kejadian misterius, sama misteriusnya dengan gaji saya 7 tahun tidak naik2.!!

Aburizal Bakrie : Waah..Itu jelas sekali karena bencana alam, sama seperti kasus lumpur Lapindo....

Nudirman Munir dkk: Kami tidak bisa menjawab karena tidak ada rujukan...
Maka karena itu kami mau study banding dulu ke Inggris, Amerika, Belanda, dan Pattaya.

Anis Matta : Apakah itu perbuatan UFO, manusia, atau fenomena alam, tidak
bisa kami putuskan sendiri.
Kita tunggu keputusan Setgab. Nanti kami kena re-shuffle kalo beda pendapat....

Gayus T. : Itu merupakan perbuatan CIA..!!

Rhoma Irama : crop circle? TER-LAAAA...-LUUUU...!

Denny Indrayana : Saya minta kamu jujur.!, kamu itu buatan UFO atau manusia !???

Mu'nim Idris : Ditemukan tanda2 trauma dan kekerasan dalam proses....

Marzuki Alie : Itu merupakan pertanda bahwa gedung baru DPR harus segera dibangun secepatnya....

Megawati : Proses pembuatan crop circle itu sudah dimulai sejak saat saya menjabat presiden...(???)

Ruhut Sitompul : Itu tandanya UFO sayang kepada partai Demokrat dan pak SBY.....(Weleeeh..!)

BHD : Kami tahu penyebab crop circle..!! Kami punya rekamannya & sudah diserahkan ke Jaksa Agung...(Hhhmmmm...)

Hendarman S. : Rekaman itu ada, tetapi cuma catatan komunikasi dari UFO ke KPK...

Cirrus Sinaga : Mau apa kamu ikut-ikut. Saya sedang sibuk..!!

Nurdin Halid : Itu bisa terjadi berkat jasa Golkar...!

Foke : Mana crop circle..??? inikan cuma beceeeek....

Sule : Prikitiew :D!!

Pramono Dewo

Data On California Death Records

By Claire Dowell

An individual's death is usually announced in the state's local publishing under the obituary section. The Freedom of Information Act has mandated all states of the country to make death records available to its local residents. California is just one of the states that have implemented such law. California death records are now accessible by its local citizens.

In California, death certificates would contain information about the deceased person such as the name, address and age. Important dates and places are also found on the record like the date and place where the person was born along with the date and place where the person died. One of the most important information that can be found on the document may be the reason why the person died. The name of the family members such as the children and the spouse of the deceased person are also documented on the file. In California, the death certificate would also contain the details about the funeral and burial of the person.

In California, the information found on the death record can help in tracing the family history. It can help identify the ancestors of a certain family.

Only the family members of the person on the record can retrieve the death record. People can still file the request but will not be able to get a certified copy; they can only get an informational copy. The requested document can be obtained after 6 months. It would only cost $12 to get a copy of a death record. The requesting individual will be required to provide their name and address as well as their relationship to the deceased person.

The most common method of getting a copy of a death certificate is to go directly to the office of the Vital Records Section. One can also file the request from the county where the person has passed away. The use of third party providers can help in getting a copy of the death certificate of an individual. One can also use the Internet to obtain a copy of a death certificate.

The use of the Internet has made the search for death records a lot easier compared to the traditional methods. It has eliminated the need to go the office just to file the request. One can request for the file at home and within seconds the results of the search and death certificate of an individual is displayed on the screen.

About the Author:

Sammi Cheng Testimony

Sammi Cheng Testimony
Sammi Cheng adalah seorang penyanyi dan aktris Hongkong. Ia dikenal sebagai seorang diva dan telah menjadi salah satu penyanyi wanita paling sukses di Hongkong sejak tahun 1990an. Albumnya telah terjual lebih dari 25 juta kopi di Asia-pasifik.

Dalam kesaksiannya dia mengatakan bahwa dia berusaha keras meraih sukses dalam karirnya tetapi hatinya merasa hampa. Semakin keras usahanya tetapi justru kekosongan hati dan ketakutannya makin bertambah. Dalam masa kehampaan dan ketakutan inilah dia menemukan jawaban : hanya Kristus yang bisa mengisi kekosongan hatinya dan sanggup melenyapkan ketakutannya. Terlebih lagi Sammi menemukan tujuan hidupnya kini di dalam Kristus. :) Berikut petikan kesaksiannya yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris:

I am Sammi Cheng, a singer and actress. I am 35 this year and I guess I have attained a certain level of success. However, I’ve lived a life of pretense and was so used to living life according to the value people tag onto me. I thought the more successful I was, the more worth I would have in the eyes of others. I thought the more successful I got, the more reason I would have to life. But when I attained the material things that most people long for, I came to realize that I was truly at the end of myself- I realize I had nothing. My heart was empty. I thus tried to pursue success even harder to make up for this, but the emptiness and fear only got larger.

So, I decided to take a break from this vicious cycle of want. I let go of a career I took a decade to build up. I gave up my success. I wanted to have a good look at what was left in my life.

The LORD used about a period of about a 1000 days to let me thoroughly reflect on my past and I came to see very clearly the truth behind my success and material wealth- that although these could build me a life, they could not give me the true life that would satisfy me.

Life has a greater worth and in the words of the LORD, I found my direction and my firm foundation.

“The Son of Man came to serve, not to be served.”

For my journey in the days ahead, I have a clear direction. I do not know how the LORD has written the script that is my life, but I know that He will lead me one step at a time.

This inner shalom is a shalom that no amount of money can purchase.

Reflecting on that 1000 day period, the LORD has truly broken my old life and fixed me anew. He has given me this release to let me find my heart again. And I realize my heart has already been bonded to Him before I realized and that I no longer have to fear, I no longer have to be in despair. I want to live life as the unique creation that I am.

I want to life to give glory to that which is greater than my life. I no longer want to conform to this world. This is my promise to the LORD.

- Sammi Cheng (http://hungribunni.tumblr.com)

Surat from Bepe "Indonesia Masih Bisa"

“Indonesia Masih Bisa”

Ditulis Oleh: Bepe, waktu: 28 December 2010, pada kategori:Tim Nasional

“Football is an unpredictable thing.. Some results will make you shock, but that’s the thing that makes it passionate, the mystery in it”

Kekalahan Indonesia dari Malaysia di stadion Bukit Jalil dua hari yg lalu, bagai sebuah tamparan keras bagi bangsa Indonesia. Tidak hanya seluruh punggawa tim nasional yg terkejut, akan tetapi seluruh pendukung merah-putih pun saya yakin juga masih merasa tidak percaya dengan hasil minor tersebut..

Di tengah optimisme akan kebangkitan persepakbolaan kita yg begitu melambung tinggi, kekalahan telak tersebut bak sebuah petir di siang bolong. Sebuah dentuman keras, yg seakan membangunkan kita dari sebuah mimpi indah di siang hari. Sebuah kalahan memang akan selalu mengintai dalam setiap pertandingan, akan tetapi dengan skor 0:3 melawan Malaysia, tentu tidak pernah terlintas dalam benak saya untuk saat ini..

Ketika itu, suasana di ruang ganti tampak berbeda 180 derajat dari 5 pertandingan yg telah kita lewati sebelumnya. Semua pemain nampak tertunduk lesu memandangi lantai ruang ganti yg basah dan kotor oleh tanah dan rumput lapangan. Keceriaan dan teriakan kemenangan itu tidak terdengar lagi, yg samar-samar terdengar hanyalah suara hembusan napas panjang dan decakan penyesalan yg keluar para pemain yg masih nampak setengah tidak percaya..

Raut muka si Opa (begitulah kami biasa memanggil Alfred Riedl) masih nampak dingin dan tenang seperti biasa, Riedl memang sebuah pribadi yg selalu terlihat tenang, dingin dan sangat fokus dalam apapun keadaannya. Sebuah kalimat keluar dari mulut Riedl saat itu, “Hey,, saya tidak ingin melihat kalian semua berjalan tertunduk saat keluar dari ruangan ini. Malam ini kita memang tidak bermain baik, akan tetapi perjuangan ini masih belum selesai dan kalian semua harus ingat itu”..

Sesaat sebelum memimpin doa penutup, saya meminta waktu kepada Riedl untuk berbicara di depan semua pemain. Dengan setengah berteriak saya berkata “Rekan-rekan kekalahan ini harus berhenti di ruangan ini. Kita tidak memerlukan pembahasan yg lebih panjang mengenai apa yg terjadi malam ini, tidak ada saling menyalahkan tentang apa yg terjadi di lapangan tadi. Kita menang bersama-sama dan sudah seharusnya kita juga kalah bersama-sama”. Saat itu saya memberikan semangat dengan berbertepuk tangan, yg seketika disambut dengan tepukan dari semua yg berada dalam ruangan tersebut sambil berteriak, ayooooo…!!!..

Dalam sebuah pertandingan sepakbola. Setiap kemenangan akan membuat kita menjadi lebih percaya diri dan lebih baik sebagai sebuah tim. Akan tetapi setiap kekalahan juga mampu membuat kita menjadi lebih dewasa dan kebih kuat, jika kita mampu menyikapinya dengan cara yg bijaksana. Akan selalu ada pelajaran yg dapat kita petik dalam setiap kekalahan..

Dan lebih daripada itu, bukankan kita masih mempunyai satu pertandingan final lagi di Jakarta. Dimana kita akan bermain di depan kurang lebih 80 ribu pendukung garuda yg sangat fanatik dan militan. Tempat dimana kita (Dalam 5 pertandingan terakhir), selalu mampu menghadirkan kegembiraan bagi pendukung merah-putih di seluruh pelosok negeri. Jadi sangat tidak beralasan dan kurang bertanggung jawab rasanya, jika saat ini kita tertunduk lesu dan patah semangat..

Kita tentu masih ingat saat partai final UCL di tahun 2004, ketika sebuah tim bernama Liverpool mampu menyarangkan 3 gol ke gawang Nelson de Jesus Silva (Dida) hanya dalam waktu 45 menit. Sehingga memaksa AC Milan menjalani perpanjangan waktu 2 x 15 menit, dan akhirnya harus menyerah melalui adu tendangan pinalty…

Beberapa waktu yg lalu kita juga disuguhi sebuah kejadian yg terkesan janggal. Ketika tim sekelas Real Madrid dengan sederet bintang-bintangnya serta pelatih sekaliber Jose Mourinho, harus tersungkur oleh kedigdayaan Barcelona dengan skor 5:0 di Camp Nou. Hal tersebut membuktikan jika sepakbola itu penuh dengan misteri, dan akan selalu demikian sampai kapanpun..

Indonesia memang sangat jauh dari gambaran kekuatan Liverpool maupun Barcelona. Akan tetapi saya juga sangat yakin jika Malaysia tidak sekuat dan setangguh AC Milan ataupun Real Madrid. Sehingga kemungkinan bagi kita (Indonesia) untuk dapat memukul Malaysia dengan skor telak di Gelora Bung Karno, juga masih sangat terbuka lebar…

Beberapa contoh diatas, adalah gambaran magis dari sebuah olahraga bernama sepakbola. Dimana dalam setiap menit atau bahkan detiknya penuh dengan kejutan dan kejadian-kejadian yg sarat akan emosi. Sepakbola, akan selalu dikelilingi dengan misteri-misteri yg terkadang susah di mengerti dengan hanya sekedar akal sehat. Dan hal-hal tersebutlah yg sebenarnya membuat olahraga ini menjadi sangat menggairahkan..

Maka, sangat beralasan rasanya jika setelah kekalahan 0:3 dari Malaysia tersebut, keesokan harinya saya berteriak dengan lantang melalui corong akun twitter saya sebagai berikut:

@bepe20: Bukankah masih ada 90 menit lagi di Jakarta kawan-kawan.. Tetap Semangat…!!! #Indonesiamasihbisa

Terus berusaha keras, adalah jalan satu-satunya yg harus kita tempuh pada tgl 29 desember nanti, di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno.“Karena dengan berhenti berusaha, maka kita tidak lebih baik dari seorang pengecut”. Dan apapun hasil dari pertandingan leg kedua nanti, mari kita pastikan jika kita telah mengeluarkan semua kemampuan terbaik kita untuk coba memenangkan pertandingan tersebut. Karena kesempatan ini tidak akan datang dua kali kawan, iya tidak akan datang dua kali..

Selamat berjuang untuk kita semua. Ini adalah final ke 4, setelah pada 3 final sebelumnya kita selalu gagal. Mari kita satukan tekat dan saling bahu-membahu untuk mewujudkan impian itu menjadi sebuah kenyataan. Memang tidak mudah untuk mengejar defisit 3 gol, akan tetapi hal tersebut rasanya juga bukan menjadi sebuah hal yg tidak mungkin kawan, “It’s time to show from what we are made of”

Akhir sekali, ijinkan saya untuk mengutip sebuah Quote, dari seorang tokoh besar dunia yg bernama Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchil atau lebih kita kenal dengan nama Winston Churchill, yg berisi demikian;

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”

Maka, tetaplah semangat kawan-kawan seperjuanganku. Karena kita semua masih percaya, jika;

“Indonesia Masih Bisa”


Surat untuk FIRMAN UTINA

Surat dari Pendukung Timnas... very nice..
Renungan buat Bangsa...juga Motivasi bagi para pemain...

Surat Untuk Firman Utina

Kawan, kita sebaya. Hanya bulan yang membedakan usia. Kita tumbuh di tengah sebuah generasi dimana tawa bersama itu sangat langka. Kaki kita menapaki jalan panjang dengan langkah payah menyeret sejuta beban yang seringkali bukan urusan kita. Kita disibukkan dengan beragam masalah yang sialnya juga bukan urusan kita. Kita adalah anak-anak muda yang dipaksa tua oleh televisi yang tiada henti mengabarkan kebencian. Sementara adik-adik kita tidak tumbuh sebagaimana mestinya, narkoba politik uang membunuh nurani mereka. Orang tua, pendahulu kita dan mereka yang memegang tampuk kekuasaan adalah generasi gagal. Suatu generasi yang hidup dalam bayang-bayang rencana yang mereka khianati sendiri. Kawan, akankah kita berhenti lantas mengorbankan diri kita untuk menjadi seperti mereka?

Di negeri permai ini, cinta hanyalah kata-kata sementara benci menjadi kenyataan. Kita tidak pernah mencintai apapun yang kita lakukan, kita hanya ingin mendapatkan hasilnya dengan cepat. Kita tidak mensyukuri berkah yang kita dapatkan, kita hanya ingin menghabiskannya. Kita enggan berbagi kebahagiaan, sebab kemalangan orang lain adalah sumber utama kebahagiaan kita. Kawan, inilah kenyataan memilukan yang kita hadapi, karena kita hidup tanpa cinta maka bahagia bersama menjadi langka. Bayangkan adik-adik kita, lupakan mereka yang tua, bagaimana mereka bisa tumbuh dalam keadaan demikian. Kawan, cinta adalah persoalan kegemaran. Cinta juga masalah prinsip. Bila kau mencintai sesuatu maka kau tidak akan peduli dengan yang lainnya. Tidak kepada poster dan umbul-umbul, tidak kepada para kriminal yang suka mencuci muka apalagi kepada kuli kamera yang menimbulkan kolera. Cinta adalah kesungguhan yang tidak dibatasi oleh menang dan kalah.

Hari-hari belakangan ini keadaan tampak semakin tidak menentu. Keramaian puluhan ribu orang antre tidak mendapatkan tiket. Jutaan orang lantang bersuara demi sepakbola. Segelintir elit menyiapkan rencana jahat untuk menghancurkan kegembiraan rakyat. Kakimu, kawan, telah memberi makna solidaritas. Gocekanmu kawan, telah mengundang tarian massal tanpa saweran. Terobosanmu, kawan, menghidupkan harapan kepada adik-adik kita bahwa masa depan itu masih ada. Tendanganmu kawan, membuat orang-orang percaya bahwa kata "bisa" belum punah dari kehidupan kita. Tetapi inilah buruknya hidup di tengah bangsa yang frustasi, semua beban diletakkan ke pundakmu. Seragammu hendak digunakan untuk mencuci dosa politik. Kegembiraanmu hendak dipunahkan oleh iming-iming bonus dan hadiah.
Di Bukit Jalil kemarin, ada yang mengatakan kau terkapar, tetapi aku percaya kau tengah belajar. Di Senayan esok, mereka bilang kau akan membalas, tetapi aku berharap kau cukup bermain dengan gembira.

Firman Utina, kapten tim nasional sepak bola Indonesia, bermain bola lah dan tidak usah memikirkan apa-apa lagi. Sepak bola tidak ada urusannya dengan garuda di dadamu, sebab simbol hanya akan menggerus kegembiraan. Sepak bola tidak urusannya dengan harga diri bangsa, sebab harga diri tumbuh dari sikap dan bukan harapan. Di lapangan kau tidak mewakili siapa-siapa, kau memperjuangkan kegembiraanmu sendiri. Di pinggir lapangan, kau tidak perlu menoleh siapa-siapa, kecuali Tuan Riedl yang percaya sepak bola bukan dagangan para pecundang.

Berlarilah Firman Utina, Okto, Ridwan dan Arif, seolah-olah kalian adalah kanak-kanak yang tidak mengerti urusan orang dewasa.

Berjibakulah Maman, Hamzah, Zulkifli dan Nasuha seolah-olah kalian mempertahankan kegembiraan yang hendak direnggut lawan.

Tenanglah Markus, gawang bukan semata-mata persoalan kebobolan tetapi masalah kegembiraan membuyarkan impian lawan.

Gonzales dan Irvan, bersikaplah layaknya orang asing yang memberikan contoh kepada bangsa yang miskin teladan.

Kawan, aku berbicara tidak mewakili siapa-siapa. Ini hanyalah surat dari seorang pengolah kata kepada seorang penggocek bola. Sejujurnya, kami tidak mengharapkan Piala darimu. Kami hanya menginginkan kegembiraan bersama dimana tawa seorang tukang becak sama bahagianya dengan tawa seorang pemimpin Negara. Tidak, kami tidak butuh piala, bermainlah dengan gembira sebagaimana biasanya. Biarkan bola mengalir, menarilah kawan, urusan gol seringkali masalah keberuntungan. Esok di Senayan, kabarkan kepada seluruh bangsa bahwa kebahagiaan bukan urusan menang dan kalah. Tetapi kebahagiaan bersumber pada cinta dan solidaritas. Berjuanglah layaknya seorang laki-laki, kawan. Adik-adik kita akan menjadikan kalian teladan!

Talk about WoW Leveling Guide

By Marguerita Kmiec

Many people assert that when they start up a game they are escaping from their own common real life and while this is certainly mostly true that WoW gold distribution disparity, there are only a few facts that you are not able to run away from, even in the realm associated with fantasy. One of these seemingly unavoidable realities is cold hard cash, or currently known in Azeroth: WoW gold.

World of Warcraft has its very own higher, middle, and lower classes with more hardcore players usually being upper class and casual players taking over the middle and lower classes which is quite similar with our real life. But this class system is as common, no matter wherever there is WoW gold to be made, we can't assistance to be thinking what the distance is among these classes in reality.

It is very safe to suppose from the WoW gold start that the distance between the hardcore and the casual is quite large. We can make this because Warcraft is currently designed to reward players who can put a larger part of time playing the game. Time consuming tasks for example raiding, playing the Auction House and constant farming are now probably the most profitable when it comes.

WoW Cataclysm brought about lots of changes to almost every class, and healers are no exception. Most of these changes are beneficial but fabric wearers still remain easy to kill if attacked by multiple mobs at early amounts. Players who prefer the healing role may have more difficulty in leveling when they choose holy talents unless they follow a WoW Dungeon leveling guide. Holy skills are the healing tree focused upon instance and group health and buffs. This is a satisfying role for many players, but killing may be much slower when they quest than for any other class. There is however , an answer for anyone players who prefer to ensure a group's continued health and that is a case leveling guide.

One of the primary in the world of Warcraft updates talk WoW game changes associated with Cataclysm is that raid leaders will now be able to divide during a raid 25-man in a maximum of three raids. The raids will be able to keep on from that point, with employers already making them the day before the interview an incredible time to work on game progression. Plenty of eye candy from our Cataclysm screenshot gallery, and a whole host of meaty details and in-depth research on every angle of the game in World of Warcraft.

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Make World of Warcraft Leather Armor

By Tanja Vondracek

In WOW, there are many gimmicks in raid fights. Players need to be well-geared to survive and kill the boss. To help you to go well in raid, here are some tips to help you get the gear you need before you raid.

Visit an enchanting trainer in any major city. Right-click within the trainer and choose the enchanting dialog prompts to educate in charming. The trainers will also have the ability to show you greater level enchants, for a fee, when your skill level reaches a best-suited stage.

Then, you should certainly research your class. Each class in the online game has several Statistics that they must give attention to to be able to get the most out of gear and talent specs. For instance: Spirit is pretty important for Restoration Druids, Balance Druids and also Priests, but is practically useless to nearly everyone else. Armor Penetration is extremely important for Warriors, but is not pretty helpful for Retribution Noble.

Enchant merchandise to improve your enchantment level. Open your spellbook and then click the "Enchantment" icon to open your list of known spells. Click an enchantment for which you have sufficient materials, click the enchant key and then click the item you desire to enchant. Following a short character animation, the item will be enchanted to earn World of Warcraft gold.

Enchant merchandise owned and operated by other players. Have the other participant location the item within the "Not to be traded" box. Open your enchanting list, click the enchant key and then click the item. Click "Trade" to finish the casting process.

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Pengacara yang Baik Hati

Sore itu, seorang pengacara sedang mengendarai limousinnya ketika ia melihat dua orang sedang makan rumput di tepi jalan. Ia memerintahkan sopirnya berhenti dan keluar dari mobil.

"Mengapa kalian makan rumput?" tanyanya.

"Kami tidak punya uang buat beli makanan," jawab yang seorang.

"Oh, kalau begitu kamu ikut aku," perintah si pengacara.

"Tapi, pak, saya punya istri dan dua orang anak!"

"Bawa mereka juga!" jawab si pengacara, lalu menunjuk orang satunya, "kamu juga ikut aku."

"Tapi, Pak, anak saya enam!" kata orang kedua.

"Bawa mereka juga!" jawab sang pengacara sambil menuju ke limousinnya.

Mereka semua masuk ke mobil dengan susah payah (padahal limousin sudah termasuk mobil besar lho ....)

Dalam perjalanan, salah satu gelandangan berkata, "Pak, Anda orang yang sangat baik hati. Terima kasih telah bersedia membawa kami semua bersama Anda."

Jawab si pengacara, "Jangan khawatir, rumput di rumah saya hampir setengah meter tingginya

Name A Star For A Loved

By Shelly Murdock

Some people dread the thought of shopping for gifts because they have no idea what the recipient might appreciate the most. Relatives are especially difficult to buy for after years of giving holiday gifts and birthday presents. One way to break out of the gift giving rut is to name a star for a loved one or cherished friend.

This gift is suitable for people of all ages and occasions. It can be the ideal way to welcome a new infant to the family or remind a grandmother of how much she is loved and appreciated. Gifts often get lost in the crowd during weddings, baby showers and first birthdays, but this gift is different.

This gift is in no danger of getting lost or broken. The recipient needs only to look up in the sky to remember the thought that went into purchasing this gift. Other gifts may provide short-term satisfaction but the stars are never going away.

Astronomers at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Institute catalog the hundreds of thousands of stars in the universe using a unique number. Those numbers make up a database of stars called the Universal Star Catalog. Individuals registering names receive the unique numbers associated with their stars, photos, dedication dates and telescopic coordinates. The unique number allows the recipient to retrieve data online. Naming packages feature a certificate of registry and some include certificate frames or holders. A chart with the star's location highlighted is also included with some purchases.

Individuals may use whatever naming convention they want. Some choose first names while others go with last names or even nicknames. The dedication date may be a birthday, an anniversary, or any date as specified by the individual completing the registration process.

Individuals have the option of choosing their star's general location in the sky. It is possible to choose a location within a specific constellation corresponding to the recipient's zodiac sign. Another option is to select a star that is visible from a specific city. Two stars near each other can represent siblings or soul mates.

Mechanisms are in place to ensure the database remains in place in perpetuity. An endowment pays for storing the catalog forever. Very few gifts last a lifetime but this one really does. Individuals looking for a unique gift can name a star quickly and easily in honor of a family member or cherished friend.

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Outdoor Patio Fireplaces - How To Create Your Own?

By John McCullough

A number of people inquire if it is possible to make your own patio fireplace and the simple reply is yes. But like most things in life it isn't always simple. The result will be determined by the style of fireplace you desire, the dimensions, your current property and of course your DIY skills. If you have never taken on any DIY jobs before, you do not wish to get included in building a patio fireplace. You might find yourself shelling out a lot of cash and not have anything rewarding to show at the end of your hard work. Instead employ a specialist or purchase a readymade version from Amazon . com.

Before you get carried away with the installation of a patio fireplace you will first have to check your building restrictions to see if they are permitted. A few residential areas prohibit them completely or limit the style and type you are permitted to install. Obviously if you are renting the property you would opt for a shop bought version that you could take with you when you move.

Don't discount the patio fireplaces you can find online. There are many different types available and you will be amazed at how beauty and functionality have been put together in one model. You can find cast iron and stainless steel, square or round shapes.

Those that burn wood or those powered by natural gas. There are covered fires and ones which resemble the traditional camp fire. Some are designed to be completely portable so you can take them on vacation with you if you want. Finally you will also find those that double up as a grill or barbeque if you prefer a functioning fire and not just heat.

You can get a patio fireplace for just $200 but try not to be dictated too much by cost. You want something that will suit your needs and be very durable.

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Reference On Free Public Death Records

By Claire Dowell

Nowadays, Florida Death Records can be procured through bereavement record investigation. The information such as name, age, birth date, spouse, children and existing relatives address, time and place and aids to provide a good quality report of the departed. These files such as obituary, public death notices, garden of remembrance, interment, and certificates can be a handy start for tracing heritage and family tree.

The Death Certificate is an official document issued by authorized administrative officials. It is the main file that comes out of a death record declaring of time, place, and cause of death. Disbursements of the said files may be complex when instances to suspect treachery or in cases of brain-dead patients occur. This account is deemed open to the general public and requests for it is possible provided that procedures are observed.

For the record, a compilation of Florida Death Records took place in 1917. Its main depot is established at the Florida's Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics. Requisition of documents which have been brought up to date since 1877 up to present costs $5.00 per duplicate. An additional fee will be charged for requests with unsure dates. A value of $5.00 is required for the first year and $2.00 for each subsequent year.

Requesting for additional duplicates needs an extra payment of $4.00. Inclusive of all the payment is the certification of record if found or a formal statement stating that a specific record is unrecognized. The Department of Health office has its official website for the common people to visit for recent updates on charges and procedures in acquiring the said records.

Because the exposure of the departed's cause of death is a sensitive issue, Florida classified such facts as confidential matters. Where data is needed, the requesting party must coordinate with the State's authorities. Individuals must confirm his or her connection with the deceased and official government identification is required when getting hold of the death files. When appealing, paper documents must also have the valid signature on all forms.

Going through all the process of the government agencies produces a rough moment for those who are pressed in time and need Public Death Records without delay. Luckily, with the existence of the internet, it will no longer be the case since offline documents are now available easily and instantly online, saving you extra time. The entire procedure is made easier and shorter with the use of this online system. Several online service provider supply free accounts up to a certain extent. Charges will then be required for a full feature of reliable collected data. This recommended data comes with a legitimate online source that gives money-back guarantee to the public.

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Just what Qualifications do you have to have to be able to develop into a Human Resources Manager?

By Julie Withall

Do you want more information and facts regarding your education options? Are you looking to start your career or do you seek a change in your present occupation? There are various courses which can be done to be able to help you create a better future which includes: TAFE Courses, College Courses, University Courses, Government Funded Courses, Online Courses, Distance Education Courses plus Short Courses.

The Certificate IV in Human Resources training course was created to provide a extensive grounding in general workplace abilities and understanding of human resource operations. The Certificate is perfect for people working in an supervision function with some human resource specialty, for instance, compensation, workforce planning and also human resources information systems. The course falls inside the Business, Management as well as Accounting grouping of TAFE Classes.

Center subjects include: Critique human resources features; Hire, choose as well as induct personnel; Help effectiveness operations process; Put into practice commercial relations procedures. Elective themes consist of: Handle buyer needs; Report on financial activity; Arrange group meetings; Design in addition to produce intricate text files; Handle the hiring process for client companies; and even more.

Entry Requirements for this program include: Certificate III in Business or comparable; or applicable job experience.

Relevant Career Outcome: Human Resource Managers plan, organise, direct, command & coordinate the human resource & workplace relations exercises within organisations. As a Human Resources Officer a person may expect to receive $74,464 per annum as a starting income.

Provider Profile 1: Customised Training Pty Ltd (Customised Training) is a Registered Training Organisation providing across the country recognised qualifications that serve to produce skills necessary within today's workforce. We pride ourselves on our adaptable delivery choices as well as customisation of education and analysis materials in order to satisfy the needs of our customers. Our vision: A passion for teaching that literally brings development and success for organisations, students in addition to our employees. Our Mission: By investing loyalty, integrity and honesty in all our education and interaction together with clients and staff members we can accomplish achievement for everyone with whom we work. These core values decide just how we work and with whom.

Provider Profile 2: National Training Group (NTG) offer an exceptional service to customers. Their instructors have been thoroughly screened and in addition to their exceptional teaching skills and know-how in their job areas, they tutor and provide support and encouragement to every single student. NTG give Custom Classroom, Flexible Work Based training, and the epitome of Distance Education with a personal trainer matched up to each and every pupil that will help every person accomplish his or her objectives.

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Dilempar Bunga Sampai Menangis

Cerita Bunga, Seorang anak pulang dari sekolah sambil nangis, kemudian dia laporan sama mamanya.

Anak : "Huuu..........aku tadi di lempari bunga ama temenku..huuuu...."

Ibu : "Lho.... dilempairin bunga aja kok sampai nangis segala?"

Anak : "Iyaaa, tapi aku dilemparin bunga sama potnya...huuu.."

Ibu : "!!!!!????"

One24 Top Earner Secrets Revealed: Improve Your One24 Profits

By Eduardo Kooliantra

One24 representatives: Are you devoted to building a huge business? If so, read this entire article right now.

If you wish to become a top earner, you need a promotion strategy to implement because you'll run out of friends and family to approach.

You have to learn how to market- like a REAL business!

Here are 3 strategies 7-figure income earners use to build network marketing empires today:

- Give Something Away

Generating leads for your One24 business comes down to two steps:

1. Drive network marketers to visit your website. Good sources of traffic are popular sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.

2. Offer an instructional guide visitors can download in exchange for giving you their name and contact info Make sure to focus your guide on solving one or more of the biggest problems in network marketing:

- Small monthly checks

- Poor retention

- Duplication levels are too low

- Running out of friends and family to approach about the business

Your free offer could be access to a Free Webinar Training. Make the training yourself, or pay someone to do it.

Over-deliver on your free offer and exceed the prospect's expectations. Make this first impression with your prospects count, as it will influence your closing ratios of your One24 business.

You'll close more sales into One24 because you've made the right first impression. Email your prospects useful instructional tips every day, to further the relationship. Monetize by promoting your One24 opportunity or other products and services at the close of each email.

- Drive A Lot Of Visitors To Your Website

Retail stores depend on customers to visit the store. The more customers enter a store, the more that store's sales will increase. The same thing is true when you promote your One24 business on the internet. Getting more visitors to your website will increase the number of leads you create.

Your One24 income will increase as the number of leads you generate increases. Top earners generally attract more traffic and leads than everybody else. Commonly a top network marketing producer will attract 40-100 leads every day.

Typical One24 reps attract 0-3 leads in a day. So how do you produce lots of targeted traffic to help you become a One24 top producer?

Start with one traffic source only. It can be Facebook ads, or Youtube videos or blogging or something else. Grow only one source of traffic until about fifteen to twenty leads per day are flowing in. Never add another source of traffic until you reach this threshold.

Newbie network marketers try to master every internet marketing tactic at the same time. This is a bad idea. They get frustrated and quit. Start off with ONE web traffic technique.

- Market With Twitter

Twitter is s social network that allows you to tweet, which is to post short text messages to your following. With more than 100 million active users, Twitter is a terrific way to get exposure on the Internet to grow your One24 business.

You can develop relationships with other business owners on the Internet. It's very simple to do. Establish a Twitter account and begin to follow a core of people.

Follow people on Twitter who are following network marketing industry leaders. There's a good chance you'll be following fellow network marketers. A large percentage of people you follow on Twitter will follow you as well.

You should use an attraction marketing approach to generate leads from Twitter. Basically this means to tweet things that instruct network marketers how to grow their businesses. Below are some topics about which to tweet:

- Simple tips to generate leads

- Inspirational quotes

- Instructional videos

Do not mention your One24 opportunity on Twitter. Virtually nobody cares about your One24 opportunity. On Twitter, you just want to pique people's interest, not sell. Attract people from Twitter to your blog, where they can subscribe to your email list. Feed your followers instructional content to nurture a relationship with them. Some of your followers will ask to partner with you in your One24 venture.

About the Author:

Tindak Kekerasan Saat Menonton Televisi

Saat sedang bermain bersama, Arman dan Joy sedang ngobrol-ngobrol bersama soal menonton televisi.

"Jangan sering-sering nonton televisi, Joy" ujar arman pada temanya.

"Memangnya kenapa?",tanya Joy.

"Karena televisi itu dapat menimbulkan tindak kekerasan..!!!"

"Apa sebabnya kamu bilang begitu?!!"

"Setiap kali aku memindahkan acara televisi yang sedang ditonton oleh ibuku ke acara lain, ibu selalu memukulku!"


Risks Pertaining to Abuse of Cough Syrup

By Vince Von

What is a cough syrup? Cough Syrup is a form of remedies in syrup form that meant to treat coughing and other related ailments. Antitussives are cough syrups given to affected individuals with dry cough. Its subtle effect is to suppress the body's urge to cough. Because the cough will get productive, phlegm are coded in the respiratory system. Affected individuals in this stage are addressed with expectorants. This will help to loosen up the phlegm, which can be safer to cough released.

Cough syrup's major components include things like although not restricted to, Codeine, Dextromethorphan, and Ephedrine. All of these has a single widespread unfavorable effect if consumed too much. Cough syrups are one of those prescription drugs which were significantly used by teenagers today as an alternative for narcotic codeine to get high. Currently, there isn't any such law that exclusively forbid customers to buy cough syrups without prescriptions. It is extremely accessible. Now you may just enter local pharmacies and purchase one. A number of these users kids and teenagers that are uninformed that too much use of those syrups could be probably deadly.

What does it do?

Dextromethorphan or DXM has the highest volume content seen in cough drugs. If it is used as approved by Doctors, it really is proved to be effective and safe, yet is harmful when used in excessive volumes. Customers may go through discomfort, lightheadedness, drowsiness, rapid heartrate, disorientation, frustration, eye trouble, vomiting and nausea, excessive sweating of palms, numbness of fingers and toes. Most of the times, when cough is just developed from a chilly, the doctor would certainly advice to merely let it neglected. The breathing problems helps clear the respiratory system from phlegm.

Most non-prescription cough medicines and cough syrups consist of DXM, an element that when they are drawn in toxic level may cause even fatality. Mistreatment of cough syrup typically compose of mixing more than just one component with a pure DXM, extracted from these syrups. There can be a large group practicing this for recreational purposes. However in the longer term can be quite habit forming and in the end can lead to being dependent about bat roosting drugs.

Cough syrup dependency damages many day-to-day lives, especially young kids and adolescents, which are being disregarded by their hectic father and mother. Kids of these ages are more vulnerable to this kind of drug related abuse as a result of convenience and option of the drug. They need a lot more of the parents' guidance, care and love.

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Radio Untuk Sang Ibu

Suatu hari emak bilang sama Ucok, "nak kalo besok kau jadi orang kaya emak cuma pingin dibeliin Radio Telesonik biar emak bisa dengerin berita,lagu-lagu, dll."

"Cuma itu mak, itu ma gampang", kata ucok.

Kemudian ucok pergi merantau. suatu hari ucok pulang dari kota dan sudah jadi pejabat penting,dia tidak lupa pesanan emaknya untuk membelikan radio.

"Mak ..mak ucok pulang, ucok sudah jadi pejabat penting di negri ini. Ini radio Telesonik untuk mak."

Radio itu langsung dihidupkan dan benar ada lagu-laguan tak lama siaran berhenti dan penyiarpun mulai menyapa pendengar.

"Pendengar anda masih bersama kami Radio Republik Indonesia ...."

Si emak tersentak langsung bilang "Kau pembohong nak kau bilang radio Telesonik ternyata Radio Republik."

Ways To Continue to Keep Car Maintenance Expenses Down

By Junet Tyler

Possibly one of the greatest expenses you have is the upkeep cost of your car. In addition to the routine servicing that you do, you will additionally have to pay for big repairs or pay someone to check it. On top of that, your usual wear and tear will compel you to pay to replace those broken down parts like your tire. You need to pay attention to any problem that comes up otherwise it may turn into a big problem that results in big costs. In this post we intend to look at ways that you are able to keep your maintenance costs down.

If you want to buy a new car, you need to check the reliability rating and service cost for each car that interests you. If you do your research, you should be able to find out if people have had particular problems with certain models and what type of expenses they have incurred. This can include the costs of parts and exactly how easy they are to find for different types of car. This is quite commonplace with pre-owned cars since parts may be harder to find and could take some time to get delivered. The length of time it's going to take for a part to get delivered will have an impact on your productivity and bottom line. These types of costs include the fact that you will need alternative transport during the time you await the return of your vehicle.

The simplest way to steer clear of big repair costs is to check your car for any minor problems every so often. The things which you can do on a regular basis include checking the oil and coolant levels, check the wear on your tires and look to see if there are chips on the windshield. The paintwork on your car or truck must also be looked after, so keep it clean with regular washes and touch up any kind of minor chips and scratches. Any time you take the time to learn more about just how a car works, this can save you money as you will be able to tackle more minor tasks yourself.

The method that you drive will also have a direct effect on the future costs of maintaining your car. Your engine will break down faster if you speed and overwork the engine. Eventually naturally you will need to take your car into a service center for standard maintenance or for repair. If you need a competitive estimate make sure you phone many different places and let each one know that you are not just contacting them. When the mechanic shop figures out that you are looking for the best price, they may give you a very good deal. The essential thing is to always be as descriptive as you can about what you want done so that the service center can give you an accurate quote.

Even though you will always have to pay quite a bit of money to keep up your car, there are many little things you can do to keep it down.

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Are You Contemplating Cosmetic Surgery? Check Out These Tips First!

By Greg McDonald

Cosmetic surgery is commonplace; thousands of procedures are performed daily. A few small changes can create a whole new look for a person. However, there are risks with any type of surgery and they should be considered carefully before proceeding. The slip of a knife may result in a patient suffering lifelong disfigurement. To avoid these negative outcomes, use the following advice.

Arm yourself with all the information you need before you make your decision on plastic surgery. One important area to consider carefully is how much the surgery will cost, and what you will do to pay for it. When you know which procedure you'll be having, look into your insurance coverage and the cost of the procedure. Don't forget about things like follow-up, recovery and after-care.

When considering a surgeon, be sure to dig into his record carefully. Find out how long they have been doing the surgery you are interested in and how many of the same procedures they have successfully completed, too. Look at their total medical career, as well. Ideally, you want to get the most experienced surgeon as much as possible, so remember to do background research.

For those who are considering cosmetic surgeries, they have to think about the timing. If they are experiencing stress from any life changing events, they should reconsider having the surgery at that time. Once your life is back in order, you can revisit the idea of having surgery.

You need a specialist to perform your surgery, but also ensure that your primary doctor is involved. They may have a specialist they can refer you to or other ideas for non-surgical options. Your doctor also will understand how this surgery can impact your health for the future.

Just as your body must be in good condition prior to a procedure, your mental state must also be strong. Don't make major decisions such as decisions about surgery if you're depressed, anxious or unable to focus. You should understand that some mental issues have the ability to skew your body image or cause you to make poor choices.

Check into what is involved if you are disappointed with the results of your plastic surgery. Of course you expect your procedure to turn out for the best, but what if it doesn't? Sometimes you may not get a refund, but usually doctors will offer corrective surgeries at a discount.

Have grounded expectations about your possible cosmetic procedure. Cosmetic surgery can do quite a bit, but it isn't magic. This is particularly true if there are deep rooted mental issues in regards to perceptions about physical appearance. Simply changing physical appearance might not be sufficient for relieving your personal issues. You need to look for professional help specific to what you are going through.

Make sure you ask a lot of questions about your anesthesia before hand. Anesthesia is an integral part of any surgery; therefore, you should understand all aspects including the type of anesthesia, the anesthesiologist and the dosage amount you will receive.

It is important to know all the fees associated with the surgery. Many surgeons require you to pay for anesthesiologist, facility and supply fees separately. It could save you a significant amount of money if you find a plastic surgeon that has an all-inclusive pricing package.

Hopefully you have learned more about cosmetic surgery. It is important to do your research prior to agreeing to have such a procedure. Now that you know a lot about cosmetic surgery, go forward and get your brand new self!

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Right way to know SEO

By Lilly Wilson

If you have an interest to make use of Seo, search engine optimization, then that is certainly excellent because you are able to develop a powerful on the net presence with it. Search, or organic search, visitors is extremely distinctive for a lot of factors and also huge. So then you also have an understanding that there are factors it's essential to do on your web site if you'd like to obtain towards the best. You have got to start in the incredibly starting, and that includes learning and implementing the best methods. So this short article is just a ground-breaker to acquire you thinking about the correct items.

This is for later on, but you always really need to possess a quite excellent notion of one's site's search engine position the moment you receive going. As it issues backlinking, if you have the money then just outsource this portion of it. Also, within the starting you could possibly see your website jump all more than the place to get a even though - that's entirely normal. This is all really pretty cut and dry mainly because you've got to help keep up the effort to get for the best then keep there.

Blunders take place when you're mastering Search engine optimization, and it really is okay to create them. Try to find the lessons which can be contained within your blunders, then vow that you will not do it once again - you can't afford to repeat them.

For those who discover a pattern in what you will be undertaking, and it is actually the wrong issue, then just cease and even take into account hiring somebody who knows what exactly is going on. The faster you discover and apply from your blunders, the simpler it will be for you to much better your position inside the search engines like google.

When you happen to be picking a domain name, make certain your keyword is in it - and it doesn't matter what topic your web page is about, you should make certain that the domain is keyword rich. There happen to be alterations in that scoring lately, but you may still earn extra weighted points whenever you do that. Search marketers have tried it all, it seems, and just 1 various strategy is always to location the keyword phrase inside the page file name so it shows up inside the page URL. So, should you read extra details about Search engine marketing, and you should do that, then you may get a extra in-depth study on it.

You could find some approaches to rank highly and in shorter periods of time, but commonly those are techniques that happen to be not long-lasting and ultimately will waste your time. The issue about these strategies is they're attractive and individuals consider brief term gains, only. Yes, a lot more upfront function is needed with some Search engine optimization procedures, but which is how you create a business enterprise that lasts. We suggest you get a much bigger and overall picture before you begin working on your web site. Yet another point is you can find Search engine marketing is an ongoing need to have, but that is certainly just with the off-page aspects and not the on-page unless you add a new page, and so forth.

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Great Tips From A Rehabilitated Food Junkie

By Arthur Gingerman

Fitness is an important part of many people's lives. But learning about fitness can be hard, as many resources do not give you the information you are looking. In the following article, what you are going to learn is going to help you learn the proper techniques that will help you reach your fitness goals.

Fitness relies heavily on physical activity in the form of exercise. You should exercise once a day for at least 30 minutes. If you initial can't exercise for 30 minutes, try starting with 5 minutes, then slowly work your way up to 30 each day. Once you reach 30 days, try doing more strenuous activity or exercise for a longer time period.

Do not buy in to the "only crunches" mentality. It does not matter how much you work out your abdominal muscles. If the rest of you is out of shape, you will not be able to get that washboard stomach you are hoping for. Use full body exercises to slim yourself down and then focus on the parts you want.

A great workout tip is to always purchase workout clothes in black, white or gray. This is because these colors go with everything else in your closet. Therefore, you do not have to waste time searching for clothing that matches. Instead, you can spend more time working out, which is the whole purpose of workout clothes.

Use television to help motivate you to engage in your fitness routine. If you have a favorite show, only allow yourself to watch it if you are performing some type of physical activity while it is on. Consider jogging in place or doing standing lunges. You are more likely to work out if you institute a plan that involves something you really enjoy.

Alternative sports can offer people good fitness options for people, alongside the more regular forms of exercise. Free-running is a sport that emphasizes full body fitness. Climbing, running, and general agility are main requirements to free-run as you run, climb, and jump across many obstacles. Not only are they fun, but they unleash your inner child's desire to run and jump over railings, off the beaten path of adulthood.

Take care of your shoulders when doing upright rows. Do this by using a shoulder-width grip on the bar. The traditional narrow grip is terrible for your shoulders. This specific grip can cause shoulder-impingement syndrome, which can lead to syndromes such as tendinitis and bursitis in the shoulder region. Stick with shoulder-width grips to avoid these.

As was previously stated, fitness can be a great activity for anyone to get into. It takes a little knowledge to learn the basics so that you can start doing it correctly, but you don't have to become a fitness buff if you don't want to. Just keep those tips in mind and enjoy yourself!

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Roy Suryo Mengatakan Foto Korban Sukhoi Palsu

Anggota Komisi I DPR, Roy Suryo memastikan foto yang beredar secara berantai melalui jejaring sosial dan Blackberry Messenger yang disebut sebagai korban pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 adalah palsu. Foto itu adalah foto kecelakaan pesawat Air India pada 2010.

"Saya pastikan foto yang beredar itu selama ini adalah palsu," katanya saat mendampingi Menteri Perhubungan, EE Mangindaan di Lapangan Pasir Pogor, Bogor, meninjau pengangkutan korban, Sabtu (12/5/2012).

Sebelumnya, beredar foto dua korban tewas dengan kondisi mengenaskan. Satu korban mirip orang Rusia dan satu lagi dari Indonesia dengan tubuh tampak gosong.

Roy menegaskan beredarnya foto itu sangat menyentak hati bukan hanya bagi publik tapi juga bagi keluarga korban. "Lebih baik foto itu tidak diteruskan (disebarkan)," katanya.

Kalau pun misalnya ada foto korban Sukhoi yang sungguhan, sebaiknya tidak disebarkan karena akan membuat tidak nyaman bagi keluarga yang ditinggalkannya "Kalaupun benar tidak nyaman bagi pihak keluarga," katanya.

Sumber : http://www.kompas.com/

Why is Alcoholism Detrimental to our Systems?

By Anne Haley

Consult a specialist assistance.

Alcohol treatment programs are important for those who have alcohol complications. Coping with an alcoholic member inside a family isn't a fairly easy game. A lot of people with alcohol addiction never admitted to themselves that they've a difficulty. Consulting a specialist help could possibly be the ultimate resort. Talk to a expert regarding how to deal with a family member experiencing alcoholism. There are many treatment centers that one can go to for rehabilitation only if the individual would want to.

Determine whether an individual is an alcohol dependent. Just before jumping into conclusion of treating an individual, the first step in treatment is to recognize whether or not the person is alcohol dependent. In the event that he hasn't lost his control over his usage of alcohol, minimizing his consuming may be the remedy involved. Merely cutting back is definitely inadequate if he's already dependent on alcohol. An alcoholic individual should decide to stop alcohol; it must be his ultimate aim before treatment starts. You will find different ways available on treating alcohol problems. Treatment may cover a thorough treatment, be a residential inpatient stay, outpatient program counseling, all depending on the situations.

Alcohol treatment programs.

Alcohol treatment programs may include the whole process of detoxification in which the person is permitted to free itself from drugs. In this particular period of time, signs and symptoms of withdrawal can also be contained in the treatment. Psychological counselling is also essential. From the psychological aspects of alcohol addiction, groups and also individual counselling along with therapy support recovery. Given that support of loved ones can play a huge role of the process of recovery, an alcoholic individual may benefit from family or couples therapy. You can find 4 oral medications which are licensed by the FDA to take care of alcoholism; Oral naltrexone, Acamprosate, Injectable naltrexone as well as Disulfiram. Research indicates that by adding an approved medication to counselling for treating alcoholism helps treatment results. Ongoing support with aftercare programs and also support groups is a big help for individuals recovering from alcoholism to stop from drinking, manage their own relapses as well as deal with changes in lifestyle which may be required after.

Ongoing support might include medical or perhaps psychological care. Since alcoholism typically comes with other mental health problems, treatment for psychological troubles is also essential. An alcoholic person may want psychological counseling also known as psychotherapy, treatment for anxiety as well as depression and other mental medical conditions.

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Homes With Good AC Units Can Get More Installed

By Johnny Legit

When it comes to heating and air conditioning it's a thing every residence owner ought to be troubled about. Within the winters you need to ensure that your house is appropriately heated and that will keep the heat in. Inside the summer time you need to make sure you've air conditioning to help keep your home cool. In case you don't have heating or air conditioning installed inside your property you may be coping with some genuinely irritating summers and winters.

Before you start searching for a perfect HVAC company there are some factors to think about. You desire a person who's within your price range but in addition, knowledgeable. The very best issue to perform is hire someone a buddy has utilized previously. If your friend is pleased with their service then you are going to probably be content also. You will find a lot of companies and it is possible to get estimates on rates from several before you make your final choice.

As you begin interview HVAC companies you might want to ensure they're insured and licensed with all the state. If they are not, then you need to not employ them. All organizations ought to be protected and licensed to be sure they know the suitable procedures.

Most companies will be in a position to repair, install, and service new air conditioning and heating inside your property. But, a couple of are only able to do service or installation. Ahead of you have them come out for your house to offer you a quote you must make sure they are in a position to full the job you've.

There is a lot to think of whenever you require a heating and air conditioning business, but so long as you understand what to look for you personally really should be ok. There are many expert HVAC organizations inside your area so be sure you only interview the very best ones and usually go with all the one who tends to make you probably the most comfy. They may be a service organization and must constantly put the buyer initial.

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Ketika Suami Ingin Menjadi Istri

Seorang Suami berdoa ingin menjadi istri:

"Oh Tuhan, saya tidak terima. Saya bekerja begitu keras di kantor, sementara istri saya enak-enakan di rumah. Saya ingin memberinya pelajaran, tolonglah ubahlah saya menjadi istri dan ia menjadi suami.

"Tuhan merasa simpati dan mengabulkan doanya. Keesokan paginya, lelaki yang telah berubah wujud menjadi istri tersebut, terbangun dan cepat-cepat ke dapur menyiapkan sarapan.

Kemudian membangunkan kedua anaknya untuk bersiap-siap ke sekolah.

Kemudian ia mengumpulkan dan memasukkan baju-baju kotor ke dalam mesin cuci.

Setelah suami dan anak pertamanya berangkat, ia mengantar anaknya yang kecil ke sekolah taman kanak-kanak. Pulang dari sekolah TK, ia mampir ke pasar untuk belanja. Sesampainya dirumah, setelah menolong anaknya ganti baju, ia menjemur pakaian dan kemudian memasak untuk makan siang.

Selesai memasak, ia mencuci piring-piring bekas makan pagi dan peralatan yang telah dipakai memasak. Begitu anaknya yang pertama pulang, ia makan siang bersama kedua anaknya.

Tiba- tiba ia teringat ini hari terakhir membayar listrik dan telepon. Disuruhnya kedua anaknya untuk tidur siang dan cepat-cepat ia pergi ke bank terdekat untuk membayar tagihan tersebut.

Pulang dari bank ia menyetrika baju sambil nonton televisi. Sore harinya ia menyiram tanaman di halaman, kemudian memandikan anak-anak. Setelah itumembantu mereka belajar dan mengerjakan PR.

Jam sembilan malam ia sangat kelelahan dan tidur terlelap. Tentu masih ada 'pekerjaan- pekerjaan kecil lainnya' yang harus dikerjakan. Dua hari menjalani peran sebagai istri ia tak tahan lagi. Sekali lagi ia berdoa,

"Ya Tuhan, ampuni aku. Ternyata aku salah. Aku tak kuat lagi menjalani peran sebagai istri. Tolong kembalikan aku menjadi suami lagi."

"Tuhan menjawab: "Bisa saja. Tapi kamu harus menunggu sembilan bulan, karena saat ini kamu sedang hamil !!!"

Suami *####++---_)((((!!!

Acquiring Your Wedding Dress on the Web

By Miracle Pan

Beach weddings are actually fun-filled affairs exactly where you can appreciate to the fullest. They're regarded as to be much more informal when in comparison to a church wedding. There are a variety of diverse designs which you can pick for your outfit. You might have the 1 shoulder, strapless style, backless, spaghetti straps, lace dresses and V neck solution using a long train. Beach gowns really should be brief and comfortable to ensure that it is possible to enjoy the whole occasion towards the fullest.

You can find also other dangers to take into consideration if you are swayed into acquiring from one of these 'Too excellent to be true' deals. When purchasing an item on the web from a variety of other nations you must pay Customs Duty and VAT charges when it comes into the country. It really is widespread for the seller to send across the wedding dress and declare it as a 'gift'. By doing so the wedding gown has entered the country illegally as its commercial value has not been officially declared. The bride herself is responsible as an importer for all of the details provided by the seller on the declaration form.

1 argument for couture wedding dresses versus mass-produced ones - particularly those made overseas and created obtainable on-line - is, of course, the selection of materials and workmanship. Although at first glance, these mass-market options may appear the financial option, several brides uncover themselves having to rush the obtain of a second one particular just to ensure a single that is certainly wearable for the huge day. An additional alternative for brides to become will be the off-the-rack gowns available at department stores.

If Customs are able to prove that the value is incorrect then the buyer (i.e. you, the bride!) is liable for the penalty fine, and acquiring a counterfeit good is also illegal. There are lots of obtainable; some of them even versions of couture wedding dresses created by the top rated style designers for the mass marketplace. Even though these are frequently good sufficient for those on a spending budget and who've all the time in the world to scour by way of the racks from the diverse shops for the almost-perfect gown - almost-perfect is the essential word.

With regards to producing your excellent day particular, an integral a part of which is your wedding dress. Your wedding dress ought to totally represent your character. Possibly somewhat elegant, maybe a little sassy, perhaps somewhat daring... all of these emotions and character traits could be tailored into your own special dress. Let's check out the different traits you might prefer to communicate and see what that would appear like within your wedding dress.

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The Place to Earn Wow Gold Easily

By Palmer Ogzewalla

We often call the World of Warcraft as Wow. It is the most popular massively multiplayer online role playing game of all the time. There are about 9 million people has subscribed to this game. It contains two primary servers-the US server and the EU server. There are so many people playing this game that the need of the in game money and items is high.

Fortunately, all the items can be got in the World of Warcraft auction house. It is convenient to get the materials in the auction house. All the players trade the items and potions in the auction house. The auction house can be regarded as an exchange place of the players. All the things can be obtained by World of Warcraft gold within the auction house. Getting gold is an important part of the character. Here I have some instructions for you about how to make gold in Wow.

You can go to the high level expansion areas to farm gold. The easiest way to obtain gold is to farm it. Monsters will drop items as well as useful items. The items get from the monsters should be able to sell in the auction house for a good amount of gold in Wow.

Elemental based creatures are a great resource of gold because they will drop valuable items at decent rates. Gold is essential to the leveling up of a character.Work out make gold easily is to farm high level areas for trade skill reagents.

All the things have been confirmed you can click the "add to cart" button and the check out for your order. Using PayPal to buy the account will be safer than utilizing a credit card directly.

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Value of x ray technician services

By Ardith Howard

Within the last few time frame lots of enhancement and progression has occurred which has permitted these x ray technician services for getting modified and enhanced to a better conventional. The success such an organization that provides all these technician services for x-rays has become incredibly reliant upon the type of client support it is offering.

For increasing the reputation it's essential that the organizations provide better outcomes for their clientele. Also you can find a variety of sorts of such goods and technician solutions for x-rays that are offered within the marketplace and to become able to get appropriate technician solutions for x-rays, the clientele obtaining them ought to ensure that they are in a position to acquire the genuine technician solutions for x-rays from an effective service offering organization. Great technician solutions for x-rays normal is constantly crucial and is valued by the clientele and to be able to use the ideal and most effective technician solutions for x-rays it can be useful that every single client must engage into a method of acquiring info for all these technician services for x-rays.

Many Companies have come up and have started to offer these technician services for x-rays on a very fast rate and this rise has been seen because of the number of need and reputation of all these technician services for x-rays within the marketplace in modern times.

Other points
Commitment of numerous organizations to provide essentially the most suitable and profitable x ray technician services would be the principal cause as a result of which these technician solutions for x-rays have grown to be extremely well known and utilized in the marketplace.

The organizations present excellent x ray technician solutions by a team of specialists who make it confident that the top quality products are being availed to the customers. A organization that gives all such technician solutions for x-rays to the clients must understand and have the understanding in the requires too because the specifications in the clientele. There are different such organizations in this enterprise field and only handful of amongst them are able to generate by far the most suggested superior specifications to their customers. Finding gathered with all suitable information for these technician services for x-rays and these organizations that present it'll help all of the clientele to arrive at to a considerably superior choice in a lot joyful style.

Any of such alternatives even if it would trigger you to pay a higher quantity for all such technician solutions for x-rays will confirm far more useful. Top quality of all these service specifications will determine the money that client would should spend for such a service.
Various characteristics

The organizations for all these x ray technician services regularly come up with various modified capabilities to be able to advantage bigger viewers and hence attaining to the best choice amongst all the various sorts offered becomes vital. Several organizations of such technician solutions for x-rays ensure the use in the web to advertise their technician solutions for x-rays and supply upgrading for these technician services for x-rays. On the web sites might be then applied for accessing the various technician services for x-rays provided and this can assist you to use these x ray technician services at extremely suggested and reasonable costs.

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