Komandan dan Sersan Koplak

Cerita ini terjadi di sebuah gedung yg dipasangi BOM waktu. Seorang SERSAN bertugas
menjinakan BOM dgn dipandu via radio oleh komandannya.

KOMANDAN :”Kijang satu ke kijang dua. Bagaimana kondisi disana?? - Ganti”
SERSAN :”Saya di depan BOM yang akan meledak komandan, mohon instruksi - Ganti”

KOMANDAN :”Tolong bersihkan area dulu sersan!”
SERSAN :”Maksudnya, saya nyapu dan ngepel dulu ya komandan? Mohon insruksi ! Ganti ”

KOMANDAN : ”Bukaaan! Semprul km! Ambil radius beberapa mt dr pusat BOM lalu bersihkan area tersebut dari obyek yang bisa membahayakan”
SERSAN : ”Siap Komandan!! ”

*tak berapa lama*

SERSAN : Lapor Komandan, area sudah dibersihkan. Ganti”
KOMANDAN : ”Oke, sekarang kamu fokus ke BOM!! Berapa menit waktu yg tersisa sersan?”

SERSAN :”Sekarang menunjukan hitungan mundur 15:00:56 komandan !!”
KOMANDAN :”Berarti km masih punya waktu 15 menit, Cepat buka tutup BOMnya pake obeng!”

SERSAN : ”Kalo saya buka nanti garansinya batal donk komandan?”
KOMANDAN : ”SEMPRUL KAMU!!! Emang barang elektronik toko pake garansi? Cepat Bongkar!!!” | SERSAN : ”SIAP”

SERSAN :”BOM sudah terbuka komandan sekarang ada banyak kabel, mohon instruksi Ganti” KOMANDAN : ”Sekarang potong kabel yang terdekat”
SERSAN : ”Siap, Laksanakan...!"*prettt... tuuuuuttttttttt*

Tiba-tiba pembicaraan terpotong, kondisi markas Heboh dan komandanpun marah marah sambil memaki kebodohan si sersan.
KOMANDAN :”Itu prajurit dr mana sih? Goblok kok dihabisin sendiri. Saya suruh potong kabel di BOM itu, bukan kabel headset yang nempel di badan dia!!!”

Lalu operator mengaktifkan komunikasi cadangan, begitu nyala terdengar suara ”kemana-kemana-kemana” ternyata lagu alamat palsu.

Komandan dan anak buahnya di markas mendengarkan dengan geram. Akhirnya setelah 10 detik SERSAN mengangkat juga dengan santai.

SERSAN :”Panggilan dicopy, siap menerima instruksi ”
KOMANDAN : ”HEHH !! Itu tadi kamu apaan? Saya panggil kok ada suara musik seperti itu HAHH ???

SERSAN :”Itu namanya RBT komandan, sekarang lagi trend”
KOMANDAN :” ini jalur militer sersan!!! jangan main-main kalo berhadapan dengann BOM, MENGERTI????”
SERSAN :”SIAP, komandan!”
Di markas, komandan lihat buku nyari data tentang BOM jenis apa itu sambil bertanya ke sersan.

KOMANDAN :"Sersan ! Tolong dicari darimana asalnya yang tadi, Saya tunggu datanya !! "

SERSAN :"Asalnya dari Depok komandan, nama penyanyinya Ayu Tingting "
KOMANDAN :"Arghh... Saya minta data BOMnya bukan RBT yang tadi"
SERSAN :"Oh maaf, komandan"

SERSAN :"Lapor, BOM sudah dilokalisir, ada 4 kabel, minta instruksi, ganti!"
KOMANDAN : "sekarang potong kabel hijau "
SERSAN :"siap"
KOMANDAN :"bagaimana sersan? Sudah mati?"
SERSAN : "belum komandan!"

KOMANDAN :"Sekarang tinggal kabel warna apa aja?"
SERSAN :"Merah, Hitam dan Hijau"
KOMANDAN :" HAH?! Kenapa yang hijau masih ada?"
"Tadi kamu potong kabel warna apa?"
SERSAN : "Hijau komandan"
KOMANDAN : "apa gak salah potong kamu?"
SERSAN :" sumpah tadi saya potong yang ijo, mungkin komandan yang salah!"

KOMANDAN :"Monyong, udah salah pake ngeyel"
SERSAN : "Lah, yang hijau memang ada 2 komandan 1 hijau daun & 1 lagi hijau langit"
KOMANDAN : " o_0 NGACO !!! Langit itu biru bukan hijau"
SERSAN : "tapi dikampung saya ijo"

KOMANDAN :"KOPLAK!!! Berarti yang kamu potong tadi yang ijo langit?"
SERSAN : "ya komandan, siap menerima instruksi"
KOMANDAN : "Dasar GOBLOK "*sambil geleng-geleng kepala*

"Komandan ngomelin ajudannya "Bilangin Personalia, lain kali kalo mau rekrut anggota tanya dulu apa warna langit di kampungnya"

Terdengar si SERSAN panik "Kondisi darurat! BOM akan meledak, mohon instruksi"
KOMANDAN : " OK, ikuti kata2 saya "

KOMANDAN :"assyhadualla"
KOMANDAN : "illa..."
SERSAN : "ILLA..." *sersan bingung*
KOMANDAN : "haillallah"|
KOMANDAN :"waassyhaduanna"
KOMANDAN : "muhammadarrosullullah"

"*tambah bingung*"..?!?!?"


James B.Irwin : Astronot Apollo 15 Yang Menjadi Penginjil

James B.Irwin : Astronot Apollo 15 Yang Menjadi Penginjil
James B. Irwin , seorang anggota astronot Apollo 15 pernah menyatakan bahwa setelah perjalanannya ke bulan ia percaya misinya yang paling penting dalam hidup adalah melayani Tuhan dan membagikan iman dalam Yesus Kristus. 

Kolonel James Irwin dan Dave Scott menjadi orang ke-7 dan ke-8 yang berjalan di bulan dan mereka adalah astonot pertama yang menggunakan kendaraan bermotor di bulan, Rover yang bernama Moon Baggy. Dengan kendaraan tersebut, tim Apollo 15 mampu menjelajahi dan mengeksplorasi daerah-daerah di Bulan yang lebih luas, yang belum mampu terjamah oleh tim sebelumnya. Misi mereka di bulan berlangsung dari 26 Juli -7 Agustus 1971. Mereka juga menemukan Rock Genesis, penemuan arkeologi penting yang membantu para ilmuwan memperkirakan umur bulan. 

Irwin juga menjadi orang pertama yang mengutip dari Alkitab saat berada di bulan, Mazmur 121:1: ". Aku melayangkan mataku ke gunung-gunung, dari manakah akan datang pertolonganku. " 

"Bumi ini sangat kecil," kenang Irwin . "(Itu) seukuran kelereng, kalau bumi sekecil itu, seberapa kecilkah aku? Hanya titik di alam semesta, tetapi walaupun demikian begitu signifikan sehingga Tuhan mau mengasihiku dan menciptakan aku serta kasih-Nya menyentuh hidupku.... Aku merasa istimewa seperti malaikat untuk mendapatkan pandangan Allah di bumi. " 

Ia pensiun setahun kemudian dari Astronauts Coprs dan mendirikan High Flight, suatu organisasi Injili inter-denominasi untuk menjangkau banyak jiwa. Irwin semakin termotivasi untuk menyampaikan Injil setelah mendapatkan nasihat dari dr.Billy Graham yang menyatakan bahwa orang-orang ingin mendengarkan pesannya. Irwin telah menerima Yesus sebagai Juruselamat pribadinya sejak berusia 11 tahun tapi belum pernah membagi imannya kepada orang lain. Karena itu ia mempergunakan kesempatan dan undangan untuk berbicara untuk membagikan imannya, bukan hanya sekedar menceritakan pengalamannya sebagai astronot. 

Sebagai seorang anak, beberapa bermimpi menjadi seorang polisi atau polisi, beberapa menjadi seorang penyanyi atau aktor, beberapa menjadi presiden, beberapa menjadi astronot. Kolonel James Irwin adalah salah satu orang yang melihat mimpinya terpenuhi dan terbang ke bulan, namun diyakini prestasi terbesarnya adalah berbagi imannya dengan orang lain. 

Dalam autograph yang terdapat foto dirinya berjalan di bulan terdapat suatu tulisan: "Yesus Kristus yang berjalan di bumi adalah lebih penting daripada manusia berjalan di bulan"

James Irwin telah meninggal Agustus 1991tapi dia akan terus dikenang sebagai astronot sekaligus penginjil yang antusias memberitakan tentang Injil sampai akhir hidupnya.

Heighten Your Child's Cognitive Skills With The Help Of A Tutor

By Andrea Hill

In Singapore, there is emphasis on education. Students are encouraged to perform well in school, and acknowledge their intellectual capacities. Knowledge-based economies such as Singapore grow through the aspect of education, and it's therefore an imperative for students to devote time and energies to the rudiments of learning. Sadly, there are many Singaporean students who still underperform!

Academic underperformance can be fatal, especially if not addressed properly at an earlier time. Is your child going through a tough time in school? Is your child facing the burdens of a strenuous academic life? Have no fret. A reptutable Singapore tuition agency helps your child perform at optimized levels. These tuition services can definitely enhance your child's ability to understand various academic lessons thrown at his or her way.

For some parents, tuition services are hard to shoulder. These services can be a bit costly and time consuming. Nevertheless, majority of parents still employ competent tutors to provide specialised and personalised assistance to their kids. Why? Because tutors do more than just enhance your kid's grades.

These lecturers do not just help your child overcome the numerous demands of schooling. They also help your child appreciate the fun in learning. What's really special about hiring a tutor is the idea of honing your child's competencies on a holistic level. Imagine having a trusted expert focusing on your child's competencies. The outcome of this scheme is simple: a well-rounded student who holds the edge when it comes to cognitive dexterity and critical thinking.

Tuition services can help your child in many ways. If you want your kid at his or her best, then collaborate with a tuition agency. Do not let your beloved angel get left out in the dark. Hire a tuition agency to optimise your child's performance.

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What Not To Do When Hunting For Home Tuition Services

By Aaron Smith

Home tuition is now regarded as a vital factor in setting up children with a complete educational experience, such is the situation in Singapore, where a growing number of parents and students stand by the benefits of working with a competent home tutor.

But hiring the services of any Singapore tuition agency is by no means a definite assurance of positive results, that is why it is vital to ensure the quality of the tuition agency you will be working with. Here are some things to avoid when in the process of choosing a home tuition agency.

Do not rush in blindly. Keep in mind that the decisions you make in such situations will have a sizeable impact on your child's entire education, thus, it's best to arm yourself with sufficient knowledge to be able to make a well-informed choice. Make a list of possible options for tuition providers and gather sufficient information through each of these agencies' websites, and from the feedbacks of their clients.

Do not believe in everything you hear. Although gathering information from client feedback is an important part of selecting a tuition agency, one must figure out how to separate objective evaluations from biased remarks. Always make sure that you are gathering information from credible sources.

Do not disregard your child's opinion. As parents, we strive to produce the best for our kids, even up to the point that we make their choices for them. But we must keep in mind that it will be the child who'll be dealing directly with the tutor, so we must not disregard their opinions when selecting tutors.

Do not compromise quality for less expensive rates. It is a widely known fact that quality education simply does not come cheap, the same thing is true for a high-quality tutorial service. Judge the home tuition service's value by the benefits and knowledge that your child will gain, and not by how much you can save through it.

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Paralympic Video Clip "Hero"

Paralympic Video Clip "Hero"
Saksikan perjuangan para atlet yang tetap memiliki semangat dan daya juang yang nggak kalah dengan orang normal. So, jangan gampang menyerah dan putus asa. Link download : di sini

Ciri-ciri Cowo Cari Pacar Lewat Facebook

Ciri-ciri Cowo Cari Pacar Lewat Facebook

Sekarang Facebook memang jadi sebuah situs sosial yang multiguna. Selain bisa buat curhat, menyampaikan pendapat dan pamer foto, Facebook juga sering dipakai buat cari jodoh. Terbukti sekarang banyak cowok yang melancarkan sejumlah jurusnya untuk dapetin cewek di Facebook. Tidak percaya? Meski hanya melalui dunia maya, mencari gebetan di Facebook juga bisa terlihat ciri-cirinya. Pengen tahu apa ciri cowok yang lagi cari gebetan di Facebook? Langsung saja yuk simak ciri-cirinya berikut ini!

1. Meng-add cewek-cewek cantik Kamu bisa lihat di keterangan profilnya, siapa saja yang menjadi langganan dia. Jika dia mempunyai banyak langganan cewek itu artinya dia hobi meng-add cewek dan lagi nyari "mangsa" nih. Bagi kamu cewek jomblo harus siap menerima rayuan mautnya.

2. Punya banyak teman cewek Bandingkan seberapa banyak teman cewek dan cowok di Facebooknya. Jika perbandingannya lebih banyak teman cewek itu artinya nih cowok lagi jomblo dan sedang mencari sang dambatan hati.

3. Suka basa-basi Dia suka berkomentar atau ngajak chating semua cewek yang dianggapnya cantik. Entah itu hanya tanya kabar, atau ngajak kenalan. Tandanya cowok ini lagi nyari gebetan. Ini adalah strategi si cowok agar si cewek bisa tertarik dan terjerat cintanya. Weh… mantapss..!

4. Bikin status tentang cinta atau puisi cinta Cowok yang lagi nyari gebetan tentu akan mengeluarkan segala jurusnya untuk memikat cewek. Entah itu dengan berkomentar gombal atau bikin status yang puitis. Padahal statusnya itu dapet nyontek dari lagu-lagu, romantis… Gak modal tapi ampuh.

5. Status lajang Ciri yang paling umum yakni status lajang atau jomblo yang disandangnya. Jika statusnya lajang, pasti cowok ini lagi nyari seorang cewek untuk jadi dambatan hatinya. Tapi jika statusnya berpacaran namun ia mempunyai empat ciri diatas, itu artinya dia cowok playboydan sedang mencari mangsa. Untuk cewek harus berhati-hati dengan cowok ini!
Itulah ciri cowok lagi nyari gebetan di facebook. Bagaimana, apakah kamu pernah melihat cowok dengan ciri-ciri tersebut? Atau jangan-jangan kamu cowok yang dimaksud yah??

Importance Of Home Tuition

By Lenie Brooks

Parents have numerous reasons for hiring tutors for their children. In Singapore, students are encouraged to perform well academically, as well in extra-curricular activities that shape their abilities and interests. Apart from attending required public or private classes, majority of the students in the country also enroll in part-time home tuition. Singapore's system of education is one of the most competitive worldwide.

How the Singaporeans esteem learning, talent, and skills is manifested by the popularity of tuition programmes. For instance, learning the English language is regarded to be one of the most valuable tools to be qualified for the biggest opportunities in the midst of globalisationn, so parents hire an English tutor to ensure that their child acquires efficient language comprehension teachings and tips that can help develop their learning abilities. A student who receives proper education is believed to acquire more opportunities, hence a brighter future.

The living costs and the value of career among Singapore homes often leave both parents having to work a full-time job. Tuition services are acquired to guide children in their academic needs while their parents are coping with the responsibilities of their chosen vocations. Parents who do not have the time to personally teach their children everyday hire home tutors to give them the much needed assistance.

Benefits Of Home Tuition Programmes To The Educational System In Singapore.

It is known that students who struggle with academics can improve with the extra practice and study time provided by home tuition. However, it does not mean that smart students do not need these services. Even smart students need the guidance, motivation, and perhaps the challenge provided by home tuition. Pupils just need the right motivation. Some children are possibly just too embarrassed to ask questions and clarify the lessons that they don't understand in class. Home tuition is for everyone, whatever their learning abilities may be.

With regular class periods down to just an hour per subject, it is hard to guarantee that every student fully comprehends the lessons. Moreover, cutting down the budget for the education sector have caused classrooms to house around 40 students to vie for the instructor's attention. Home programme offers just the perfect solution: extra hours of practice and one-on-one student-teacher sessions.

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Benicia Dentists for Family Dental Services

By James Kent

Experts in their field combine their continued research with many years of successful diagnoses and treatment to be able to offer education, along with said treatments to each one of their patients. They are experts because they have years of experience witnessing the multitude of ways that patient oral hygiene, general health, age, and oral injury can impact the shape, sturdiness, and health of a mouth. An experienced Benicia dentist can provide each patient that they serve with the knowledge of what they can do to prevent damage and improve their oral health over their very own bathroom sinks, instead of in their doctor's chair in an emergency.

There's one question that you need to ask yourself. If you could postpone or eliminate pain and loss with a little advice wouldn't you take it? The number one problem that professionals complain about with their patients is how seriously both the men and women take their oral hygiene. First of all, they aren't spending enough time thoroughly brushing. Second of all, they aren't spending enough time properly flossing or they're simply not flossing at all. And thirdly, they aren't going to the dentist when they do experience pain, bleeding, swelling, or even tooth loss in some cases. The excuses include dental fear, income restrictions, and lack of insurance, but there are affordable care options that can be sought, especially in times such as these.

The dentist also does procedures such as pulling wisdom teeth which will eventually happen in almost everyone's life. Family doctors are great for this because they can follow what is happening with your child's teeth as they get older so there are no guessing games about what needs to happen inside your child's mouth.

If your child needs braces, they will be taken care of in-house or be recommended to a great orthodontist. The orthodontist is a completely different job but they do go hand in hand so it is common for a dentist to have one office that he or she works with closely to ensure they are providing the best care for their patients.

What sets your local Benicia dentist apart from many other children's dentists is their ability to keep it fun at the same time. Most children don't want to go to the dentist because they are either scared or it is a complete bore. When they go to Benicia Children's Dentist, they will learn to recognize plaque, how to remove it, and even get a complimentary toothbrush. So again, if you have problems with your children and dentist, then visit Benicia children's dentist.

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Lamborghini Unik Dari Rongsokan

Lamborghini Unik Dari Rongsokan

Meski hanya menjadi seorang petani, namun itu tidak menyurutkan niatan Wang Jian untuk membangun sebuah replika mobil idamannya dengan tangannya sendiri.

Ya, petani yang juga memiliki keahlian sebagai mekanik ini berhasil membangun replika dari Lamborgini Reventon. Hebatnya, mobil replika ini dibangun mengggunakan barang rongsokan.

Pria berusia 28 tahun tersebut, memulai usahanya untuk membangun replika supercar ini bulan Mei tahun lalu, ketika ia membeli sebuah Volkswagen bekas.

Meskipun kerja-kerasnya ini sekarang telah selesai, Jian tidak mampu untuk mengendarai mobil ini di jalan raya karena ia tidak mendapatkan ijin pakai di jalanan umum. walau demikian, Jian masih bisa menggunakan Lamborgini buatannya sebagai kendaraan pengangkut pupuk.

Fear in Personal Transformation

By Simon Andrew

A lot of people feel nervous when they hear something that deals with making changes. The emotional minds of many people have been triggered by change over the years. The triggers hinder lots of folks from having their personal characteristics transformed to boost self-esteem. A variety of techniques can be used have our personal traits transformed. Change involves the adjustments that aid us in improving our lives.

We amend our thinking, habits, behaviours and patterns by having our ways transformed. We are able to ultimately be on our way to success by revolutionizing ourselves. A lot of people do not challenge their fears, making it hard to get through the day. Positive transformations are important to make in one's life since that builds strength of character and self-esteem.

Visualisations can frequently be used to make transformations that are constructive. Begin with visualizing yourself so as to make positive transformations. Focus on the positive. Ask yourself whether you are a positive or negative thinker. You should work hard to increase your confidence and self-esteem if you have destructive feelings.

Positive change will occur if you stick to your plan and work to have your ambitions achieved. New age solutions are promoted to assist people with making personal transformation to enhance their lives since a lot of people fear change. Change involves how to adjust and learn something new. You will receive greater rewards when you transform your habits, behaviour and thinking to patterns that are productive.

It will be difficult to attain success if an entity remains in the patterns that are not changed. We should directly face our fears to make a few changes that are productive and that will guide us to build self-esteem and strength of character.

People who have got low self-esteem usually are afraid to transform in accepting any differences that happens. This means that we should accept differences by having the mind retrained so that it can accept change. We must therefore move to acceptance so as to move on in the journey to transform our way of life.

How Self-analysis Can Help

You should evaluate yourself in order to make changes that are constructive. Self-analysis is defined as the ability to evaluate the self. When someone usually goes thru this analysis, he finds out problems that he didn't know existed. For instance, a person that analyzes self might discover that he is afraid of being alone. This is something that is feared by many people, yet many of us don't realize it is embedded in the unconscious and subliminal mind. You'll find out your fears and work to have them eliminated by self-analyzing.

You will often make positive transformations while you build self-esteem by expressing your thoughts and feelings when you perform self-analyze. You'll admit accordingly to your admissions while you recognise your qualities and the way you behave. You'll become closer to the self throughout the process while building self-esteem. You can start to frequently measure your personal achievements to build a stronger personality by becoming closer to self.

Self-analysis will allow you discover the feelings which make you uncomfortable. People frequently don't examine their uncomfortable feelings, making it difficult for them to make positive transformations.

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