Film Anime Penyaliban Yesus "My Last Day"

Film Anime Penyaliban Yesus "My Last Day"
Berawal dari keinginan untuk membuat anime tentang kisah Yesus, akhirnya film ini diwujudkan oleh mantan animator Disney, Barry Cooke dan The Jesus Film Project berkolaborasi dengan studio anime Jepang Studio 4C (株式会社スタジオよんどしい Kabushiki-Gaisha Sutajio Yondo Shii, mereka yang menciptakan Animatrix, Tekkon Kinkreet and Gotham Knight. Kisah nya berfokus pada hari terakhir Yesus di mana Yesus mengalami pengkhianatan dan harus menjalani penyaliban-Nya.

Dirilis April 2011, film ini bisa menjadi salah satu film alternatif dalam menyambut Jumat Agung tahun ini.

Untuk mendownload film ini, disini

Five Different Kinds of Wood Storage Sheds

By Zeta C Donairee

Different kinds of wood sheds include lean-to shed, gable shed, hip shed, saltbox shed, and also gambrel shed.

When a family increases bigger and more home items are purchased over time, it is just expected that your home will get more congested. This is where wood storage sheds come in to store all those other home items instead of keeping them inside your house all the time. As a result, you will get more room inside your house for you and your loved ones to move around.

Lean-to shed

A lean-to shed, as what its name indicates, is a shed which attaches or leans itself to the garage, the side of the property, or any current structure for assistance rather than developed as a separate structure. This wood shed is pretty easy to build, and it's used to store items which only need minimal defense from ecological elements, such as firewood, farming tools, and building supplies. Many lean-to wood sheds are open-ended. Nonetheless, there are a few storage sheds of this kind in which a door is mounted on one end, making the shed fully enclosed. One section of a lean-to wood shed is usually the active external wall of another building, like a house, while the remaining shed's sides is open to allow quick accessibility of the materials stored in the shed. This particular shed also has a sloping roof structure, in which the higher part starts from the side where the shed connects to the other building, and the lower part is on the reverse wall.

Gable shed

Gable sheds are one of the simplest wood sheds to create. The shed features a roof which appears like a triangle when viewed from two of its sides. The roofing is made of 2 halves attached together on a raised center, so making two sloping sides. These sloping sides are particularly valuable with regards to draining water from the roof structure.

Hip shed

A hip shed appears like a gable shed; nonetheless, instead of just 2 sloping planes of the roof, there are 4. These four sloping planes help make the hip shed look like a pyramid sitting on top of a structure.

Saltbox shed

A saltbox shed is also similar to a gable shed in which the two halves of the roofing are attached to each other on a raised center. The main difference with this specific shed in comparison to that of the gable shed is that one side of the roof, the front side, is smaller and steeper compared to other side. The back part of the roof is longer and positioned in a more sloping way. Because the front part of the shed is intended to have two stories and the back part gives just one, this particular shed is more challenging to build compared to the other types.

Gambrel shed

The gambrel shed is yet another customized edition of the vintage gable shed. In a gambrel shed, the roofing is pitched similar to that of a gable shed; nonetheless, instead of 2 sloping planes on the roof, there is another expanded plane on both sides. Therefore, when watched from the side, the roofing would show up like half of an octagon. This particular shed is more tough to create compared to gable shed, but it can provide more storage and also headspace.

Because building a shed can cost quite an amount of money, you need to determine your needs well and base your storage shed on those needs.

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The Benefits Of An Undercounter Refrigerator

By Anne Palmer

Over the last few years, the compact fridge has become a very important part of any household. Below, see the many uses of the undercounter refrigerator and how it could be helpful in your own home, providing simple convenience like nothing else.

Certainly, those of us are already equipped with the large kitchen appliance. In a small household, they usually suffice, providing enough room to house all our foods and drinks. However, some homes with larger families simply need more than just a full-size fridge to be able to store all their foods and drinks.

This is where the smaller appliance plays an important role. For one thing, it picks up minimal space even in the kitchen. This can add valuable cooling space for foods, snacks, and a variety of beverages, including wine. If it is specifically meant for wine, then one specifically designed for this beverage is the ultimate solution.

Although many people will stop there, there are consumers who have taken it a step further. Consider the amount of times you may have to run up and down the stairs in your multilevel home just to get something from the fridge. Now, just imagine how convenient this small appliance can be when placed on that other level. In the home office, it is second to none, allowing you to continue your work without having to stop. It's great in the playroom as well.

In the bedroom, it can take the place of the night table. In fact, it can serve as one, neatly tucked underneath some nice as shelving. This eliminates the need to get to the main floor where your kitchen is, allowing you to reach for some water or smack in the middle of the night. Also, imagine how helpful it would be to any new mother who has to feed an instant in the middle of the night.

Of course, for any bar in the home, and undercounter refrigerator is a must-have. It makes entertaining that much simpler and more convenient. It also is a great addition to any outdoor kitchen. Not only does it serve guests, but it also avoids people from trekking in and out of the home, keeping it cleaner.

One thing is for sure, this small appliance is an affordable one. Certainly, there are different models available on the market, and it is best to choose one that is perfect for your needs. Also, try to find the one that, although may cost more at the point of purchase, will cost less to operate. Choosing energy smart appliances is the right way to go.

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What's A Heart Murmur

By Harriet Camps

We describe a heart murmur as a nonstop sound which you can hear having a typical stethoscope used by doctors. Heart murmur is created when blood passes through particular areas from the heart. The heart has 4 chambers. They are the two main atria's and also the two main ventricles that are separated by a particular kind of membrane. This membrane separates every from the chambers carefully.

This membrane separates each of the chambers meticulously. Heart murmur can trigger heart valve disease which happens when a valve doesn't work properly. If a specific valve doesn't open all the way, then there's less blood moving through the smaller opening. If a valve doesn't close forcefully, then the blood may escape from the back. These issues can trigger the heart to work additional difficult to literally pump exactly the same amount of blood. Or in worst case scenario the blood may back up in the lungs or body because it is not moving capably through the heart.

When we've issue using the valve where the valve doesn't open totally, we've known as this issue Stenosis. When it doesn't close totally or properly we've known as this issue Insufficiency or Regurgitation. There are some risk elements for heart murmurs. Some heart diseases are present in the time of birth, but takes a great deal of time to develop particular symptoms.

For example, an aortic valve is supposed to have 3 kinds of heart openings that come naturally but some people are born with a valve that has only two openings. So what occurs is over time as development occurs, a two opening valve may be much more at risk to calcification and contraction of the valve. So overall symptoms of these sorts are generally seen later in life of an individual.

Some kinds of valve diseases truly come from bacterial infection. Some comes from previous pain fever with heart valve redness because of a rapid movement of the heart muscle. With present day screening process for catching these infections and the fitting use of antibiotics medication, the risk factor from this complication has decreased considerably.

Learn more: What is a heart murmur?

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Different Style And Popular Combat Boots

By David Chaney

It is recommended that boots as well as footwear require to be chosen very carefully according to the climate as well as needs of the occasion. For that reason, when it amounts to taking in the best footwear that look rough as well as tough as well as can certainly beat the most severe conditions, shoes chosen by the armed forces are the greatest option. Nonetheless style as well as fashion turns rapidly with a good pair of shoes. So it may be a bit tough to choose between all of the assortments of boots as well as shoes available which make a guy look tough on the equivalent time classy. So what are going to be the choices which one possesses? Air force boots, army boots,, uniform shoes, and so on some of the apparent shoes available these days.

Let us know some of the famous official shoes of the world:

* Air force boots: these shoes are actually thought of one of the leading buys when it adds up to having a shoe produced from extremely good craftsmanship as well as high quality material. Typically worn by air force officers, the defensive foam impact make as well as design have made them well-liked by the people too, that wear them throughout heavy duty wear. The most well-liked are the sage green military shoes however there is a entire array of water proof stud shoes that grant the wearer a sense of importance as well as style. It's possible to buy these online as well for a huge discount as well as even select from a whole range of several styles as well as produce.

* Army boots: these boots are as well known as combat boots mainly because they were initial introduced in the World War 2. They were actually first a much revised version of service footwear. A common army boot might have the make with an extended, almost rough out cuff or even a somewhat soft leather great top cuff. The aforementioned cuff might be closed by using two identical buckles. The beginning of military boots nearly alternated the existing service shoes as well as the accompanied leggings which were actually put on by the earlier soldiers. The without a doubt provided a more convenient as well as practical choice in combats as well as in war battle fields.

* Uniform shoes: uniform shoes here refer to the ones worn by gentlemans in uniform? the law enforcement as well as additional armed forces. As the work of a individual in uniform is always erratic as well as one requiring endurance, equivalent is actually the case with uniform shoes. They are actually rough as well as tough as well as long lasting to the level of making it through genuinely rough terrains as well as weathers. Made from leather as well as soft cushioned with top sider cotton, the uniform shoes discover favor with hard primary trekkers as well as experience lovers as well.

It must be seen that present day as well as boots designed for the military are actually light weight as well as simple to place on unlike the box shoes manufactured back in the 1800's. The sorts of shoes provided these days may be doubled up as desert boots, tactical sport boots, as well as water-resistant Para trooper side zip boots. As a result go take in your pair of manufacturer new boots today as well as flaunt them in all attitude as well as style!

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Komputer super Kecil Berukuran 1 (satu) milimeter kubik.

Komputer super Kecil Berukuran 1 (satu) milimeter kubik.

Belum lama ini, situs Techreview mengupas sebuah sensor komputer nirkabel yang ukurannya hanya satu milimeter kubik. Alat supermini ini berfungsi sebagai sebuah implan yang dipasang di mata seorang penderita penyakit glukoma.

Kendati ukurannya yang sangat kecil, perangkat elektronik ini sudah menggabungkan berbagai jenis piranti keras, meliputi sebuah prosesor, memori, sensor tekanan, sel surya, film tipis baterai lithium, serta sebuah transmitter. Alat besutan para ilmuwan dari University of Michigan itu berguna untuk membaca tekanan pada mata penderita glukoma selama 24 jam, dan mentransmisikan data tersebut kepada dokter yang menangani pasien tersebut.

Pembacaan tekanan oleh sensor diambil setiap 15 menit sekali, dan perangkat itu akan menyimpannya ke dalam memori, sebelum alat itu kemudian mengunggahnya ke perangkat eksternal. Sel surya alat ini ukurannya hanya 0,007 milimeter persegi secara konstan menyuplai baterai.

Sel surya ini harus disinari matahari sekitar 1,5 jam atau setidaknya terkena cahaya luar ruangan selama 10 jam. Menurut insinyur dari University of Michigan, Dennis Sylvester, tantangan utama dari alat ini bukanlah ukuran rangkaian listrik yang sangat kecil, melainkan kecilnya tenaga listrik yang mampu disuplai oleh baterai. Semua komponen didesain untuk memakai tenaga listrik sesedikit mungkin.

Oleh karena itu, para ilmuwan membuat alat ini dengan teknologi pemrosesan 180 nanometer, bukan 32 nanometer. Sebab, semakin kecil rangkaian listrik, akan semakin banyak kebocorannya. Sementara, sel memori juga didesain untuk bekerja pada tegangan 400 milivolt, bukan 1 volt.

Sensor tekanan hanya mengonsumsi rata-rata 5,3 nanowatt. Prosesor bekerja pada 100 kilohertz (KHz) bukan 1 GHz seperti pada kebanyakan ponsel. Dan memori yang ada memiliki daya tampung 4 kilobit. Dengan kapasitas yang kecil, perangkat transmitter nirkabel bertugas untuk mengirimkan data dari memori secara nirkabel ke sebuah tempat penyimpanan lebih besar yang jaraknya 10 cm dari letak alat implan ini.

Sensor kecil seperti ini tentu saja juga bisa dibuat untuk berbagai keperluan pengawasan biomedis lain, seperti menelusuri perkembangan tumor, mengawasi perkembangan polutan di lingkungan tertentu, atau menyediakan sistem pengamatan untuk tujuan keamanan.

Wanita Indonesia Nenek Moyang Penduduk Madagaskar

Wanita Indonesia Nenek Moyang Penduduk Madagaskar
JS. Paris (AFP/ANTARA) - Beberapa perempuan Indonesia menjadi pendiri dari koloni Madagaskar 1.200 tahun yang lalu, ujar para peneliti pada Rabu akan salah satu episode aneh dalam sejarah pengembaraan manusia.

Antropolog banyak yang terpesona dengan Madagaskar, karena pulau itu jauh dari sejarah penaklukan manusia di planet ini selama ribuan tahun.

Pulau itu kemudian menjadi tempat tinggal bagi penduduk asli Afrika serta orang Indonesia, yang terletak 8.000 kilometer dari Madagaskar.

Sebuah tim yang dipimpin oleh ahli biologi molekuler Murray Cox dari Massey University, Selandia Baru, meneliti DNA penduduk Madagaskar demi mencari petunjuk atas penjelasan teka-teki imigrasi tersebut.

Mereka mencari ciri-ciri yang diturunkan kromosom melalui garis ibu, dengan contoh DNA yang diambil dari 266 orang yang berasal dari tiga kelompok etnis Malagasi.

Dua puluh dua persen dari DNA itu memiliki variasi dari "motif Polinesia," karakteristik gen yang ditemukan di penduduk Polinesia, tapi sangat jarang ada di bagian barat Indonesia. Di salah satu kelompok entis Malagasi, satu dari dua orang memiliki karakteristik ini.

Jika hasil itu benar, maka sekitar 30 perempuan Indonesia menjadi pendiri dari populasi Malagasi "dengan kontribusi yang lebih kecil, tapi sama pentingnya, dengan yang berasal dari Afrika," ujarnya.

Penelitian itu berfokus kepada DNA mitokondria, yang diturunkan melalui ibu, jadi masih ada kemungkinan ada beberapa pria Indonesia yang tiba bersamaan dengan para wanita pertama itu.

Simulasi komputer menunjukan kalau pemukiman dimulai sekitar 830 AD, saat Indonesia sedang mengembangkan jalur perdagangan di bawah kekuasaan Kerajaan Sriwijaya di Sumatra.

Penelitian itu juga menunjukan kontribusi lain dari Asia Tenggara.

Secara linguistik, penduduk Madagaskar berbicara dengan dialek yang bila ditelurusi berasal dari Indonesia.

Kebanyakan leksikon, daftar istilah sesuai abjad, berasal dari bahasa Maanyan, bahasa yang digunakan di daerah lembah Sungai Barito di tenggara Kalimantan -- daerah pedalaman yang terpencil -- dengan beberapa tambahan dari bahasa Jawa, Melayu atau Sansekerta.

Bukti lain dari kependudukan Indonesia itu datang dari penemuan perahu cadik, peralatan besi, alat musik seperti gambang dan "kebudayaan makanan-makanan tropis" seperti budidaya nasi, pisang, ubi jalar dan talas yang dibawa dari seberang lautan.

"Madagaskar mulai ditempati sekitar 1.200 tahun lalu, terutama oleh sekelompok kecil perempuan Indonesia, dan kontribusi Indonesia -- seperti bahasa, budaya dan gen -- terus berlanjut mendomniasi Madagaskar sampai saat ini," ujar laporan tersebut.

Bagaimana cara 30 wanita itu menyebrangi Samudra Hindia untuk sampai ke Madagaskar masih menjadi misteri.

Salah satu teori menyebutkan kalau mereka datang dengan kapal pedagang, meski belum ditemukan bukti kalau wanita ikut dalam pelayaran panjang di kapal pedagang Indonesia.

Teori lain menyebutkan kalau Madagaskar dimulai dari koloni pedagang resmi, atau mungkin menjadi pusat pelarian pengungsi yang kehilangan tanah dan kekuatan di masa ekpansi wilayah kekuasaan Kerajaan Sriwijaya.

Tapi hipotesa ketiga -- dan yang paling berani -- menyebutkan kalau para wanita tersebut berada di kapal itu karena melakukan pelayaran antar samudra secara kebetulan. Pemikiran itu didukung oleh simulasi pelayaran menggunakan indikasi arus laut dan pola cuaca musim monsun, ujar tim Cox.

Memang, di Perang Dunia II, bangkai kapal yang dibom di dekat Sumatra dan Jawa terdampar di Madagaskar, bahkan dalam satu kasus, ada seorang penumpang selamat dalam sekoci penyelamat.

Penelitian itu dipublikasikan oleh jurnal Inggris, Proceedings of the Royal Society B. (pt/ml)

Kenali Tipe-tipe Mantan Pacar

Kenali Tipe-tipe Mantan Pacar

Perjalanan mencari cinta adalah sebuah perjalanan yang panjang dan berliku. Memang ada beberapa orang beruntung bisa sampai di tujuan dengan cepat dan selamat. Namun kebanyakan dari kita harus berulang kali mengalami kandas ditengah jalan, dimana kita harus memulai lagi dari awal dan berharap perjalanan kali ini akan berhasil.

Dari situlah timbul apa yang sering disebut orang mantan pacar. Tapi jangan berkecil hati. Setiap perjalanan yang kandas itu mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi cerita yang unik dan menarik untuk diceritakan pada anak cucu nanti. Berikut ini adalah tipe – tipe mantan pacar yang bisa kamu temui selama hidup kamu.

1. Mantan-Mantanan

Atau sering disebut orang cinta monyet
Dulu dia pacar kamu pas SD. Pacarannya cuma 2 minggu, kerjaannya cuma ke kantin bareng sama teleponan sore-sore. Putusnya gara-gara dia dimarahin sama orang tuanya, katanya belom boleh pacaran karena kamu masih kecil. Cintanya cinta monyet. Yang kayak gini terserah sih mau diitung apa nggak.

2. Mantan yang Gak Dianggep
Dulu dia sebenernya gak sayang sama kamu, cuma mau manfaatin dan makanin duit kamu aja atau paling sedihnya sih kamu cuma pelarian doang. Dia masih sayang sama mantannya gitu. Terus udah gitu, dia selingkuh sama temen kamu yang lebih ganteng dan lebih tajir daripada kamu (atau mungkin balikan sama mantannya). Saking brengseknya dia, kamu gak mengakui kalo dia pernah jadi bagian dari hidup kamu (atau lebih sedihnya sih dia yang gak ngakuin kamu. Hix…)

3. Mantan Baik hati
Ini yang ideal. Putusnya baik-baik, dan kamu berdua bersikap dewasa kalo hubungan kamu gak bakal berhasil. Kamu masih tetep contact sama dia dan kadang-kadang masih suka cerita-cerita dan bahkan pergi berdua. Dan gak pake awkward segala, soalnya kamu berdua udah nerima kalo emang lebih baik jadi teman aja.

4. Mantan Baik…. Tapi Ada Maunya
Yang ini biasanya mirip sama yang diatas, masih suka ngehubungin kamu, suka ngajak ketemu, masih ngebaik-baikin kamu.. Tapi biasanya ada maunya. Kalo yang cewe biasanya mau kamu jadi supirnya, atau dia mau duit kamu. Kalo cowo, biasanya sih dia pengen “jatah mantan.” Eh ? Kamu gak tau jatah mantan itu apa ? Berarti kamu masih kecil. Sana nonton Teletubbies aja, jangan mainin komputer papah ya dek..

5. Mantan yang Masih Sayang Sama Kamu
Dan sebenernya kamu juga masih sayang sama dia. Suatu hari, kamu dan dia gak sengaja ketemu di pantai pas matahari mau terbenam. Mata kalian bertemu. Getaran itu terasa lagi. Kalian pun sadar bahwa kalian masih saling menyayangi. Dan kalian pun segera berlari slow motion, menuju satu sama lain, diiringi dengan lagu John Mayer – Back To You.

Congratulations! You're Getting Married!

By Dave Lashier

Now that you have shared your happy news with family and friends the fun really starts. It's time to actually start planning your wedding; wedding reception ideas, bridal bouquets, wedding favor ideas and dress ideas will be swimming around in that little loved-up head of yours!

Take a deep breath and relax because the BIG question you're already asking yourself is... "Where do I start?"

Well, the only way to successfully plan your perfect wedding is to start with your wedding reception ideas. Treat yourself to a few bridal magazines [you've always wanted to buy one and now you can with that rock on your finger. Start looking around in haberdashery departments and put together a collection of the materials, styles and colors that appeal to you. These will provide the essential ingredients for your wedding reception ideas board or scrapbook or however you choose to present them.

Your ideas can then spiral off in a multitude of different directions as you start to consider wedding themes, wedding favor ideas, color themes and style themes, etc. It is truly essential to set the tone of your wedding first and then everything else falls in to place. For example, if your bridal gown shop knows you are going for a traditional "ivory and gold" theme, she can then advise you on gowns to suit this theme. In addition, you can then advise your wedding favor supplier that any ideas for wedding favors must fit within this theme.

Wedding favors come in all different styles and design. They range from candle favors, chocolate favors, cd wedding favors, beach themed favors and many more. You can even personalize your favors to make them unique to your guests.

In these early days, there is no need to ask for the groom's comments - wait until you have narrowed down some ideas before you present them to him. He won't really respond to "do you like this?" and "what about this?" being thrown at him 50 times a day. It is far better to approach your groom once you have narrowed down groomsmen ideas, color ideas, wedding reception ideas, wedding favor ideas, etc. to a minimum. You will also get a more honest answer from him. Don't forget, even though ideas for wedding favors have completely taken over your life for the moment, he might not share your enthusiasm at this early stage of the preparations.

Throughout your ideas stage, you must not forget your wedding guests. Fundamentally, it is your day, however every girl wants their wedding remembered for its class and elegance. The one way that guests will treasure your wedding memories is by the giving of unique wedding favors. Second to your wedding themes and wedding reception ideas, you must consider wedding favor ideas carefully. Once your beautiful day is over and you're embarking on married life, you want your guests to look back at their favor boxes and reminisce!

However you plan your wonderful day and whichever of your original wedding reception ideas and ideas for wedding favors you choose, have a special day and a magical married life thereafter!

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Satelit Temukan Pemukiman Awal Manusia

Satelit Temukan Pemukiman Awal Manusia

Washington (AFP/ANTARA) JS - Senin, Seorang arkeolog Amerika telah menggunakan citra satelit dan sebuah program komputer untuk mengungkap ribuan pemukiman manusia kuno di Suriah, menurut sebuah penelitian.

Perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan bersama oleh profesor Universitas Harvard Jason Ur dan para peneliti Massachusetts Institute of Technology, mengidentifikasi sisa-sisa rumah dari gambar satelit.

Perangkat lunak itu memperlihatkan adanya perubahan warna dan gundukan tanah, ciri khas rumah dari bata yang runtuh.

Daerah ini diperiksa dalam proyek yang mencakup sekitar 14.290 mil persegi (23.000 kilometer persegi) di sebelah timur laut Suriah. Perangkat lunak ini mengidentifikasi sekitar 9.000 situs arkeologi yang potensial, jauh melebihi penemuan-penemuan selama ini, kata Ur.

"Saya bisa melakukan ini di lapangan, tapi mungkin akan menghabiskan sisa hidup saya untuk hanya mensurvei daerah sebesar ini," kata Ur.

Hasil penelitian itu diterbitkan dalam Prosiding National Academy of Sciences.

"Dengan teknik-teknik ilmu komputer, kita dapat langsung melihat sebuah peta besar, yang secara metodologis sangat menarik, tetapi juga menunjukkan jumlah pendudukan manusia yang sangat mengejutkan selama 7.000 atau 8.000 tahun lalu," kata Ur.

"Terlebih lagi, siapa pun yang datang kembali ke daerah ini dimasa depan sudah akan tahu ke mana harus pergi," katanya.
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