Foto Unik Benua Afrika

Foto Unik Benua Afrika
Benua Afrika tidak beda dengan benua lainya, yang satu ini adalah luar biasa. Kehidupan, kegiatan rutinitas dan semua interaksinya sangat berbeda dengan yang biasa kita lakukan.
Afrika merupakan benua paling besar kedua dan paling padat kedua penduduknya setelah benua Asia. Dengan luas wilayah 30.2 juta km² (11.7 juta sq ml) yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau kecil di sekelilingnya.

Wew! Ini Dia Jenggot Paling Eksotis di Dunia

Wew! Ini Dia Jenggot Paling Eksotis di Dunia

Dengan membaca judul artikel ini boleh dibilang Anda jadi penasaran seperti apakah jenggot paling eksotis di dunia. Semuanya dapat Anda saksikan di kompetisi kumis dan jenggot yang berlangsung di Brussels, Belgia, belum lama ini. 

Jef, Pemenang Kompetisi Jenggot Beragam bentuk jenggot dapat Anda lihat di kompetisi ini. Namun, dari berbagai bentuk unik jenggot itu, pemenangnya adalah Jef. Pria ini dengan bangga memamerkan bentuk jenggot yang melingkar menawan di kedua belah pipinya. 

Lantas, bagaimana bentuk jenggot eksotis yang lain? Tentunya, tak kalah menarik dengan jenggot Jef. Tertarik untuk punya jenggot serupa?

Bola Besi Misterius Tiba-Tiba Jatuh Dari Langit Hebohkan Warga, Dari UFO kah?

Bola Besi Misterius Tiba-Tiba Jatuh Dari Langit Hebohkan Warga, Dari UFO kah?

Sebuah bola bulat besi aneh tiba-tiba jatuh dari langit di Brazil , penduduk setempat menyebutnya sebagai bola UFO karena jatuhnya tiba-tiba dari atas langit tanpa tanda-tanda. Hal ini terjadi di negara bagian Maranhao. Berdiameter hampir 1 meter dan memiliki berat 30 hingga 50 kg. Insiden yang sama persis pernah terjadi di Namibia para ahli luar angkasa Russia memprediksi benda tersebut adalah bagian dari roket Soyuz milik mereka.

Benda bola ini sungguh terbuat dari material yang begitu kuat karena terjatuh dari ratusan kilometer dari atas langit tidak berubah bentuk sedikitpun, benda apakah sebenarnya ini?

Kamuflase Unik ala Caroline Roper

Kamuflase Unik ala Caroline Roper

Kamuflase adalah suatu metode yang memungkinkan sebuah organisme atau benda yang biasanya mudah terlihat menjadi tersamar atau sulit dibedakan dari lingkungan sekitarnya. Contoh-contohnya adalah belang pada harimauzebrabelalang, dan seragam tempur motif loreng pada tentara modern. Kamuflase memang suatu bentuk tipuan dan penyamaran.
Kata kamuflase dalam bahasa Indonesia dipinjam dari bahasa Belanda, yang pada gilirannya meminjam dari bahasa Perancis, 'camoufler' yang berarti 'menyamarkan'.
Berikut adalah kamuflase unik yang dibuat oleh Caroline Roper, mari kita simak :

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Join The Best Treatment Centers In Fullerton To Heal Behavioral Issues

By Linda Robles

Children that are suffering from behavioral problems due to too much drug use are likely to mistake their parents with their aggressive nature and rapid mood swings. In case your children is experiencing behavioral disorders, you must speak with a nearby doctor and get him treated. Many of them might be treated at home but it's recommended that you consult a specialist pediatrician or perhaps a substance abuse specialist to avoid any risks. In the following paragraphs, I've talked about about some treatment programs in Fullerton that may help you in solving this issue.

Various Treatment Programs:

Short Term Treatment: These plans provide a nice change of milieu for those kids who show symptoms like aggressive nature, hyperactivity, social disorder or problematic activities. These solutions are coupled with particular medicines which control their psychology and assist the impacted kids in shunning drugs in addition to controlling themselves in the general public. Other elements such as individual counseling, family therapies, medication assessment and recreational activities are included in it and also the whole treatment lasts for a period of 20-40 days.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for six months: Most treatment centers in Fullerton offer cognitive behavioral therapies in extraordinary instances of addiction. When a doctor witnesses severe issues in a person's mental stability or behavior, he suggests him to some residential rehab or perhaps an inpatient rehab where he can get cured in a controlled setting. This treatment usually carries on for a long time of time and could be provided in different settings under the supervision of some experienced in addition to highly educated staff.

Apart from dealing with chemical addiction, several organizations also deliver solutions for self esteem issue, eating disorders, ADHD along with other such activities. They include social ability training, academic development, physical activities, community services and detoxing as a part of their routine program.

Long-term Programs with Follow ups: Several specific cases are extremely difficult to handle. Therefore, apart from obtaining the regular detoxing and psychotherapy treatment, the doctors refer the patients to large scale hospitals or specialized treatment programs in Fullerton where they can get cured by neurobehavioral surgeons.

Generally the experts recommend the patients to stay in an inpatient setting, this is especially applied to cases where the kids threatens to harm himself, tries to injure others, attempts suicide or attempts to try to escape from his home. In such cases the rehab appoints an interdisciplinary staff and designs a personalized in addition to a group treatment program. Continuous assessments, suitable medicine administration and nutrition therapy is offered to the victim. Additionally, the influenced child is kept underneath the administration of neurologists, psychiatrists, behavioral psychologist, nursing staffs and physicians.

Several outpatient inpatient treatment centers in Fullerton range from the Alta Institute, Daylight Again, Dreams Treatment facility, Woodglen Recovery Institute and the Action Consultants. You could reach them for help in such cases.

About the Author:

Astral Projection Techniques

By Vincent Lee

There isn't any guideline when learning Astral Projection is concerned. We all know that different people learns things differently. There are no right or wrong methods. To make it more interesting, you should try to make use of as many techniques as possible. Practice makes perfect. The key to success is to practice Astral Projection as frequently as possible. Many Astral Projection Techniques are available for starters.

A quiet and peaceful place is very important for those who practice Astral Projection. Ensure that you switch off your mobile devices and any other equipment which may distract you in the midst of your practice. Avoid wearing watches or necklace and try to wear comfortably and relax. Taking a deep breathe may also help the brain relax. Some people finds it helpful when the help of binaural music as it helps the brain to relax.

The first technique you can use is "visualization". This technique helps you learn about visualizing things around you without having your eyes opened. Then try to imagine that someone else is drawing a hologram of your face over it. Imagine the artist who is drawing the hologram is actually you and you are drawing the hologram over yourself. Try to be as detailed as possible. When finished drawing the head, continue with the rest of the body but don't be as detailed as the head. As soon as you are finished with the whole body we will continue to the second technique, known as the "dropping" technique.

While using the "dropping" strategy, you've got to drop the hologram of the body onto the ground. The hologram ought to fall little bit by little bit onto the floor along with the mattress you lay on. At this time you could potentially feel a little puzzled but don't be stressed out as it is very typical. Just try not to think about that. When you see the hologram on the ground, you could have to get started on lifting our bodies up on its toes. Lifting up the body is like how we help a child during his early stage of life. It is in fact a amazing moment to see these great power take place.

As soon as the body is lifted up, you may sense the tingling sensations. This is certainly a result of the power going through the body. Now you can say that you are under going astral projection and from right now, you'll be able to "take off" to wherever you prefer. There are not any boundaries in any perspective. However, if you discover it hard to get to this process of Astral Projection, there may be a further method you may use.

The next Astral Projection Technique includes listening to binaural beats. The beats assist the brain to take it easy and turn off from any distractions. The binaural beats consist of sound waves which helps the brain to carry out powerful thoughts. This technique is widely used by beginners and industry experts. A very powerful think about acquiring astral projection practical experience is usually to believe in what you are doing. The greater your faith, the more significant the experience will probably be.

About the Author:

Subhanallah, Parade Awan Unik di Angkasa

Subhanallah, Parade Awan Unik di Angkasa
Masih ingat istilah 'pareidolia'? Inilah fenomena psikologi pada alam yang seolah menghasilkan bentuk menyerupai sesuatu. Penampakan paling sering terlihat pada bentuk awan. 

Pareidolia pada awan jadi menarik saat diabadikan dalam foto. Hanya satu kata untuk mengungkap kekaguman pada fenomena alam ini: Subhanallah. Dikutip dari, ayo kita lihat gambar-gambar awan unik di bawah ini:

Awan Mick Jagger
Awan yang menyerupai bentuk bibir ini dipotret oleh Peter Beardsley/BNPS.


Ikan Terbang
Gavin Tobin mengambil gambar ini di Blasket Islands, Irlandia. Hasilnya, tampak bentuk awan yang mirip ikan merah (Red Snapper).

Kelinci Putih
Wah, ada kelinci berlari di langit biru. Hasil jepretan Fiorella Lacona/BNPS

Awan Petruk 
Yang terakhir ini mungkin masih ingat. Ya, awan panas membentuk wajah Petruk yang tiba-tiba muncul saat gunung Merapi meletus 2010 lalu.


Satu-Satunya Kota yang Berada di Dua Benua

Satu-Satunya Kota yang Berada di Dua Benua

Istanbul adalah kota terbesar di Turki. Hingga 1930, kota ini lebih umum dikenal melalui nama Yunani, Konstantinopel, oleh orang-orang Barat; beberapa orang memanggilnya Stambul, khususnya pada abad ke-19. Lebih jauh ke masa lalu, kota ini juga pernah dikenal sebagai Bizantium atau Byzantion.

Dengan populasi sebesar 11 hingga 15 juta, Istanbul adalah kota yang terpadat penduduknya di Turki dan merupakan salah satu kota terbesar di Eropa.

Uniknya, Istanbul adalah satu-satunya kota di dunia yang berada di dua benua. Sebagian kota ini berada di kawasan Asia dan sebagiannya lagi di Eropa. Kedua bagian ini dipisahkan oleh Selat Bosphorus. Kombinasi Eropa & Asia ini membuat Istanbul unik, dengan keeksotisan khas Asia dan kemoderenan Eropa. Jadi, bila ingin merasakan sarapan di Asia dan kemudian makan siang di Eropa, Istanbul adalah tempat yang tepat.

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Teknologi Unik Tukang Sapu di China

Teknologi Unik Tukang Sapu di China
Tukang sapu jalanan di Cinaternyata punya cara yang unik untuk mempercepat pekerjaan mereka. Yaitu menggabungkan 16 gagang sapu dalam satu cakram yang berputar, dan hasilnyacukup efektif membersihkan debu dari jalan raya.

Siapa sangka, ternyatametode ini sudah berlaku selama puluhan tahun. Kabarnya, hal ini dimuat dibeberapa media di Eropa. Banyak yang berkomentar, di saat anggota dewan diInggris sibuk mencari teknologi paling canggih untuk membersihkan jalan raya,ternyata apa yang dilakukan oleh penyapu jalan Cina jauh lebih efektif plusmurah biaya.

Tapi coba bayangkan, apakah cara ini bisa diterapkan di Indonesia? Karena yangbelum terpikirkan, bagaimana bila banyak sampah di jalan raya. Belum lagi debuyang berterbangan tersapu oleh "sapu-putar" ini. Faktor lainnya,masih banyak jalan-jalan sempit di sini.

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