Seorang lelaki muda pergi ke dokter dan mengatakan bahwa ia ingin kawin, tapi ia sangat khawatir dengan ukuran alat vitalnya yang begitu kecil. Dokter menyarankan agar dia pergi berlibur ke sebuah peternakan, dan beberapa kali dalam sehari mencelupkan alat vitalnya ke dalam susu serta membiarkannya dijilat sapi.
Demikianlah, beberapa bulan kemudian secara kebetulan lelaki itu bertemu kembali dengan dokternya. "Bagaimana dengan perkawinan anda itu?" tanya dokter.
"Oh, dokter, saya tidak kawin. Tapi sapi itu saya beli."

8 Alasan Mengapa Anak Muda Meninggalkan Gereja

8 Alasan Mengapa Anak Muda Meninggalkan Gereja
"Mengapa anak-anak yang tumbuh di gereja cenderung meninggalkan gereja? Apa yang bisa kita lakukan tentang hal itu? " Pertanyaan ini sering menjadi pergumulan tidak hanya bagi para pelayan yang berkecimpung dalam dunia pelayanan anak muda, atau majelis atau hamba Tuhan.

Ini menjadi pertanyaan juga dari para orang btua yang ingin anaknya tetap ke mgereja atau kembali ke gereja. Seorang blogger di Christian Post Michael Greiner juga bergumul dengan pertanyaan yang sama bertahun-tahun dan dian menemukan beberapa beberapa alasan :

Alasan 1: Mereka pergi kuliah. Ini agak sederhana, lulusan sekolah menengah yang akan lanjut ke universitas otomatis akan berpindah tempat tinggal.

Alasan 2: Mereka tidak mengenal Yesus. Sewaktu kecil mereka mungkin hanya ikut-ikutan ke gereja dan ketika mereka besar iman ini seperti ini mudah luntur.

Alasan 3: Mereka menabur gandum liar mereka. Kita mungkin tidak ingin mengakui hal ini, tetapi anak-anak muda Kristen ingin mencoba gaya hidup duniawi untuk sementara waktu. Jika mereka mengenal Yesus, mereka akhirnya akan jatuh dan terbakar dan Gembala akan membawa mereka kembali.

Alasan 4: Orang tua mereka adalah orang-orang munafik. Anak-anak melihat bahwa tidak ada sukacita yang nyata, tidak ada integritas nyata untuk iman orang tua mereka, sehingga mereka menolak ke gereja. 

Alasan 5: Tradisi Gereja membuatnya bosan. Seorang dewasa muda mungkin menjadi orang Kristen sejati, tetapi merasa bosan sehingga ia mengambil waktu istirahat dari gereja untuk sementara waktu, menunggu sesuatu yang menarik baginya.

Alasan 6: Gereja tidak memiliki keinginan untuk membangkitkan para pemimpin muda atau memperlakukan mereka sebagai orang dewasa. Ini adalah halus, tak terucapkan, tapi nyata. Ketika mereka menambahkan "darah baru," usia minimumnya 45 

Alasan 7: Orangtua anak gagal mengajarkan anak-anak mereka untuk mengatasi kesulitan hidup melalui doa dan penerapan Firman.

Alasan 8: Gereja tidak memperkenalkan anak-anak untuk proses keanggotaan seiring mereka tumbuh menjadi dewasa. Sebaliknya, kita sering beranggapan bahwa mereka adalah anggota karena mereka dibesarkan di gereja.

disadur dr : christian post

Preparing For The Police Examinations? Think Like A Cop

By Randy Jetterson

The vast majority of prospects will fall short on the police exams as a result of overlooking an essential element of being a police officer - thinking just like one! A handful of questions in the examination will focus on issues which will call for a person to have a mindset of a cop.

This mentality consists of three key points which will develop a solid foundation that helps people in making decisions which consequently helps them reply to hard test queries.

Common Sense

Common sense is described as good judgement dependent on the understanding of the scenario or details. In law enforcement you must make use of common sense to gauge various circumstances, collect all the information prior to arriving to a judgment.

For instance, you're conversing with an individual that's involved in an accident, would you speak with them on the highway or move towards the sidewalk? Common sense dictates that you speak with them on the sidewalk because you would like to avoid on coming traffic and another crash.

Officer Priorities

A lot of these items are specified by the department itself, consult with a law enforcement department concerning their officer priorities.

In various circumstances, you will find a necessity to make use of both common sense and officer priorities to make the appropriate decision.

Listed below are the conventional officer priorities based on it's arrangement:

Defending people Looking after public order Maintaining the mandated guidelines Give non-emergency assistance Sustain peace and order Sustaining traffic flow

Quite often law enforcement officers may encounter unique scenarios which has contradicting points that's the reason why officer priorities are published to guide police officers in making the right decision.

Police Hierarchy

Police hierarchy is set up to guide the government bodies to determine what strategy to take into consideration in a situation.

This is an example of a police hierarchy:

Safeguard life Follow orders Defending property Keeping designated duties

For instance, your police chief asks you to look after an area, afterwards you see someone being run over by a car which is beyond your vicinity, just by implementing the police hierarchy system you're justified to help the person who could possibly be seriously injured because the number one concern in the police hierarchy list is to protect life.

Here are some strategies to apply these three key principles in answering situational issues.

Analyze very carefully and also have an awareness of the situation and ask yourself "Is there a danger to one's life that needs to be handled?" Do not assume or jump to judgment but instead continually examine the situation and get hold of all the information needed. One's judgement must be primarily based on facts gathered, sound judgment, police hierarchy and focal points. Before you move on to the next issue, examine and see if you could have applied the three key principles in responding. Believe in your hunch.

Through the use of these three key points, it will help you respond to questions that call for you to make use of proper judgement, learn to think just like a cop and you will be like one.

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Waves of Business Etiquette Training Workshop

By Chloe Gib

The world of commerce today has moved beyond transactions and now entails your persona as well. Organizations now require business etiquette training for their personnel in order to maintain the corporate image. This program helps staff to cope with pressure at work, handle situations competently and create an impact in the market.

It is essential to learn the details of a trade but nowadays the persona of the staff affects the industry too. These features resolve your triumph or disappointment in making deals. Your manner of dressing, how you speak or nourish yourself has a great influence on your industry. Therefore, there is an accepted way in which the staff is supposed to behave at different circumstances.

Most companies have different dressing mannerisms. This means that what is admissible in one firm may not be acceptable in another. Nevertheless, the personnel are required to be clean regardless of the dressing code adopted. Where formal dressing is necessary it is well to practice personal grooming. These factors are essential when it comes to evaluations and upgrading of personnel.

Many companies require their staff to deliver timely service to their clients. It is true that firms work on tight schedules to meet deadlines. However, to expand business and create more clients the personnel of the company need to be punctual. This helps to improve the reputation of the enterprise in the corporate world and maximize profits.

Many companies are now undertaking effective business communications training for their staff. It is obvious that the language used in communication hurts people involuntarily. The way you communicate with your colleagues, boss or customers shows your persona. The best way to win clients is by use of proper language. This is the best way to gain trade and open relations with individuals.

To inculcate respectful and courteous personality qualities in the world of commerce many resort to corporate consultant. Build a cordial relation and interact with people. Greet them and let them talk about their families. However, you need to be diplomatic where necessary and impartial when making decisions. When the staff cultivates these aspects, they become a force to reckon with in the commercial world.

Numerous individuals have learned that outstanding character can open the gates of success quite easily as much as education. This means that to sway and win people you must learn how to behave cordially. Character building takes time and a persistent will to lead a refined life. In this regard, business etiquette training specifically lets you have a way with the people in a great way.

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Ini dia Ciri-ciri Seseorang Saat Sedang Berbohong

Ini dia Ciri-ciri Seseorang Saat Sedang Berbohong

Ada beberapa indikasi yang bisa memberi petunjuk apakah seseorang berbohong atau tidak. Berikut cara mengetahui orang yang berbohong :

1. Menyentuh Wajah
Hal yang paling umum saat seseorang berbohong adalah dengan menyentuh wajah mereka. Terutama dua bagian yaitu mata dan hidung. Saat seseorang berbicara dengan menggosok-gosok matanya. Percayalah dia ingin menghindari kontak mata dengan anda. Dan 100% yakinlah bahwa dia sedang berbohong. Kecuali jika memang ruangan penuh debu, bisa jadi mata orang itu memang kemasukan debu.

2. Perubahan suara dan Menjawab terlalu berhati-hati

Ciri-ciri pembohong bisa di dengar dari nada bicaranya, jika sedang meninggi, artinya sebuah dusta sedang diceritakan.Selain itu lihat juga suaranya yang tegang dan jeda antar kalimat berlangsung lama. Itu sudah pasti deh pembohong Hal-hal diatas selain karena tegang mereka juga mengulur-ngulur waktu untuk menyusun jawaban yang rasional. Sehigga selalu menjawab pertanyaan dengan berhati-hati.

3. Menggaruk-garuk
Cara paling gampang mendeteksi kebohongan adalah melalui gerakan tangan. Kebanyakan pembohong tidak banyak menggerakkan tangan saat mereka melakukan aksinya. Tapi ada satu yang sering mereka lakukan yaitu menggaruk. Biasanya lima kali saling susul mereka menggaru-garuk tubuhnya.

4. Gerakan Kaki
PERHATIKANLAH! saat seseorang yang sedang berdiri, lihatlah saat kaki mereka muali mengetuk ke tanah. Sudah pasti mereka sedang menjadi pembohong. Saat Pembohong sedang duduk, Maka kemungkinan besar dia akan mengayun-ayunkan kaki mereka.

5. Senyum Terpaksa

Andaikata teman anda menyeringai maka itu adalah senyum palsu dan menunjukkan sebuah kebohongan. Karena senyum yang sebenarnya saat sebuah senyum merebak ke seluruh wajah dan mengeriputkan mata. Biasanya hal-hal diatas digunakan oleh pengetes wawancara kerja apakah pelamar pekerjaan sedang berbohong ataukah sedang jujur. Atau anda dapat menggunakannya untuk membongkar cara menipu paranormal gadungan.

6. Intonasi
Seorang yang sering berbohong biasanya akan meninggikan suara saat sedang menceritakan kebohongan. Bisa juga mendeteksi apakah seseorang berbohong melalui bahasa tubuh walaupun tidak semuanya benar. Biasanya, orang yang berbohong akan melindungi tubuhnya karena tidak ingin orang lain mengetahui hal yang ada dalam pikirannya.

7. Ucapan

Studi menunjukkan orang yang berbohong mengubah cara mereka berbicara dan pilihan kata-kata mereka. Para pembohong biasanya menggunakan kata-kata yang sulit dimengerti. Mereka jarang menggunakan kata ganti orang pertama dan lebih banyak menggunakan kata ganti orang ketiga. Sebuah studi pada 2003 oleh peneliti di Universitas Texas menyimpulkan selain mengurangi kalimat orang pertama (Saya, Aku), mereka juga menggunakan kata-kata yang berefek negatif.

Foto-foto Kelembutan dibalik Keras dan Tegasnya Tentara

Foto-foto Kelembutan dibalik Keras dan Tegasnya Tentara
Dalam benak setiap orang pasti tentara adalah sosok yang tegas, erat dengan disiplin dan keras, namun dibalik hal itu tentara juga memiliki sisi yang lembut yang jauh dari kesan keras, Jauh dibalik seragam tentara yang mereka kenakan mereka mempunyai hati yang sangat lembut, mari kita lihat foto-fotonya :

Valuable Instructions For Personal Development In Your Life

By Brian Charles

It is often heard that going down the journey of self help can be quite a tedious process, but that is the scenario only when you don't have the proper information to guide you on the quest. This article will provide you with the information that you need to get started on your journey.

When you have a plan to do something you should have it drawn out and stick to your plan. Changing plans too often creates too much havoc and half done things. Follow through with the things that you set out to do and do not put too much on your plate at once.

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Make a personal sacrifice to help someone else out. It's not always easy to do, but it will help you become, and feel, an even more valuable individual than you already are.

Slow down and enjoy your life. You may feel that it's necessary to live a fast-paced or frantic lifestyle in order to get the things that you want, but you should routinely pause and appreciate the little things and the gifts that you've been given. These are the things that make everyday trials and toiling worth the time.

Take some time to review your goals and priorities in your life. Figure out what really matters to you, and finds the time to do the things that give you the most meaning. You want to make sure that you live the rest of your life with a meaning and a purpose. This will make it easier for you if you do start to get really sick and need to pass on.

Taking a yoga class or purchasing a yoga video can be a terrific way to boost your personal development. This ancient exercise includes strengthening, stretching, and a cardiovascular workout to make it an all around wonderful form. Additionally, you will gain mental clarity and focus while practicing yoga. Try yoga today.

When it comes to personal development make sure that you are able to overcome the desires that you may be faced with every day. This is important so that you treat your body well and are able to lead a healthy life. Never over eat, over drink, or engage in appeasing any other unhealthy desires.

Getting out of your comfort zone will help you to grow as a person. Learn new things and develop new skills. It can be exciting, and give a whole new meaning to life. Also, use the things you learned from the past to make new experiences matter. By adding new elements to your life, you can add more depth and excitement.

Before you even try to improve the way you view yourself, it is crucial that you remember that no one is perfect. One of the reasons that people feel down about themselves is because they feel like no matter what they do, they cannot achieve perfection. Instead, focus on improving realistic qualities.

Exercising is a wonderful way to work on personal development. Not only will it make you look good, it will give you time to focus on improving yourself, and you will feel more confident as well as be able to work on patience. You won't notice changes overnight, it is something that you have to stick with for the long haul.

If you suffer from anxiety or nervousness and want to try to calm yourself, make sure you are getting enough protein. Most foods that have protein in them can help calm your nerves and set you at ease. Try foods like salmon, white fish, and turkey because they are good choices.

When it comes to personal development be sure to attempt to join all of the aspects of yourself into one. This is important so that you do not have a conflict within yourself by trying to be either too physically strong or too mentally powerful. If you are able to use these powers equally then you will be stronger overall.

You must be willing to see your goals through and attempt even the daily things that you find the hardest to do. Everyone looks at their "to do list" and starts with the easy stuff. Begin with the harder tasks of the day, and you will find yourself growing immensely from this experience.

Stay motivated and stress free with exercise. Exercise is a great stress reliever but most people have a hard time getting into a groove with it. Work in small steps daily to build up a daily routine. Have a friend that exercises with you and keeps you motivated, to help you to continue.

As stated previously in the article, the path of self help can be very difficult if you do not know what you are getting yourself into. This article has provided you with the essential steps to becoming a master of self help. It is now up to you to use these tips to achieve greatness.

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Seandainya Hewan Update Status di Facebook/Blackberry atau Twitter

Seandainya Hewan Update Status di Facebook/Blackberry atau Twitter
Kalo binatang punya akun facebook or  kira2 statusnya kaya gini kali yaaa......

 Anjing pudel : Nunggu di jemput majikan, mo ke salon neeh...;;) =-?

Bebek : Berendam dalam lumpur, kwk kwk kwk...;)

Kecoa : Baru aja slamet dari injekan maut...#:-s =-?

Kerbau : Nyari bini dulu@kumpulkebo!!>:O

Kucing : Anak gw yang ke7 barusan nanya sapa bapaknya, gw bingung mau jawab apa, gw sendiri lupa bapaknya siapa...:s :D 

Nyamuk : Gw positif HIV AIDS, gara2 salah isep, hiks..X_X 

Ayam : Teman2 klo besok gw ga update, berarti gw digoreng, luv u all..:'(

CumiCumi : Abis isi ulang tinta neeh...B)

Babi : Gw difitnah nyebarin flu, sialan...>=) =-?

Tikus : Hmpf, gue masuk DPT (daftar pencarian tikus), sialan!

Kodok : Galau! ada rumor resto swikee mau dibuka deket sini D =-?

Komodo : Galau juga! Udah menang kontes sedunia tapi nasib masih nggak berubah! @Nasibku

Singa : Please, jangan dipanggil raja hutan lagi@Taman Safari

Monyet: Pengen makan pisang import, bosen ah pisang lokal ;)

Laba-laba: Udah liat Film terbaruku belum?@spiderman;)

Kelelawar komen status laba-laba: Emang cuman lu doang? Gue dong...@batman ;)

Kelabang komen status laba-laba ma kelelawar : Najis, kalian tuh cuma jadi logo doang, bangga! Gue dong jd pemeran utama di Kelabang Seribu :)

Kelelawar komen status Kelabang: Apaan, film jadul!

Kelabang : Yg penting kan produk asli Indonesia@Cintailah produk Indonesia 

Kambing : Jangan keluar rumah friends, bentar lg idul adha...:| 

Babi komen status Kambing: untung gw haram#:-s. 

Kambing bales komen: abis idul adha khan Natal bro, lo lupa?>=) =))...=))...αKαKαKα...=)).

Carpet Cleaners Oviedo Fl Explains The Business

By Ralph Sooner

Is My Carpet Worth Fixing

How many times per year you should repair your carpet is determined by you. You come across instances consisting of burns, crushing, fading, furniture, bleeding, sprouting, and carpet beetles where you will want to take action. Many times, you must finish a repair job without needing a professional, although there will just be occasions when you'll be needing professional assistance.

Burns occur where a cigarette butt or flame makes contact with your carpet. In the event the burn is small, the burnt fibers of the existing carpet typically are cut out with scissors. In the event the burn is huge, you should cover the area with a new section of carpet. This can be carried out yourself only if you know how, or have a company do this.

Who Should I Let Clean My Carpet

Choosing a great carpet cleaner is easier said than done. There are a lot of carpet cleaning companies all around, each of them claiming to be the most brilliant. With every one claiming to be the most fantastic, it may be very hard deciding which type is the greatest for you. If follow the ideas below, you will have no problems finding your ultimate carpet cleaner.

Most importantly, make sure you realize what your choices are in cleaning methods and you must also know what type is considered the one you will want to settle on, because there are several out there to choose between. A dry extraction method of cleaning can use an ingredient which contains detergents what will free stains and dirt which is able to then permit them to become vacuumed up.

Is Tile Best For Me

Anytime it involves your floors, you should not limit yourself to just carpet, but view the newer carpet tiles as an alternative. Carpet tiles are sold lot of designs as well as a nice choice of materials also.

Each time you venture out to select carpet tiles, you really need to mull over where you might intend to put them to use. The tiles will vary in density and also thickness. Carpet tiles that have thickness tend to have a cushion to make certain that it's soft upon the surface, which means they are excellent for homes. They will in addition have a level of thermal insulation as well. The thinner varieties of tiles are the one's for offices, gyms, or other huge walking areas. All carpet tiles really easy to maintain and can last forever.


If you happen to select carpet, you have to ponder much more also. With much more than100 thousands styles being launched every year, selecting the right carpet to connect with your design ideas is most certainly hard task indeed.

Carpet will come in many different textures, constructions, colors, and designs - which can open your mind to just about any interior design that you can picture. The combination of texture and color will complement the style of both formal and casual environments, while assisting to bring continuity on the overall room designs.

What's important to contemplate while you buy carpet is clearly the overall amount of traffic that will be on the carpet that is going to be installed. The construction and also the texture are considered key aspects when we decide on a carpet for a chosen area.

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How To Fight A DUI

By Dale Simmons

It's late and you want to sleep in your own bed. You think you are not too drunk to drive and get behind the wheel. Suddenly you're being pulled over and questioned by a man in uniform. He asks you to step out of the car, flashes lights in your eyes and instructs you in roadside testing. Now you're handcuffed, been read your rights and are on the way to the police station really wishing you had taken a taxi or asked a friend for a ride.

You have the right to an attorney? Of course but it's that expensive? Do I need a lawyer to handle my DUI case or isn't this going to cost me enough as it is? There are many questions that may arise at such an event and money is a big one. You soon realize that DUI laws are complicated, state-specific and ever-changing. It can be daunting to understand the legal terminology itself much less be proficient at interpreting it. Whats more, an attorney may help you beat or reduce the charge itself. Without a lawyer that is extremely unlikely.

You need a qualified DWI attorney in your state to understand the most effective ways to represent you. Fortunately your state has attorneys capable of handling any case in DUI law. So should you hire a lawyer for your DWI legal problems? The answer is that you can't afford not to! There are methods used in each municipality a lawyer will use to have your problems dismissed or reduced. Of course they also know the other lawyers and judges working your case, and that can be a huge asset for you.

Every state now has strict DUI penalties in place to prevent people from drinking and driving. How does jail time, probation, community service or having your vehicle impounded sound? What about losing your job or facing fines and court fees in excess of $6,000? Even for a first DUI conviction, you could lose your driver's license, have insurance coverage problems, have an ignition interlock device installed in your car or be assigned to take alcohol education classes at your expense. "A DUI conviction can also mean restricted interstate and international travel," warns Carl Dunn, a Newark DUI Attorney. What if you could avoid all or most of these penalties? This is why you need to find an experienced DUI lawyer!

Across the United States driving while under the influence is illegal. Police will test your blood, urine or breath and measure your blood alcohol content (BAC). All states also have implied consent meaning you have given permission to be tested when you obtained your drivers license. If you refuse testing you will be found guilty and can often face even stricter punishment. A skilled DWI attorney can check all aspects of your DUI case including the machines and methods used to obtain your BAC. If the methods used or the machines used are in question, your test results may not be admissible in court.

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