Contoh Pejabat Anti Korupsi

Contoh Pejabat Anti Korupsi

Setelah proyek multimilyar dollar selesai, sang dirjen kedatangan tamu bule wakil dari HQ kantor pemenang tender. Udah 7 tahun di Jakarta jadi bisa cakap Indonesia.

Bule: "Pak, ada hadiah dari kami untuk bapak. Saya parkir di bawah, Mercy S 320."

Dirjen : "Anda mau menyuap saya? Ini apa-apaan? Ini Korupsi?! Tender dah kelar kok. Jangan gitu ya, bahaya tau haree genee ngasih-ngasih hadiah."

Bule: "Tolonglah pak diterima. kalau gak, saya dianggap gagal membina relasi oleh kantor pusat."

Dirjen: "Ah, jangan gitu dong. Saya gak sudi!! Saya gak mau korupsi"

Bule (mikir ): "Gini aja, pak. gimana kalau bapak beli saja mobilnya..."

Dirjen: "Mana saya ada uang beli mobil mahal gitu!!"

Bule menelpon kantor pusat.

Bule: "Saya ada solusi, Pak. bapak beli mobilnya dg harga Rp. 10.000,- saja."

Dirjen: "Bener ya? OK, saya mau. Jadi ini bukan korupsi. Pake kwitansi ya.."

Bule: "Tentu, Pak.."

Bule menyiapkan dan menyerahkan kwitansi. Dirjen membayar dengan uang 50 ribuan. mereka pun bersalaman.

Bule (sambil membuka dompet): "Oh, maaf Pak. Ini kembaliannya Rp.40.000,-. "

Dirjen: "Gak usah pakai kembalian segala. Tolong kirim 4 mobil lagi ke rumah saya ya..."

Bule : @#$%^&**(

Car Accident Attorney NYC: Taking Your Case Into The Hands Of A Skilled Attorney

By Daniel S. Toliver

When you have been in an accident and have been hurt, car accident attorney NYC can work with you. Accidents are bad enough as is without the added stress of having to pay money and deal with the stressful events. With a reliable attorney, you will be able to file your claim and take care of everything efficiently and without hassle.

Wrecks are one of the most common accidents in the world today. Anyone that drives a vehicle is risking their safety because a car accident can happen to even the best drivers. In a lot of cases, those involved are lucky enough to have minor damage but there are also the various cases in which the cars are nearly destroyed or completely totaled. Car accidents are one of the biggest causes of injury and deaths. When a wreck causes harm to someone, a claim must be filed with the insurance companies and this can be a difficult process.

Accidents can cause damage to your car, your family, your body, your mental health, and your bank account. These accidents cause a huge amount of financial stress on you, your family, and on everyone that is involved. You do not have to do this by yourself, however, and the car accident attorney NYC is here to help you along the way.

When hiring a car accident attorney NYC you will have a certain set fee to pay. Most attorneys understand the stress you are under and they offer payment plans to help you out a bit. Your attorney will have a certain fee and you will discuss payment arrangements during your consultation. Various lawyers agree to a contingent payment which allows you to pay after the settlement. Many attorneys even agree that you do not have to pay unless you case is won.

If you or someone you love is suffering from an injury caused by an auto accident, rely on a car accident attorney NYC to help you out. With the help of your personal attorney, your case will be taken care of with the most care and you will be treated like family. Your claims will be filed and your case will be handled by day to guarantee that everything is handled correctly. With the auto accident attorney NYC fighting for you, you are sure to get all that you are entitled to.

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Henry Wallace Hartley : Pemimpin Orkestra Titanic

Henry Wallace Hartley : Pemimpin Orkestra Titanic

Henry Wallace Hartley (2 Juni 1878 - 15 April 1912) adalah seorang pemain biola Inggris dan pemimpin band pada RMS Titanic pada pelayaran perdananya. Dia menjadi terkenal karena memimpin delapan anggota band saat kapal tenggelam pada tanggal 15 April 1912. Dia meninggal saat tenggelamnya kapal tersebut.

Wallace Hartley lahir dan dibesarkan di Colne, Lancashire, Inggris. Ayah Hartley, Albion Hartley, adalah pemimpin paduan suara  dan pengawas Sekolah Minggu di Betel Independen Methodist Chapel, di mana keluarganya beribadah.

Hartley memperkenalkan nyanyian rohani "Lebih dekat Tuhan, kepada-Mu" untuk jemaat. Wallace belajar di Sekolah Methodis, menyanyi di paduan suara Bethel dan belajar biola dari seorang anggota gereja. Hartley sempat bermain music di Huddersfield Philharmonic Orchestra .

Pada bulan April 1912, Hartley ditugaskan menjadi bandmaster untuk kapal RMS Titanic. Ia pada mulanya ragu-ragu untuk kembali meninggalkan tunangannya, Maria Robinson, tetapi Hartley memutuskan bahwa bekerja pada pelayaran perdana Titanic akan memberinya kontak bagi pekerjaan di masa depan.

Sebenarnya band atau “Orchestra” Titanic itu ada dua unit dengan pemain biola, cello dan piano yang bermain di waktu dan tempat yang berbeda. Hartley memimpin band quintet dan biasanya mereka bermain saat setelah concert dinner dan dalam ibadah Hari Minggu (Sunday Service). Tetapi ketika Titanic menabrak gunung es, Hartley mengumpulkan dua unit band ini dan mereka bermain bersama tetapi ternyata itulah saat-saat terakhir mereka bermain bersama.

Setelah tengah malam saat penumpang Titanic mulai dinaikkan di sekoci penyelamat, Hartley mengumpulkan anggota bandnya di First Class dan  bermain musik untuk membantu menjaga penumpang tetap tenang. Banyak dari penumpang menyaksikan pemandangan yang aneh sementara mereka mengenakan jaket penyelamat dan mereka menanti giliran masuk ke sekoci penyelamat, Hartley dan kawan-kawan memainkan musik yang membuat mereka tetap tenang dan tidak menyadari keadaan sebenarnya.

Ketika para penumpang mulai menyadari keadaan sebenarnya, Hartley mengumpulkan teman-temannya ke Boat Deck dekat pintu masuk Grand Staircase.

Para korban yang selamat  mengatakan bahwa ia dan band terus bermain sampai akhir. Tidak satupun dari anggota band selamat dan kisah mereka bermain sampai akhir menjadi legenda populer.

Satu korban selamat mengaku telah melihat Hartley dan band-nya berdiri tepat di belakang corong pertama, dengan Grand Staircase. Dia melanjutkan dengan mengatakan bahwa ia melihat tiga dari mereka tersapu dan hilang sedangkan lima lainnya berpegang pada pagar di atas Grand Staircase. Hartley sempat berseru, "Saudara-saudara, Saya mengucapkan selamat tinggal ! " Sebuah surat kabar pada saat itu melaporkan "bagian yang dimainkan oleh orkestra di kapal Titanic di saat-saat terakhir yang  mengerikan akan menempati  peringkat di antara yang paling mulia dalam sejarah kepahlawanan di laut."

Saksi mata Mrs Brown mengatakan bahwa band yang dipimpin Hartley memainkan music dari dek ke dek dan mereka masih mendengarkan musiknya sampai saat-saat tenggelamnya kapal. Para musisi itu tetap berdiri dengan kaki di dalam air saat saya terakhir melihat mereka, ujar Mrs Brown.

Seorang penumpang kelas dua mengatakan "Banyak hal berani yang dilakukan pada malam itu, tetapi tidak ada yang melebihi keberanian para pria yang bermain dari menit ke menit saat kapal mulai tenggelam dan tenggelam ke dalam laut..."

Meskipun lagu terakhir yang dimainkan oleh band ini tidak diketahui, " Nearer, My God, to Thee " telah memperoleh penerimaan populer. Mantan teman bandnya mengklaim bahwa Hartley akan memainkan keduanya  baik " Nearer, My God, to Thee " atau " O God, Our Help in Ages Past “.

Jasad Wallace Hartley ditemukan 4 Mei 1912 oleh kapal kabel Mackay-Bennett. 40.000 pelayat berjajar di jalanan selama prosesi pemakamannya di Colne, Lancashire, baratlaut Inggris. Jonathan Evans Jones, aktor yang memainkan Wallace Hartley dalam film Titanic karya James Cameron, adalah seorang pemain biola profesional.

Hints On Identifying And Hiring Good Plumbers

By Chloe Gib

If you have a plumbing problem, there are many experts you can hire to help fix the problem in your home. There are also many individuals who are unable to pick the best providers. However, for you to be able to choose the best experts in this field, you ought to know how to distinguish the best and poor plumbers in Waltham, MA.

You should bear in mind that plumbing cases like water leakages in your house may be dreadful when repaired poorly. Thus, it is very important that you find a professional who fully understands the key plumbing faults and ways of repairing them.

For that reason, the professional you pick must have adequate skills and experience to handle the problem you have. Something which might assist you gauge an expert's experience is the form of reputation they boast from the services which they give. As such, you should hire professionals who have an incredible reputation from their customers in your region.

For those confused on the starting point, you may have your neighbors recommend you to some providers or consult friends who have had plumbing problems solved for them. Apart from this, you can visit the internet to come up with a number of providers giving these types of services.

After the compilation of the list of the providers, make a shortlist in accordance with the services they provide. Short listing can also depend on what you require, testimonials given by former clients as well as the quality of services offered by them.

The best plumbers in Waltham, MA should have very well established services, and should be insured. The insurance should cover both the workers and the services being offered. This is because any incident may occur during service delivery and therefore, they should be responsible.

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6 Kesalahan Fatal Pengguna Facebook

6 Kesalahan Fatal Pengguna Facebook

Menurut survey, 30% perusahaan menggunakan Facebook untuk menilai calon pegawainya. Jadi, jangan sembarang menulis atau meng-upload sesuatu di account Anda. Hindari 6 kesalahan fatal di bawah ini.

1. Foto profil yang kurang "sopan"
Sekilas tidak ada yang salah dari memasang foto profil yang menunjukkan Anda sedang berpose menggoda atau menenggak sebotol minuman keras. Namun jika foto tersebut dilihat oleh calon atasan, imej profesional Anda akan langsung runtuh.

2. Mengeluh tentang pekerjaan
Bisa berupa keluhan tentang pekerjaan yang menumpuk, atau uneg-uneg akan atasan yang tidak kompeten. Mengeluh itu wajar, namun jika Anda melakukannya di forum publik, lain lagi ceritanya.

3. Menulis sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan isi CV
Anda menulis 1984 sebagai tahun lahir Anda di dalam CV. Tapi di Facebook, tahun lahir Anda 1979. Sekecil apapun perbedaan data diri tersebut, Anda beresiko dicap tidak jujur. Minimal ceroboh dan tidak teliti.

4. Menulis status "mengadu"
Hati-hati saat menulis status seperti, "Tommy nggak masuk hari ini karena "sakit", padahal lagi liburan di Bali. Sementara aku terkurung dengan kerjaan yang menumpuk." Bukan hanya nama baik teman Anda saja yang dipertaruhkan, tapi juga kredibilitas Anda sendiri. Anda akan terlihat licik dan tidak dapat dipercaya.

5. Tidak menggunakan fasilitas Privacy Setting
Kita dapat mengatur siapa saja yang bisa melihat profil lengkap kita, siapa yang tidak bisa melihat foto-foto tertentu, dsb. Sayangnya, tidak semua pengguna Facebook memanfaatkan fasilitas ini. Bahkan banyak yang tidak mengerti atau tidak tahu sama sekali.

6. Pencemaran nama baik
Anda sudah menjaga halaman Facebook Anda baik-baik sehingga terlihat profesional. Tiba-tiba seorang teman meng-upload foto Anda yang sedang mabuk, dan tentunya tak lupa men-tag Anda. Rajin-rajinlah mengecek Facebook Anda sehingga bisa langsung menghapus konten yang tidak diinginkan.

Diagnosing Narcolepsy

By Robert S. Zones

The look of narcolepsy associated symptoms may possibly take many years prior to they are experienced and diagnosed on account of its low prevalence. The symptoms which are experienced by people suffering from these sleep disorder are related to those skilled in mental associated illnesses along with other sleep disorders which make narcolepsy diagnosis challenging. Narcolepsy is also confused with other medical conditions for example seizures and understanding problems in school going children producing it more hard to diagnose.

The diagnosis of narcolepsy is primarily dependent on the signs and symptoms that are present in individuals suffering from the condition. The physical examination, medical and loved ones history and laboratory tests are quite beneficial in diagnosing narcolepsy.

People going for narcolepsy diagnosis are consequently advised to tell the doctor treating them all of the symptoms they're experiencing, some personal habits that could interfere with the sleep cycle and also the duration the patient has been experiencing the symptoms. To be able to give reliable details, doctors suggestions that an every day recording of the sleep pattern need to be taken for a number of weeks and presented towards the physician when going to seek for remedy.

The physical examination marks the initial point in diagnosing narcolepsy and also the physician checks for any underlying condition that could be causing narcolepsy related symptoms. Life style behaviors for example the use of alcohol and other forms of challenging drugs are also an issue of concern during the physical examination.

Outcomes obtained from the physical examination figure out regardless of whether the patient should seek the attention of a sleep specialist for further diagnosis. Most narcolepsy diagnostic procedures are carried out in specially designed laboratories that are specifically created to monitor the patients sleep pattern. Numerous tests might be carried out in this sleep centers exactly where by the patient is necessary to invest a night or much more in the center. Tests which could be carried out to diagnose narcolepsy consist of:-


This is regarded as to be the standard test for diagnosing narcolepsy. The test is according to the use of a special instrument that electronically transmits and records some distinct physical activities taking place in the patient whilst asleep which may contain brain functions, breathing and muscle movements. Any info that's recorded by the measuring instrument is analyzed by the sleep specialist to establish whether the patient is suffering from narcolepsy.

Several Seep Latency Tests

The test is performed following the polysomnogram has been carried out. The test is aimed at determining the time it truly is going to take for a patient to fall asleep during the day. Patients attending this test are instructed to take four to five naps in every single two hours. The test starts two hours following the individual undergoing the test has woken up and is needed to take the initial nap. It has been observed that people that are not suffering from narcolepsy may take 10-20 minutes to fall asleep even though those suffering from narcolepsy might take less time to fall asleep.

Other tests that may possibly be employed in the diagnosis of narcolepsy incorporate Epworth sleepiness scale which makes use of a questionnaire to study sleep behaviors and hypocretin test which determines the quantity of hypocretin in CSF. Hypocretin is really a chemical that is recognized to trigger wakefulness and individuals with narcolepsy have low amounts of this chemical.

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CoQ10 Benefits - National Cancers Institute Confirms That CoQ10 Offers Potential As Cancer Therapy

By Ashley Connell

Can CoQ10 benefit cancer affected individuals? The answer is yes, according to the Nation's Cancer Institute, which has acknowledged the coenzyme's potential as an adjutant remedy for most cancers.

Coenzyme Q10 can be a natural substance produced by our bodies and found in the mitochondria, or energy production center, of every cell. In addition to playing a key part in the production of energy on the cellular level, it is a strong antioxidant capable of neutralizing detrimental free radicals (chemically unstable elements created when cells interact with oxygen and other ingredients).

Study on CoQ10's potential as a cancer malignancy treatment has been ongoing since the early 1960s, when it was basically observed that patients by types of cancer typically had low blood levels of the coenzyme. Lower levels are associated with cancers on the breast, lung, prostate, pancreas, digestive tract, kidney, as well as head/neck.

The nation's Cancers Institute says that because the coenzyme may improve immune system function, they have potential as an adjuvant therapy (treatment method given following primary cure to increase the chances of a cure) intended for cancer. In addition, its antioxidant properties may protect cells from free radical damage that can lead to most cancers.

Both animal research and clinical trials have revealed that increasing levels of the coenzyme stimulates the body's defence mechanism, making the body more immune to disease. In addition, animal research has revealed that CoQ10 helped protect the actual hearts of animals granted anti-cancer drugs capable of damaging the guts and decreasing cardiac functionality.

Though relatively few clinical trials involving human cancer affected individuals have been conducted, those that have also been carried out produced very positive results:

A randomized clinical trial involving Something like 20 cancer patients taking doxorubicin, an anti-cancer drug known to be capable of producing center damage, confirmed the results of the pet studies.

The Danish study of 32 cancer of the breast patients who were given products of the coenzyme along with conventional treatment reported that six of the patients experienced remission, while all people took fewer painkillers, lost less weight, and skilled an improved total well being.

Within followup research, the Danish research team afforded high-dose supplements of the coenzyme to small selection of of patients and seen them for periods which range from four months to five a long time. All of the patients given higher dosage supplements appeared to encounter total remission.

Although researchers agree that more studies are needed, anecdotal evidence confirms the studies with reports that elevated amounts of the coenzyme increased this survival of patients having lung, colon, rectal, and pancreatic melanoma. Though no serious negative effects of CoQ10 have been observed, the particular NCI stresses that it's important to check with health care providers to confirm that the dietary supplement can be safely used with different medicines.CoQ10 Advantages - National Most Cancers Institute Confirms That CoQ10 Possesses Potential As Cancer Cure

Can easily CoQ10 benefit cancer sufferers? The answer is yes, according to the National Cancer Institute, which has acknowledged the coenzyme's potential as an adjutant treatments for cancer.

Coenzyme q10 supplement can be a natural substance produced by your body and found in the mitochondria, or strength production center, of every cell phone. In addition to playing a key function in the production of energy for the cellular level, it is a powerful antioxidant capable of neutralizing detrimental free radicals (chemically unstable substances created when cells interact with oxygen and other ingredients).

Investigation on CoQ10's potential as a cancer treatment has been ongoing since early 1960s, when it was observed that patients by incorporating types of cancer typically received low blood levels of the coenzyme. Low levels are associated with cancers with the breast, lung, prostate, pancreas, intestines, kidney, and head/neck.

The nation's Cancer malignancy Institute says that because the coenzyme could improve immune system function, it's potential as an adjuvant therapy (cure given following primary cure to increase the chances of a cure) pertaining to cancer. In addition, its antioxidants may protect cells against free radical damage that can bring about cancer.

Both animal studies and clinical trials have revealed that increasing levels of the coenzyme stimulates the body's defense mechanisms, making the body more resistant to disease. In addition, animal research has shown that CoQ10 helped protect the particular hearts of animals offered anti-cancer drugs capable of damaging the center and decreasing cardiac operate.

Although relatively few numerous studies involving human cancer individuals have been conducted, those that have been recently carried out produced very positive results:

A randomized clinical trial involving Thirty cancer patients taking doxorubicin, a great anti-cancer drug known to be capable of producing cardiovascular system damage, confirmed the findings of the animal studies.

Some sort of Danish study of 32 breast cancers patients who were given dietary supplements of the coenzyme along with conventional cure reported that six of the patients experienced remission, while all people took fewer painkillers, shed less weight, and encountered an improved total well being.

In followup scientific tests, the Danish research team gave high-dose supplements of the coenzyme to limited number of patients and observed them for periods starting from four months to five decades. All of the patients given large dosage supplements appeared to experience total remission.

Although researchers acknowledge that more studies are needed, anecdotal evidence confirms the information with reports that greater amounts of the coenzyme increased the actual survival of patients together with lung, colon, rectal, and pancreatic cancer malignancy. Though no serious negative effects of CoQ10 have been observed, your NCI stresses that it's important to consult health care providers to confirm that the health supplement can be safely used with some other medicines.

About the Author:

Get To Evasive Fish In A Small Boat

By Vonda Keller

Angling advice which may be allegedly ingenious have been handed down from generation to generation of anglers for so long as folks have been sport fishing. Traditional philosophers alleged that it required two anglers in order to net a skate, a deep water feeding fish. They declared it was only possible to take the wiley fish if one fisherman played a flute as the other danced. Whilst a great deal has developed since ancient days, the intelligent tips keep coming.

Querying all tips concerning fishing is probably sensible, even today. Because while the tales and tips have modified, fishermen haven't. They still magic up stories of dubious origin to countenance their fishing methods. Worse, while much fishing information in slick professional mags is scientifically plausible, it isn't likely most fishermen or girls will be able to essentially put them in practice.

Allegedly, according to today's professional fishing books, knowing each scientific detail about what each fish does is obligatory. But that is not the case with about 95% of people that just want some solid fishing guidance. All most individuals have to know is the general factors needed in catching specific species of fish. That suggests how deep they're at a particular time, with water conditions and what the most likely successful bait will be. They don't need 15 pages of illustrations and systematic jargon.

A single element of sportfishing which has stayed clear, correct and constant is the fact that multitudes of folks try out their angling abilities from small fishing boats. In times past that may have been a kayak dug from a tree trunk, a raft of little trees and rope, or even a constructed wooden fishing boat. Nowadays it could be made of aluminum, very tough vinyl, fiberglass, or wood. Just about any material that is cost-effective and gets folks on the water could be used.

If you go to any volume of water, anywhere folk fish, you will find that little boats aren't just suited for water barely bigger than a pool. From streams, streams, large streams and lakes of tens of thousands of acres, tiny fishing vessels make their way into them. While angling from these small crafts takes rather more care and ingenuity, the multitudes that use them manage.

Discovering true worth in sport fishing recommendations is challenging. There's unending valuable information to pass on. It's how it's passed on that makes it handy. Generally, when I pass on some fishing guidance, it is something I have been doing effectively for a long time sometimes decades. It is mostly a fishing method that actually works solidly. And it is always exact, working on condition of appropriate temperature of water, depth, time of the year and other less important elements.

What's a consistent account for giving and getting fishing techniques, is they can all be accomplished from a small boat. The fact is a tiny, flat, light boat can get into some places, especially in the spring, that bigger boats just can't get to. And that means the small boat will get to fish others can't get to. With little boats being more plentiful, much cheaper, and versatile, they're a conspicuous choice for scores of folk.

Anglers would be wise to step back and streamline 1 or 2 efficient techniques until they are perfected. Combine that together with the acquisition of a small watercraft, and the amount of fish in the ice chest can multiply quickly.

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You May Be Able To Repair Your Personal Pipes

By Gerald Bailey

Picture signing up for a plumbing project using the confidence that you are going to complete a good job and that you are going to total the job for nicely below the price of hiring expert assist. Now use this hopefulness, and take a couple of minutes to read the excellent tips in this post.

Ensure that everyone inside your household knows how you can turn off the main water provide, or knows how you can contact somebody who can. Within the event of a burst pipe or other water-related emergency, you need to immediately turn off the water to stop flooding, structural harm, along with a sky-high water bill.

To avoid plumbing disasters in your kitchen, by no means location hard-to-grind, stringy, fibrous waste, like poultry skins, banana peels, carrots, celery, or cantaloupe pulp, into the garbage disposer. The disposer can't sufficiently grind these food goods and they'll clog your sink drain. You should also run cold water down the drain for about 15 seconds before and following using the garbage disposer to flush the waste down the primary drain.

If your sink is letting rusty water out and it'll not drain, it is mainly likely due to the biological scum and grease that's built up in the pipes. You should have your drains professionally cleaned, allowing maximum flow through your drains. Your drains must be open completely.

Run the water in all of your taps and into all drains to ensure that when you return from holiday you won't get a musty smell from dried out plumbing. There are also biological agents you can pick up in house provide shops that can help to ensure you do not get the odor while you're gone.

Use a foaming root killer, twice yearly, to remove tree roots that may bring your drains to a standstill. Foaming goods fill the entire pipe with chemical substances, killing roots that grow from the top in the pipe as well because the component that water flows via. They are much more efficient than normal root killers for this cause.

Make certain that you avoid throwing fats down the drain following you clean up your meal. Fats can solidify over time which can cause a drainage issue and corrupt your water flow. Throw out fats and various kinds of cooking oils within the garbage after you finish together with your meal.

Check the filters inside your furnace, frequently. If these filters have not been cleaned or replaced lately, they might become clogged. This may affect how well your furnace is able to function, which means that you might not have sufficient heat during the winter. Take this easy step, as soon as the weather starts to become cold.

Be sure to have a operating toilet fixed as soon as you can. Getting a running toilet utilizes much more water, which raises your water bill. To repair it yourself, you just need to find out what the problem is and purchase the supplies you'll need. If you cannot repair it yourself, call a plumber.

To summarize, you want to know that you are taking care of your plumbing job just the same as a professional would, but with out the additional expenses they would inflict upon you. Hopefully, this article was informative sufficient for you to tackle any plumbing issue that might come your way.

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Tips-Tips menghadapi Ujian Nasional ( UN )

Sekarang ini mungkin Para pelajar sedang menjalani Ujian Nasional (UN), berikut Tips-tips untuk menghadapi Soal ujian kali aja bisa membantu hehe.....

  1. Jangan Mandi sebelum UN, biar pengawasnya gak mau deket-deket.
  2. Sebar duit recehan buat pengemis, minta doa biar lulus UN.
  3. Nyontek lihat dulu kemasan jawabannya yg ada logo 'SNI'.
  4. Jangan lupa boker, biar pas UN gak berak.
  5. Pinjem Kantongnya Doraemon, klo Ranselnya Dora kegedean.
  6. Siapkan 2 HP, Bagus sama Jelek. Biar kalo disita kasih yg jelek pakek yg bagus.
  7. Baca doa sebelum jalan, hati2 klo jalan awas ada kucing nyebrang.
  8. Bawa Pensil 2. 1 tangan kanan 1 lagi tangan kiri, Hematlah waktu.
  9. Sebelum UN dimulai, biasakan Update status FB/Twitter minta doa sm teman.
  10. Jangan lupa pakek seragam sekolah, klo Kebaya disangka mau kondangan.
  11. Sedia tolak angin sebelum UN. Karena orang Pintar minumnya tolak angin.
  12. Jangan samain lg Pemilu. Ingat bukan dicoblos tapi dibuletin.
  13. Kalo ragu, pilih huruf yang bikin mata silau.
  14. Kalo gak bisa jawab lagi, segera Lambaikan tangan anda ke kamera.
  15. Apapun ujiannya, minumnya tetap teh botol Sosro.
  16. Bila situasi memungkinkan, searchig di GOOGLE ^_^
  17. Jawab pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang benar

Semoga ketika UN bisa jawab semuanya dan semoga LULUS (AMIN).
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