Wanita Lebih Tertarik Diajak Kencan oleh Pria Berbaju Ungu

Wanita Lebih Tertarik Diajak Kencan oleh Pria Berbaju Ungu

Kesuksesan kencan ternyata dipengaruhi oleh warna pakaian yang dikenakan pria. Sebuah survei terbaru mengungkap, pria yang memakai baju berwarna ungu punya kesempatan lebih besar membuat teman kencannya tertarik.

Menurut studi yang dilakukan My Ariel, brand deterjen pakaian di Inggris, besar kemungkinan kencan akan sukses jika sang pria mengenakan pakaian yang berwarna elegan ini. Dilansir Huffington Post, perusahaan tersebut melakukan polling yang diikuti 2.000 orang Inggris. Jajak pendapat bertujuan untuk mencari tahu seberapa penting peran pakaian di dunia perkencanan.

Seperti yang sudah diperkirakan, wanita cenderung lebih pemilih dalam menentukan teman kencan ketimbang pria. Terhitung ada 28% wanita dan hanya 14% pria yang mengaku tidak ingin meneruskan kencan dengan seseorang karena cara berpakaiannya yang tidak sesuai selera.

Untuk soal warna busana, ungu ternyata melambangkan kekuasaan yang tinggi di mata wanita. Sebanyak 36% wanita akan lebih mudah menerima ajakan kencan dari pria yang memakai kaos atau kemeja warna ungu.

Sedangkan warna favorit kedua dalam perkencanan adalah hitam dengan persentase 36% wanita. Sementara warna pakaian terburuk yang dipakai pria untuk berkencan menurut wanita, adalah biru atau pink.

Studi tersebut juga menemukan bahwa 58% responden menganggap selera berbusana merupakan faktor penting dalam memilih pasangan. Hasil polling lainnya menunjukkan, 43% responden meminta pasangannya untuk mengganti pakaian karena merasa malu jika terlihat jalan bersamanya.

Bagaimana dengan Anda, apakah warna pakaian jadi faktor utama saat memilih teman kencan?

sumber: wolipop.com

Kartu Pos Baru Sampai 50 Tahun Kemudian

Kartu Pos Baru Sampai 50 Tahun Kemudian

Jika kita mengirim surat via post berapa lama surat kita akan sampai, mungkin tidak akan sampai lebih dari 1 bulan namun apa jadinya jika kita mengirim surat lalu surat yang kita kirim sampai setelah 50 tahun kemudian.

Seorang pria di Swedia tiba-tiba saja mendapatkan kartu pos istimewa yang dikirimkan oleh saudara perempuannya. Bagaimana tidak istimewa jika kartu pos yang dikirimkan 50 tahun lalu itu baru diterimanya pada 2012 ini.

Pria yang bernama Claes-Hakan Svensson itu mengaku kartu pos tersebut ditulis oleh saudara perempuannya kepada sang ayah, Hakan Svensson pada 1962 silam dan baru saja tiba di rumahnya di Varberg, Swedia belum lama ini.

sumber : uniktapifakta.com

Tertipu Penjual Es Rumput Laut

Terlalu hausnya, budi segera berhenti ketika melihat seorang penjual es.

Budi : "Bang, jual es apa bang?"

Penjual es : "Es rumput laut mas..."

Budi : "Beli satu gelas donk bang..."

Penjual es : "OK, ini mas..es nya.."

Budi : (Sambil memuntahkan minumannya.) "Howeek... Minuman apaan ini bang??!!"

Penjual es : "Ya es rumput laut mas."

Budi : "Hah... tapi kok rasanya kayak begini?"

Penjual es : "Iya mas, rumputnya saya ambil dari tanah lapang dan airnya asli dari laut mas."

Budi : "Dasar penjual es kurang ajar!!!????"

Remove Those Frown Lines

By Morgan T. Laire

Botox Cosmetic has for years retained the title as the most commonly performed "non-surgical" cosmetic procedure in the United States, based on its ease of use and consistently good cosmetic results.

The most common cosmetic use for Botox is the treatment of the frown lines between the eyebrows. When you inject the frown muscle with an adequate dose of Botox Cosmetic, it stops moving. As a result, the frown line diminishes. The corresponding muscle can no longer contract. So, the end result is that it can no longer wrinkle up the overlying skin.

Don't Look Unapproachable

Again, the most common area of treatment with Botox is the frown line between the eyes. Botox was actually approved for frown lines in 2002 by the FDA. The high rate of satisfaction among patients being treated for frown lines is one of the key drivers of the popularity of this procedure. It relaxes the frown, and in the process smooths out the vertical lines between the brows that can make you look "angry" or "unapproachable", even when you are not.

Be Prepared for your Treatment

A healthy approach to any surgery requires that you be in relatively good physical health. Also, it's important to inform your doctor of any medications your currently taking to ensure there are no potential conflicts that could arise. Your medical history should include oral contraceptives and estrogen replacement, vitamins, and herbal medications. Remember, these can impact blood clotting and could increase surgical risk.

Patients should be aware of all aspects of their planned treatment. In other words, they should know very clearly whether they should discontinue certain medications, or even stop smoking.

Post Botox Procedure

Doctors recommend that patients take the following precautionary measures in order to achieve the best results:

- Before engaging in strenuous activity or exercise, give yourself 24 hours

- Do your best to stay upright for 4-5 hours after the injections

- Avoid massaging the treated area

- Be sure to practice daily facial exercises that your doctor recommends

- Sun block is an absolute must

You want to let the Botox settle, so it is recommended that in the recovery period, you limit your muscle movements as best as you can.

Lasting Power

Normally, a Botox treatment should last you between three and six months, depending on the treatment area and the severity of the problems. Though not as prominently as prior to the procedure, facial lines and wrinkles will start to reappear. At that time, patients may choose to repeat the process. Repeated Botox procedures will be lasting progressively longer with each treatment. As such, a patient will require fewer procedures to achieve their desired results.

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Facts About The Kidney Diet

By Alexander Mcqueeno

Kidney disease is something that nobody is ever going to want to experience. It's an illness that no one should have to go through and I'd encourage you all to do your best to remain healthy to keep it away from you. The people that don't have healthy and fully functioning kidneys are the people that get diagnosed with kidney disease. To get your kidneys working to the best of their ability you should work hard to follow and implement the tips below.

The food you consume on a regular basis is the first area of your life that you are going to have to change for the better. Trust me my friend you need to make sure that you are doing your level best to avoid all the junk foods that are out there. It is encouraged by all the best doctors out there that you focus on only eating things like vegetables and lean organic meats with every meal. You are also going to want to stop drinking any form of alcohol. For those that want to keep eating healthy for the rest of their lives, they should work to changing things slowly... one food item at a time.

The people that really get ahead are the people that actually exercise all the time. The best forms of exercise are those that not only develop your health but ones that you look forward to doing every single day of your life. Things like football, running, basketball etc are all great sports that not only will you have a great time participating in but you will be helping your body get more fit.

Sleep is another area of your life that you are going to have to perfect to get your kidneys working again. To really give your kidneys the energy that they need you must make sure that you sleep between 6 - 8 hours every single night. Sleep is something that is often overlooked when it comes to your kidneys health but believe me you are going to want to start paying more attention to it, if you want to live a long and healthy life.

The next tip that I'm going to share with you is equally as important for you to apply You need to begin to drink a lot more water. Water is something that your kidneys need plenty of and so it is essential that you are drinking at least 2 liters of it every single day. You will be amazed at how great you feel every single day of your life the moment you start to drink more water.

Believe me your mindset is everything and something that you need to constantly be working on to get the results that you are after. Develop a positive mindset and then nothing can stop you from getting what you want. There is no way in this world that you are not going to be able to get amazing results if you have a really positive outlook. Believe me the thoughts you think every single day will lead to the actions that you ultimately take every single day. There is absolutely no way you can improve the condition of your kidneys if you are a negative person. A positive mind equals better health all around.

Now you have all my secrets to getting your kidneys into the best health possible. Don't waste a second more, just get out there and put in the effort.

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The Realities Of The Kidney Disease

By Jono Germanro

Kidney disease is something that nobody is ever going to want to experience. For those that don't already have the disease, they should make sure that they are eating right and exercising properly on a regular basis. The truth is the people that have been diagnosed with kidney disease are people that don't have kidneys that function as well as most other people. To get them back in order you will have to implement the following strategies.

You need to make a very conscious effort to start eating a lot more healthy than what you are used to. Trust me my friend you need to make sure that you are doing your level best to avoid all the junk foods that are out there. Your diet needs to be completely clean and only contain things like fresh fruits and vegetables with a bit of lean meat. You are also going to want to stop drinking any form of alcohol. For those that want to keep eating healthy for the rest of their lives, they should work to changing things slowly... one food item at a time.

Once you have the diet part nailed you need to move onto exercise. You need to become healthier and the best way to do this will be to do exercises that you enjoy. To really get ahead I'd encourage you to experiment with a variety of different exercises to find the few that you want to do every single day of your life.

Trust me my friend you are going to want to do everything in your power to sleep a consistent amount of hours every single night. You need to be sleeping at least eight hours every single day to get the rest that your body needs. Sleep is something that is often overlooked when it comes to your kidneys health but believe me you are going to want to start paying more attention to it, if you want to live a long and healthy life.

Let me tell you right now that you must work on implementing the next tip if you want to see your kidneys recover quickly. It is imperative that you start to drink more water. Water is something that your kidneys need plenty of and so it is essential that you are drinking at least 2 liters of it every single day. The great thing about drinking water is the fact that your kidneys will start to work better almost immediately.

Believe me your mindset is everything and something that you need to constantly be working on to get the results that you are after. Develop a positive mindset and then nothing can stop you from getting what you want. You need to become a really positive person in order to get the results that you want. Believe me the thoughts you think every single day will lead to the actions that you ultimately take every single day. You are never going to be able to get your kidneys to recover if you are constantly thinking negative thoughts. A positive mind equals better health all around.

Now you can just do whatever it takes to get your kidneys to work again. Now all you need to do is get out there and put in the work.

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Mantan Boss Mafia Menjadi Pengikut Kristus

Mantan Boss Mafia Menjadi Pengikut Kristus

Michael Franzese, adalah seorang mafia kelahiran Brooklyn yang memiliki julukan,”The Prince of Mafia,” (pangeran mafia). Dia adalah seorang bos mafia keluarga Colombo yang paling sukses karena telah  menghasilkan lebih banyak uang melebihi siapa pun termasuk bos Al Capone.

Kini hidupnya berubah. Mantan bos mafia itu telah memiliki dan mengikuti Boss yang baru yaitu Yesus Kristus.

Franzese, sebelumnya termasuk peringkat 18 dalam daftar majalah Fortune tentang " Lima puluh Bos Mafia Terbesar.”

"Kisah Michael adalah satu
kisah yang kuat yang menunjukkan apa yang terjadi ketika Anda berubah dari 'Goodfella' ke “God-fella' (sahabat Tuhan)," kata Tim Lucas, pendeta memimpin Gereja Cair, gereja tempat Michael akan bersaksi.

Franzese akan berbicara sebagai bagian dari rangkaian tiga minggu yang disebut "Gangsta," didasarkan pada kehidupan rasul Paulus - seorang pembunuh yang menyebut dirinya "
orang yang paling berdosa" ... tapi akhirnyadipakai Allah untuk memberitakan Injil dan untuk menulis banyak surat dalam Perjanjian Baru.

Sebagai mantan "Pangeran Mafia,"
Franzese menghadapi lusinan persidangan, tiga dakwaan pemerasan utama, lima persidangan pidana, tujuh tahun penjara dan hukuman mati Mafia. Namun, pada tahun 1987, sementara di penjara, dia membuat keputusan untuk keluar dari keluarga Colombo dan kejahatan terorganisir.

Franzese dijuluki "The Don Born Again" dalam artikel
edisi Januari 1991 Majalah Vanity Fair. Setelah mengalami kelahiran baru,  Kepala Mafia dari faksi atau kelompok bernama Colombo La Cosa Nostra kini hidup merdeka dan produktif. Ia terlibat dalam pelayanan yang meliputi kegiatan dengan program penjangkauan anak muda. Dia adalah pendiri dari kelompok konseling remaja disebut Breaking Out Foundation.

Franzese pertama kali terlibat dalam kejahatan terorganisir pada saat ayah tirinya, Sonny Franzese, keluarga Colombo, telah dijatuhi hukuman 50 tahun penjara. Tapi dia mulai berubah setelah ia masuk ke bisnis film, dan bertemu Cammy Garcia 19 tahun, yang kemudian menjadi istrinya. Franzese mengatakan ia tidak akan hidup kalau bukan karena doa istrinya.

"Saya adalah orang yang paling berdosa," katanya. "Tapi Kristus telah mati di kayu salib dan Tuhan menunjukkan anugerah-Nya kepada saya. Jika Dia bisa melakukannya untuk saya, Dia dapat melakukannya untuk siapa pun. Malam saya diinisiasi ke Mafia, saya diberitahu saya dilahirkan kembali. Ketika saya melihat kembali pada saat itu, Tuhan mengingatkan saya kuasa pengampunan -Nya -. Dan saya memiliki kebebasan di dalam Dia "


Improving Your Kidney Health

By Tony Beags

One of the worst illnesses that you will experience is that of kidney disease. To radically reduce the chances that you get kidney disease you need to make sure that you live an extremely clean and healthy life. The people that don't have healthy and fully functioning kidneys are the people that get diagnosed with kidney disease. To get them back in order you will have to implement the following strategies.

The food you consume on a regular basis is the first area of your life that you are going to have to change for the better. The best thing that you are going to do is eat healthy nutritious meals and avoid all processed foods. Your diet needs to be completely clean and only contain things like fresh fruits and vegetables with a bit of lean meat. You are also going to want to stop drinking any form of alcohol. Changing your diet will be the hardest step that you will ever take but it is the most important so please do your best to take it seriously.

The next stage that you are going to want to pay attention to is exercising on a consistent basis. You need to become healthier and the best way to do this will be to do exercises that you enjoy. Things like football, running, basketball etc are all great sports that not only will you have a great time participating in but you will be helping your body get more fit.

Trust me my friend you are going to want to do everything in your power to sleep a consistent amount of hours every single night. You need to be sleeping at least eight hours every single day to get the rest that your body needs. The people that have amazing kidneys are the people that just eat right and sleep well every single day of their life.

The next stage is simple but again really important for you to pay attention to. Drinking water throughout the day is the next tip you need to apply. Water is a fluid that your body and your kidneys in particular need a lot of so make sure that you are hydrated throughout the day. You will be amazed at how great you feel every single day of your life the moment you start to drink more water.

The final and most important tip of them all is to make sure that you have an extremely positive mindset. You will have great kidneys if you just focus on thinking positive thoughts. Only the positive person will ever be able to achieve things of significance. The actions you end up taking will be all down to the thoughts that you initially had in your mind. If you have negative thoughts then you are never going to put in the work that is required to get your kidneys healthy again. The person that is positive is the person that succeeds in life.

Now you can just do whatever it takes to get your kidneys to work again. Now all you must do is work until you get the results that you desire.

About the Author:

Project Manager Duties And Responsibilities

By Michal Foster

Project management, as the name suggests, is simply the management of projects. The purpose is to deliver a high-quality project. It includes planning, organisation, execution, delivery, and follow-up. Basically, managing a project means dealing with all aspects that affect the job and covering various areas like software and computer, finance and marketing, and construction and engineering. Without proper project management, the entire team working on the task would be lost from the start. The quality of their output would be compromised and their time and resources wasted.

To manage a task successfully means to efficiently designate funds and resources, limit the expenses, document data, handle the manpower, stay on schedule, and deliver outstanding results. This is feasible with a knowledgeable project manager and a dedicated staff. Without the staff working on the project, it wouldn't be possible for the task to be finished on time and as expected. Each member has an important contribution, which is crucial to complete the project.

But efficient leadership is just as important because without it, the project would not take flight in the first place. Many businesses require their top officers to undergo project management training because the job includes a lot of work, including designating tasks, managing schedule, controlling the budget, fixing issues, and leading and inspiring the team. That's why they need the appropriate skills, knowledge, and expertise to do so. Whatever the nature of their project is, a training for project management would help them handle their job well.

There is only one acceptable result in managing a task, and that is to present high-quality result within the allotted time schedule and funds. To do so, one must view each step of the project as a vital factor as each involves sensitive information and confidential data. Project management should take into account the careful dissemination of records and constant communication with the clients and the operating team to assure the smooth flow and successful completion of the task.

An effective leader knows the strong and weak points of the team. They know how to make use of the best of their resources well and how to strengthen their weakness. But of course, in every decision that they make, they need to know exactly what they're doing. They might just misuse time and resources when they instruct their staff to sign up for Ethical Hacker courses if it is smarter to just appoint someone adept with hacking already.

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Meminta Berkah di Sumur Keramat

Sepasang suami istri datang ke sebuah sumur keramat untuk meminta berkah.

Pertama, si suami melemparkan kembang ke dalam sumur dan komat-kamit membacakan doa dan keinginannya.

Kemudian ketika giliran istrinya yang akan memanjatkan keinginan, si istri terlalu dalam menunduk sehingga jatuh ke dalam sumur dan mati tenggelam.

"Wow, terkabul! Benar-benar sumur keramat," kata si suami berseru.
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