Ciri-ciri Orang dari Status Facebook

Ciri-ciri Orang dari Status Facebook
Ciri-ciri Orang Dilihat dari Update Status Facebook

1.Manusia Super Update

Kapanpun dan dimanapun update status. Status nya ga panjang2 amat..tapi terlihat bikin risih, karena hal2 yang ga terlalu penting juga dia publikasikan

contoh : "Lagi makan di restoran A..", "Dalam perjalanan menuju neraka..", "Saatnya baca koran..", dsb..

2.Manusia Melankolis

Biasanya dia curhat di status. Entah karena ingin banyak diberi komentar dari teman2nya atau hanya sekedar menuangkan unek2nya ke facebook, tapi biasanya orang tipe ini menceritakan kisahnya dan terkadang menanyakan solusi yg terbaik kepada yang laen..

contoh : "Kamu sakitin aku..lebih baik aku cari yang lain..", "Cuma kamu yang terbaik buat aku..terima kasih km sudah sayang ama aku selama ini..", dsb..

3.Manusia Tukang Ngeluh

Ga pagi, ga siang, ga malem, ga dikasih ujan, ga dikasih panas, ga dikasih uang, ga dikasih makan, pokonya semuanya dia keluhkan..

contoh : " Jakarta maceeet..!! Panas pula..", "Aaaargh ujan, padahal baru nyuci mobil..sialan..!!", "Males ngapa2in.. cape hati gara2 si do'i..", dsb..

4.Manusia Sombong

Mungkin beberapa dari mereka ga berniat menyombongkan diri, tapi terkadang orang yang melihatnya, yang notabene tidak bisa seberuntung dia, merasa kalo statusnya itu kelewat sombong, dan malah bikin sebel..

contoh : "Otw ke Paris ..!!", "BMW ku sayang, saatnya kamu mandi..aku mandiin ya sayang..", dsb..

5.Manusia Puitis

Dari judulnya udah jelas. Status nya selalu diisi dengan kata2 mutiara, tapi ga jelas apa maksudnya. Bikin kita terharu? Bikin kita sadar atas pesan tersembunyi nya? atau cuma sekedar memancing komentar? Sampai saat ini, tipe orang seperti ini masih dipertanyakan. .

contoh : "Kita masing-masing adalah malaikat bersayap satu. Dan hanya bisa terbang bila saling berpelukan", "Mencintai dan dicintai adalah seperti merasakan sinar matahari dari kedua sisi",

"Jika kau hidup sampai seratus tahun, aku ingin hidup seratus tahun kurang sehari, agar aku tidak pernah hidup tanpamu", dsb...

6.Manusia in English

Tipe manusianya bisa seperti apa saja, apakah melankolis, puitis, sombong dan sebagainya. Tapi dia berusaha lebih keren dengan mengatakannya dalam bahasa Inggwis Gicyu Low..

contoh : "Tie and Chair..", "I can tooth, you Pink sun.." dsb..

Kira2 seperti itu lah..sebenernya masih banyak lagi dalam pikiran..tapi keburu mau berangkat..kapan2 diterusin ya..hehe.. Mudah2an ga ada yang tersinggung. .just 4 fun kok..

7. alay

updatenya gaul2... dan bahasa dewa.. ejaan yang dialaykan..

contoh.." met moulnin all... pagiiieh yg cewrah... xixiixi" << lol~

8. obsesi

ngarep... tp ga kesampaian.. pengen jd artis ga dapat2.. dll..

contoh : :duwh... sesi pemotretan lagi! cape...

9. Sok tau

sotoy tenarnya..

contoh : pemerintah selalu memanjakan rakyatnya.. bla...bla... bla. .. pdahal ga taw apa yang ditulis..

10. bioskop mania

update film yang abis ditonton dan kasih comment..

contoh : ICE AGE 3..REcomended! !

11. tipe pedagang

contoh: "jual sepatu bla bla bla"

12. tipe penyuluh masyarakat

contoh: "jangan lupa dateng ke TPS, 5 menit utk 5 tahun bla..bla"

13. Pengguna Facebook Tipe Kaskuser

baru online 'PERTAMAXXXX GAN!'.... 5 menit lagi 'kalo berkenan cendolnya donk gannn'.... 1 jam lagi 'aduh sial gagal pertamax di trid sendiri'.... ... beberapa jam lagi 'YES GW UDAH ISO2000', trus nawarin 'bagi2 cendol gratiss di kaskus ngerayain ISO ' kalo online pagi 'pagi2 enaknya ngaskus gan!', 'tidur telat bangun pagi2 nyalain computer ngaskus lagi'

Dan masukan lain yang tentunya jadi status of the year..

14.Manusia Alay ...(nggak jelas maunya apa)

Ada berbagai macam versi, dari tulisannya yang aneh, atau tulisannya biasa aja, hanya saja kosakata nya ga lazim..ato mungkin ada yg fusion...

Alay 1 : "DucH Gw4 5aYan9 b6t s4ma Lo..7aNgaN tin69aL!n akYu ya B3!bh..!!"

Alay 2 : "km mugh kog gag pernach ngabwarin aq lagee seech? kmuw maseeh saiangs sama aq gag seech sebenernywa? "

Alay 3 : "Ouh mY 9oD..!! kYknY4w c gW k3ReNz 48ee5h d3ch..!!"

(Khusus buat tipe ini, ga usah di baca juga gpp..saya pribadi juga mikir dulu buat nulis ini, walaupun jadinya kurang mirip sama yg aslinya..)

15.Tipe Hidden Message (1 lagi yg kepikiran ama saya gan..)

Tipe ini biasanya ga to the point, tapi tentunya punya niat biar orang yg dituju membaca nya..bagus2 kalo baca..kalo ngga? kelamaan nunggu, padahal langsung aja sms ya..

contoh : "For you my M***, I can't live without are my bla bla bla..", "Heh, cewe bajingan..ngapain lo deket2in co gw?! kyk ga laku aja lo.." <<< (padahal ce tersebut ga jadi friend nya..mana bisa baca..)

16.Tipe Misterius

Tipe yang biasanya bikin banyak orang bertanya tanya atas apa maksud dari status orang tersebut..Biasanya dalam suatu kalimat membutuhkan Subjek + Predikat + Objek + Keterangan.. Tapi orang tipe ini mungkin hanya mengambil beberapa atau malah hanya 1 saja...Dan pastinya mengundang kontroversi. .

contoh : "Sudahlah.." , "Telah berakhir.." <<< (apanya??), "Termenung.. ."

Sumber : Guyon-Yook

Unique tips for the horse racing systems

By Alan Deluna

Description on the horse racing systems
Till the time folks will have a belief in betting on horses, the horse racing systems will surely exist. People also invest a huge amount of money in buying a horse and after that they place the horse to racing in order that the horse could enable in producing massive profits for the owner.

The horse racing systems which exists now in this present generation is entirely diverse from what this horse racing systems was in the olden days. The guidelines along with the distinctive betting policies on the horses have changed to a terrific extend. To win the bet, you have to be an excellent observer and you need to have a fantastic experience. Otherwise there happen to be situations in which been have gone bankrupt by betting on the horses.

Fantastic study is vital
Someone will only be effectively in these systems only if he spends sufficient time in doing a superb study regarding the horses after which analyze each and every point incredibly carefully. You also should hold a track of all of the horses that is certainly which won in the past and so accordingly you will have a relatively rough thought as to which horse will likely be the most effective bet for you personally. Now with the advancement in technologies everything is readily available on internet and for any data you can basically browse by sitting comfortably within your house.

For instance the diverse horse racing systems today are very conveniently offered and sold on net. These horse racing systems for the convenience of all the consumers are obtainable in the pdf format. There is a forum of people today that are genuinely considering these systems, exactly where you'll find panels and hence the discussion across different aspects of this subject takes location.

Horse racing system- An addiction
This technique has become an addiction to lot of folks but the folks, therefore wants to be highly efficient and seasoned in this field, to become inside a comfy position. Now with web it gets very effortless that persons can now acquire horses on internet itself. However it can also be advised that 1 really should only obtain a horse, which has an existing username and password as this can fundamentally provide you with a surety that it is a genuine a single and you are not being cheated as such. Initial step will then be to buy a horse and also the second step would then be to essentially get the horse racing systems.

This system will definitely help you in earning huge money. It is rightly said by somebody that investing in the horse racing system is like investing in basically some of the intellectual property which you are legally allowed to keep it with yourself. If you plan to sell this system to someone else, it is considered illegal and the government might take strong action against you for creating such a crime. You may be punished or even fined for making such an illegal mistake with the horse racing system

About the Author:

Make Studying as simple as ABC with Virtual Flashcards

By Kevin Middleton

The globe might be slowly living a cry to �save trees by using less paper.� Everywhere you go, there are tries to transform paper-based information in to electronic documents. Virtual flashcards might be 1 product in this movement. In the popularity of electronic gadgets, such as laptops along with ipads, virtual flashcards end up not just an environment-friendly study method furthermore quite a convenient approach to advertise greater studying. This research or teaching tool shows highly effective not only in young learners although adult individuals as well.

There is virtually no restrict as to what you can put in virtual flashcards. You can use these for all subjects, such as Chemistry, Taxonomy and Mathematics, and for all sorts of info, whether these are terms, numbers or graphics. For example, you might use virtual flashcards to analyze simple arithmetic equations or problems, in addition to study the most difficult questions in Physics or Trigonometry. Virtual flashcards will make memorization a whole lot easier for you. Using these as study technique, you can easily be familiar with complex nation capitals and historic occurrences. In addition, since they are electronic, they could virtually last for very long if saved effectively. Simply save them within your hard disk and keep the computer safe from infections and you are certain to have the ability to utilize them permanently.

Virtual flashcards are incredible study programs for all types of individuals. Not only best for kids, this study system furthermore shows reliable for older students. This may also accommodate all subjects, from the easiest to very complex, and from numerals to phrases and graphics. You may create virtual flashcards to find basic word issues in Math, and you might also use them for complex equations in Physics and Calculus. Lots of instructors as well as learners also depend on virtual flashcards to strengthen retention, specifically in task about memorization. Various virtual flashcards aspect subjects with various information to memorize, e . g . the ones that involve geography along with history. Also you can use virtual flashcards to name maps or some other drawings.

Because flashcards are all about improving memory and also retention, most virtual flashcards mimic any format with specific examinations. Certain virtual flashcards expose the result right after any query. This is similar to using standard paper-based flashcards, in which the queries are written within front side within the card while a step to correction is at the back. But most virtual flashcards contain performance assessment. Most of these materials flash all questions 1st, then reveal the solutions after a last question has been asked. This format permits for a calculation in scores. Many software for virtual flashcards can even notify you thru inbox about your errors also skipped items. There are various types of virtual flashcards, and you surely may get the one that will truly allow you to learn quick.

You might run to many on line applications to create your virtual flashcards. There're methods of design along with format, to help you produce flashcards according to your learning preferences or perhaps personality. You will also have a freedom to set parameters inside the lots of items or time limits. If creation isn't your thing, you might also simply depend upon earlier uploaded flashcards for you analyze. Its nearly an assurance which some other users have made virtual flashcards, which you could just reuse specifically if you don�t have plenty of time to make a brand new one.

Virtual flashcards are usually greater combined with quick Internet connection, yet you will also find sites that give you the method to download the materials so you can evaluate them even though you�re offline. The most important thing to be aware here is that making or downloading your virtual flashcards shouldn�t eat more time than the entire process of reading, understanding and studying them to enhance your own comprehension and retention.

About the Author:

Bahasa Inggris Ala Madura

Bahasa Inggris Ala Madura
Adalah sebuah cerita tentang seorang madura yang kaya raya pergi ke suatu tempat dan menginap di sebuah hotel yang mewah. Sebelum tidur malam ia memanggil pelayan hotel untuk pesan sarapan agar besok pagi dia tidak perlu repot.

Orang Madura ( OM ): Pelayan saya mau pesan sarapan untuk besok pagi ya, tolong dicatat, saya minta diantar di kamar saya jam 6 pagi, jangan telat ya sebab saya ada rapat.

Pelayan (P): Mau pesan apa Tuan?
OM : Saya mau pesan bret jembret.
P: Apa Tuan???
OM : Bret jembret!!!
P: Maaf Tuan apa itu bret jembret???
OM : Sampeyan ini gimana sih, jadi pelayan hotel terkenal kok bego. Anda bisa bahasa inggris nggak ?? Bahasa inggrisnya roti apa?
P: Bread Tuan.
OM : Nah sekarang bahasa inggrisnya selai apa???
P: Jam Tuan.
OM : Lah itu kalau roti dikasih selai terus atasnya dikasih roti lagi apa nggak bread jam bread tak iyah… doh sampeyan ini gimana sih!!!
P: Ooooooooooh itu Tuan. Lalu minumnya apa Tuan??
OM : Susu soda!!!
P: Pakai es Tuan???
OM: Lho lha iya pakai es dong, kalo ndak pake es kan jadi 'u u oda' tak iya, dok re mak sampeyan iki!!!

Surat dari Setan yang Benci Allah


Aku melihatmu kemarin, saat engkau memulai aktifitas harianmu.
Kau bangun tanpa sujud mengerjakan subuhmu
Bahkan kemudian, kau juga tidak mengucapkan "Bismillah" sebelum memulai
santapanmu, juga tidak sempat mengerjakan shalat Isha sebelum berangkat
ketempat tidurmu
Kau benar2 orang yang bersyukur, Aku menyukainya
Aku tak dapat mengungkapkan betapa senangnya aku melihatmu tidak merubah
cara hidupmu.
Hai Bodoh, Kamu millikku.
Ingat, kau dan aku sudah bertahun-tahun bersama,
dan aku masih belum bisa benar2 mencintaimu .
Malah aku masih membencimu, karena aku benci Allah.
Aku hanya menggunakanmu untuk membalas dendamku kepada Allah.
Dia sudah mencampakkan aku dari surga, dan aku akan tetap memanfaatkanmu
sepanjang masa untuk mebalaskannya

Kau lihat, ALLAH MENYAYANGIMU dan dia masih memiliki rencana-rencana
untukmu dihari depan.
Tapi kau sudah menyerahkan hidupmu padaku,
dan aku akan membuat kehidupanmu seperti neraka.
Sehingga kita bisa bersama dua kali dan ini akan menyakiti hati ALLAH

Aku benar-benar berterimakasih padamu, karena aku sudah menunjukkan
kepada NYA siapa yang menjadi pengatur dalam hidupmu dalam masa2 yang
kita jalani

Kita nonton film porno bersama, memaki orang, mencuri, berbohong,
munafik, makan sekenyang-kenyangya , guyon2an jorok, bergosip, manghakimi
orang, menghujam orang dari belakang, tidak hormat pada orang tua ,
Tidak menghargai Masjid, berperilaku buruk.
TENTUNYA kau tak ingin meninggalkan ini begitu saja.
Ayolah, Hai Bodoh, kita terbakar bersama, selamanya.
Aku masih memiliki rencana2 hangat untuk kita.
Ini hanya merupakan surat penghargaanku untuk mu.
Aku ingin mengucapkan 'TERIMAKASIH' karena sudah mengizinkanku
memanfaatkan hampir semua masa hidupmu.
Kamu memang sangat mudah dibodohi, aku menertawakanmu.
Saat kau tergoda berbuat dosa kamu menghadiahkan tawa.
Dosa sudah mulai mewarnai hidupmu.
Kamu sudah 20 tahun lebih tua, dan sekarang aku perlu darah muda.
Jadi, pergi dan lanjutkanlah mengajarkan orang-orang muda bagaimana
berbuat dosa.
Yang perlu kau lakukan adalah merokok, mabuk-mabukan, berbohong, berjudi,
bergosip, dan hiduplah se-egois mungkin.
Lakukan semua ini didepan anak-anak dan mereka akan menirunya.
Begitulah anak-anak .
Baiklah, aku persilahkan kau bergerak sekarang.
Aku akan kembali beberapa detik lagi untuk menggoda mu lagi.
Jika kau cukup cerdas, kau akan lari sembunyi, dan bertaubat atas
Dan hidup untuk Allah dengan sisa umurmu yang tinggal sedikit.
Memperingati orang bukan tabiatku, tapi diusiamu sekarang dan tetap
melakukan dosa, sepertinya memang agak aneh.
Jangan salah sangka, aku masih tetap membencimu.
Hanya saja kau harus menjadi orng tolol yang lebih baik dimata ALLAH.

Online Dating Can Help You Meet Your Dream Partner

By Russell Strider

Online dating is very simple, as anyone can get connected with people from all over the world with just a couple of mouse clicks. The process is quite easy - pay a visit to a dating website, sign up there and set up a small profile of yourself so you can get started. The best thing about this kind of dating is the fact that you don't need to go anywhere to look for a person. You can find your dream partner right on the internet.

In case you're a beginner then you might want to be aware that not all dating sites are alike. You have to look for a site that suits your interests. For example, if you're looking for a Christian dating site, then use that same keyword to search for the site because there are actually a huge number of dating sites offered online and some web sites are dedicated to a particular ethnicity, age group, or area. In addition, you'll need to have an idea of the sort of individual you're searching for then search accordingly.

Once you register for an online dating web site, you need to set up a profile so that other people can look at your profile and communicate with you. Your profile should be appealing and needs to reflect your personality and your interests. Take your time when filling out the form and give detailed details about yourself. You'll be asked specific questions such as what are your passions, hobbies and your interests.

Always attempt to make an honest portrayal of yourself so that others don't end up getting disappointed or surprised after they eventually meet you for the very first time. It is said that the first impression is the last impression, so make your first impression right in every respect. When your profile is completed, you'll be able to search other profiles on that particular dating site and talk about your interests with the individuals you meet up with.

One of the greatest things about dating on the internet is that you have an opportunity to interact with a lot of like-minded individuals. On the other hand, it is very important not to hurry the process. For instance, when you start talking to a person on the internet, don't share your telephone number or email address right away. Take the time and get to know one another. Only once you really feel at ease with a person should you reveal your own personal information.

Online dating is presently getting enormous popularity around the globe. There are many free dating sites where you are able to sign up and meet up with individuals who share your interests. However, you need to always search for a reputable site. Register now and meet your dream partner online.

About the Author:

Study How you can Get By far the most Out Of your Garden

By Maxwell Mierow

For many of us, gardening is more than something we do simply to make our house or our property look more attractive. It can be an ideal way to lower our stress levels and get some exercise while breathing in fresh air and getting in touch with nature.

Grow and plant seeds successfully. Make a small hole in the soil with a chopstick and drop three seeds in. When the seedlings emerge, snips off the weaker sprouts, leaving only the strongest plant Wait 4 to 5 weeks before transplanting. Wait until the weather is not so cold at night, as a sudden cold snap will kill most seedlings.

Prepare your garden bed in the fall for spring planting with this simple method. Lay down several layers of newspaper where you plan to grow your garden, wetting it down as you go. Cover the newspaper with thick black plastic, making sure the edges are secured so it doesn't fly away. In the spring, remove the plastic and plant seeds right through the newspaper and into the soil.

To fight off weeds in a natural way, make your own homemade weedkiller. Simply mix water and white vinegar in a bottle, and spray it the same way you would a normal weedkiller. As an added bonus, the vinegar solution will also serve as a source of nutrients to your plants.

Make a do it yourself twine holder by grabbing a rolled up length of twine and putting it into a small clay pot. Pull a small portion of the twine out the drainage hole and flip the pot upside down. You will always know where your twine is instead of digging around for it in a toolbox or shed.

Make sure you are realistic about your gardening abilities. It is easy to get excited about the possibilities that your garden holds. However, it does not make sense to purchase seeds that will not thrive in your climate. Research what type of plants you can successfully grow and stick to your list when shopping.

Use a raised bed for your vegetable garden. Using a raised bed is a great way to control the soil that you are planting in. It can also act as a deterrent for some pests and wildlife. You can buy a raised bed that is already made, or just use some old lumber.

It is important that you protect your hands while you work in your garden. If you do not wear gloves while you work in your yard, your hands can suffer from infections and other contaminants. Make sure that you keep your body safe by wearing protective clothing and gloves.

Grow evergreen plants. If you grow too many evergreen plants, your garden runs the risk of looking very gloomy, but a few well-placed evergreens can give a year-round framework. Choose evergreen plants with variegated or lighter green foliage, rather than sticking to darker colors. They can be used as a backdrop for spring and summer plants, and be the main attraction in the fall and winter.

If you are going to be doing a lot of work in your garden very close to the ground, such as weeding or planting, use a garden stool or pad to protect your knees. This will make it easier to get back up again and move once you finish, and will also reduce bruising on your knees.

Use a sanitary laundry basket to pick your fruit and vegetable harvest. They are reusable and already have holes so you can rinse the dirt and debris off your yields. It acts like a strainer and will replace the function of wood baskets. Save money and stay green at the same time.

Add some earthworms into your garden soil. Earthworms are great in tunneling and loosening up the soil, giving the roots of your plants plenty of air space. They help make soil that is rich in nutrients by breaking down dead plant materials. Earthworms are a much better solution for your garden than commercial fertilizers.

As we discussed at the beginning of this article, you can improve your gardening skills by educating yourself. When you are educated, you will know where to focus your efforts to have a better yield. Use the fantastic tips you learned here, and you will be destined for gardening success.

About the Author:

Fabrice Muamba - 'Tuhan Menjawab Doaku'

Fabrice Muamba - 'Tuhan Menjawab Doaku'
Fabrice Muamba, menceritakan bagaimana ia kembali dari kematian dan berkata: "Saya meminta Tuhan untuk melindungi saya - dan Dia tidak mengecewakan saya."

Secara emosional bintang sepak bola berusia  24 tahun itu berbicara untuk pertama kalinya sejak ia pingsan dan "mati" di lapangan di depan jutaan pemirsa TV. Berbicara dalam wawancara ekslusif dengan The Sun dia mengatakan: "Apa yang terjadi pada saya benar-benar suatu keajaiban."

 Muamba, seorang Kristen yang taat, menambahkan: "Saya adalah bukti nyata kekuatan doa. Selama 78 menit saya sudah mati dan bahkan jika saya hidup diperkirakan akan menderita kerusakan otak."

 "Tapi saya sangat hidup dan duduk di sini berbicara sekarang. Seseorang di atas sana telah menjagaku. Pada pagi hari pertandingan saya berdoa dengan ayah saya dan meminta Tuhan untuk melindungi saya - dan ia tidak mengecewakan saya ".

Dalam wawancara eksklusif dengan The Sun, Muamba mengungkapkan ia dicekam oleh sesuatu sensasi yang aneh "keluar dari tubuh" hanya dalam hitungan detik sebelum ia pingsan. Jantungnya berhenti selama 78 menit saat pertandingan Piala FA Spurs di White Hart Lane pada 17 Maret.

Muamba tak sadarkan diri selama tiga hari dan menghabiskan 40 hari di rumah sakit. Air matanya mengalir saat ia berbicara tentang sukacitanya melihat keluarganya ketika ia mulai mengalami pemulihan.

Sebagai seorang Kristen yang taat Muamba mengatakan dia berdoa bersama ayahnya hanya beberapa jam sebelum pertandingan. Dia berkata: "Kami bepergian ke tempat pertandingan dengan kereta api, Jumat.

"Pada hari Sabtu ayah saya menelepon saya di hotel tim dan kami berdoa bersama-sama seperti yang selalu kami lakukan sebelum pertandingan.

"Kami berdoa meminta perlindungan Tuhan - itu sesuatu yang sering
kami lakukan di telepon," kata Ayah Muamba, Marcel, 45 tahun  dari Walthamstow, London Timur.

menceritakan bagaimana ia memohon kepada Allah untuk mengampuni anaknya. Dia berkata: "Saya dibawa ke unit perawatan intensif langsung dari White Hart Lane dengan mobil van polisi.

"Saya jelas sangat khawatir bahwa Fabrice tidak akan
bertahan tapi iman kami sangat kuat dan saya sangat percaya Tuhan akan menjawab doa saya untuk menyelamatkannya. Di dalam van saya ingat dengan tenang berbicara ke ketua Bolton Phil Gartside dan berkata, 'Fabrice akan baik-baik saja'. Dia mungkin mengira aku gila.

"Tapi entah kenapa
saya hanya tahu Fabrice akan aman di tangan Tuhan."

Setelah masuk rumah sakit, Marcel mengunci diri di dalam bilik toilet selama lima menit
dan berdoa dengan intens. Dia berkata: "Saya mengatakan kepada Allah, silahkan mengurus semuanya.

Marcel masuk ke kamar Fabrice dengan hati yang. Marcel memegang tangan Muamba yang dingin dan lemas dan berbisik di telinganya.

Dia bercerita: "Saya mengatakan kepada Fabrice, 'Saya tahu
kamu mendengarkan saya. Saya memberitahu kamu bahwa kamu akan keluar dari rumah sakit ini melalui pintu depan bukan lewat pintu belakang.

"Lalu saya berkata kepada Tuhan,
Engkau adalah Tuhan yang membangkitkan Lazarus dari kematian. Sekarang ini nyatakanlah kemuliaan-Mu."

"Orang-orang di sekitar saya pada saat itu kagum dengan betapa tenangnya saya setelah saya berdoa dan bagaimana saya yakin bahwa Fabrice akan OK. Mereka pikir saya menolak untuk membiarkan diriku percaya anak saya akan mati karena saya tidak bisa menerima apa yang terjadi.

"Pada tahap bahwa banyak orang percaya bahkan jika ia selamat ia akan
menderita kerusakan otak dan tidak pernah bisa menjadi dirinya seperti yang dulu.

"Tapi saya tenang karena saya
percaya kepada Allah. Dan Tuhan tidak mengecewakan saya. "

Sementara untuk saat belum ada kepastian apakah Fabrice Muamba masih akan terjun dalam sepak bola. Dia hanya mengatakan, "Saya tahu saya sedang membuat kemajuan yang baik. Masih terlalu dini untuk mengatakan apakah saya akan bermain sepak bola profesional lagi tapi aku memiliki iman yang besar kepada Tuhan dan saya harap begitu siapa tahu?

image source : the sun

Semangka Warna Merah

Semangka Warna Merah

Seorang penjual buah semangka dengan semangat 45 mempromosikan buah semangka yang dijualnya.

“Ayo.. Ayooo.. Silahkan dipilih… Dipilih… Dijamin merah semangkanya, kalau tidak uang kembali 100 %”

Akhirnya ada seorang ibu yang terpengaruh akan promosi si tukang buah lalu membeli buah semangka yang dijual, dan tak lupa meminta jaminan bahwa buah semangka tersebut berwarna merah isinya jika tidak uang kembali 100 %.

Akhirnya sang ibu tersebut kembali ke rumahnya yang terletak di atas bukit.

Tiba-tiba buah semangka tersebut terjatuh dan menggelinding hingga ke kaki bukit kemudian pecah.

Lalu tampaklah oleh sang ibu bahwa semangka tersebut tidak berwarna merah, namun berwarna merah pucat.

Dengan semangat 45 kemudian ibu tersebut kembali dengan maksud untuk meminta pertanggung jawaban dari si tukang buah.

Setelah sampai sang ibu tersebut berkata : “GIMANA SIH BANG, KATANYA SEMANGKANYA WARNANYA MERAH”

Sambil menunjukkan semangka yang pecah tersebut.

Lalu si tukang buah bertanya kepada sang ibu apa yang terjadi…

Setelah dijelaskan peristiwanya lalu dengan santai si tukang buah berkata…
“ibu aja kalau jatuh menggelinding dari atas bukit hingga ke kaki bukit pucat kan bu mukanya, Nah… apalagi semangka !!!”

Sumber : Guyon Yook

Troublesome Acne? Read This To Make Your Troubles Go Away!

By Colin Vitnar

If you suffer from blackheads, pimples, and other forms of acne, this article has tips that can help. Teens and adults alike have to tackle acne. There are many ways to have better skin.

You may want to look into what you are eating if you have severe acne. While there is no scientific link between acne and junk foods, you may want to conduct your own scientific experiment by limiting or cutting out junk foods and seeing if your skin begins looking better. Add lean meats, vegetables and fruits to your diet. Doing so will improve your overall health which, in kind, can help you with your battle against acne.

Keeping your body hydrated should always be an important goal for your health. While you may be tempted to reach for a soda to satisfy thirst, the caffeine and extra calories in these drinks keep their hydrating benefits to a minimum. Instead of soda, try drinking more water. If you'd like to enjoy a sweet drink every now and then, prepare fresh juice with a juicer. Your skin will benefit from the many nutrients found in fresh juice.

Consider maca as a supplement. It is a powdery extract that helps balance your body's systems. Always remember to read the directions on the supplement and follow them.

Cleansers that contain harsh chemicals are marketed to clean your skin, but they can actually make things worse. The ingredients in these products can irritate problem areas and leech moisture from the skin. Instead of using chemical cleansers, try one with tea tree oil and you will see the difference.

While many people are aware of the benefits of garlic on their overall health, many are unaware of how it can be used to treat infections. If you have acne, use garlic to get rid of the bacteria on your skin. Apply a paste made of crushed garlic and water to your face to get rid of your acne. Avoid using this around your eyes. It will sting open sores, but it also kills the bacteria causing the infection. Leave this on for a few minutes and then thoroughly rinse your face and pat it dry. Never roughly scrub your face!

You can tighten your pores with a mask made of clay. Clay absorbs the oils that are present on the surface of your skin. When you remove the clay, you should be sure that you rinse your face to remove all traces of the clay.

Another thing that can negatively impact your skin is stress. When you are stressed, it's very hard to fight off infections as it can negatively affect a body's immune system. If you want clear skin, you should try to reduce the stress in your life.

You will see improvement in your skin by trying the advice in the following article. Beautiful, glowing skin is as easy as washing your face daily and using a garlic treatment with facial mask once a week. Make sure that you follow through with your plans to achieve the best results.

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