A Few Extremely Important Guidelines On How To Clean Your Outdoor Furniture Table

By Jake Chambers

You must thoroughly clean your outdoor furniture table on a day-to-day basis. As it is outside the house it is more prone to dust and damage than your in house furnishings would be. It is easy to deal with a buildup of dirt on a daily basis than to allow for it to build up over the summer season leaving you with inches of dust to plow through.

If your outdoor furniture table is made from plastic, you can clear it effortlessly with a solution of cleaning up liquid and hot water. Make use of a sponge to wipe off the intense dirt first and then work with your hot water. The detergent suds will get rid of most of the dirt even though you may well have to work at severe spots.

Plastic is vulnerable to unsightly stains but don't simply throw bleach onto it and hope for the best. Study the care instructions first as bleach can turn various white plastic furniture yellow and this might not be the look you want in your garden.

If you have patio umbrellas and other fabric based items on your garden furniture you can easily wash these with a mild detergent. Figure out first if they are machine washable as that would be the most effective solution. Otherwise, you will need to put the gloves on and wash them by hand. Pick a warm sunny day so that they can dry up properly as storing damp fabric merely leads to fungus.

Cleaning up your outdoor furniture table and other garden add-ons can be turned into a responsibility for all of the family not only Mom! Younger children like to be involved in things. They wish to contribute to the family. Make use of that energy now, as teens, that will be a much tougher sell. At the end of the day, everyone uses the furniture, so everyone should be responsible for helping to take care of it.

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Pria Yang Meninggalkan Pekerjaannya & Memilih Menjadi Tarzan

Pria Yang Meninggalkan Pekerjaannya & Memilih Menjadi Tarzan

JS-Bergelayut dari satu pohon ke pohon lain sembari berteriak, “Ouoooo…”. Apakah ini hanya terjadi dalam film Tarzan yang begitu populer pada 1970-an? Ternyata tidak. Du Toit DeWet mempraktekkan kehidupan rimba yang dijalani tokoh fiktif di film Hollywood itu.

Pria 24 tahun itu memilih meninggalkan pekerjaannya di sebuah supermarket di Manchester, Inggris, demi menyelami kehidupan layaknya Tarzan. Ia menanggalkan seragam petugas keamanannya dan terbang ke George, Afrika Selatan. Di kota ini, ia mengganti bajunya dengan sepotong kain, kemudian masuk ke hutan untuk menjalani kehidupan nyata seorang Tarzan.

“Orang mungkin berkata aku gila, tapi aku tahu ini adalah apa yang kuinginkan sejak lahir,” katanya.

DeWet sejak kecil memang terobsesi menjadi Tarzan. Saat itu ia tinggal di Namibia, Afrika, bersama ayahnya. Sang ayah merupakan kolektor buku dan komik Tarzan. Di kota pedalaman ini pula ia sering keluar-masuk hutan untuk memotret pelbagai binatang dan aneka serangga.

Nah, ketika tinggal di Manchester, ia kangen pada kehidupan masa kecilnya tersebut. Maka pada 2007, DeWet memutuskan benar-benar menjadi Tarzan. “Di Manchester, aku bukan tipe pria yang menyukai pesta. Aku tak pernah mabuk,” katanya. “Di sini, aku lebih suka makan buah-buahan dan berry yang kutemukan di hutan. Aku tahu serangga apa yang bisa kumakan.”

DeWet juga mengaku berteman dengan pelbagai binatang. “Teman terbaikku adalah Shaka, seekor gajah. Aku menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan monyet, zebra, dan buaya daripada dengan orang-orang,” ujarnya seperti dikutip Orange.

Apakah ia tidak merasa kesepian tinggal di hutan? “Tidak. Aku senang bisa menemukan Jane yang membantuku melewatkan waktu.” Jane adalah pacar Tarzan di kehidupan fiktif yang ternyata juga ia temukan di kehidupan nyata.

4 Makanan Terbaik untuk Otak

4 Makanan Terbaik untuk Otak

JS-Menjadi bagian terpenting bagi tubuh, otak menjadi pusat dari semua aktivitas manusia. Oleh karena itu, otak memerlukan asupan makanan sehat untuk membuatnya bekerja optimal.

Berikut ini beberapa jenis makanan yang berguna bagi kesehatan otak, seperti dikutip Boldsky, Selasa (28/2).

Vitamin B Kompleks 
Kelompok vitamin B kompleks terdiri dari delapan vitamin berbeda. Konsumsilah makanan atau multivitamin yang mengandung vitamin B kompleks, yang membantu meningkatkan fungsi otak. Vitamin ini membantu tubuh mengkonversi kolin, yaitu asam amino yang ditemukan dalam sumber makanan menjadi asetilkolin, yaitu neurotransmiter kimia yang membantu dalam memori dan proses belajar. Vitamin B kompleks banyak terdapat dalam kentang, biji-bijian, brokoli, bayam, jamur, pisang, berbagai produk olahan kacang kedelai, telur dan kacang almond.

Gandum Utuh 
Gandum utuh seperti roti gandum, oatmeal, beras merah, dan millet merupakan makanan sumber energi utama untuk tubuh dan otak. Makanan ini bekerja untuk meningkatkan aliran darah ke otak yang berarti menunjang kualitas dan kuantitas fungsi otak. Biji-bijian ini juga mengandung banyak vitamin B6, yang penuh dengan tiamin. Tiamin sangat bagus untuk siapa pun yang berusaha untuk meningkatkan daya ingat.

Asam Lemak Omega 3 
Untuk memiliki memori dan konsentrasi yang tajam, konsumsilah makanan yang kaya akan asam lemak omega 3 yang mampu mengontrol depresi dan stres. Pastikan untuk selalu mengonsumsi minyak ikan, minyak zaitun, bawang putih, ikan tuna, kalkun, salmon, telur, nasi, sereal, dan pasta.

KarbohidratMakanan seperti beras merah, apel, pisang, kismis, biji-bijian, dan kecambah, mengandung karbohidrat. Tubuh mengubah karbohidrat kompleks dalam makanan menjadi glukosa, kemudian tubuh akan menggunakannya sebagai bahan bakar untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan, fungsi memori dan konsentrasi.

So, let's start feed the brain.

10 Cara Terburuk Untuk Mengakhiri Hubungan Cinta

10 Cara Terburuk Untuk Mengakhiri Hubungan Cinta

Putus cinta merupakan hal yang paling tidak di inginkan oleh setiap pasangan yang sedang memadu kasih namun karena hubungan yang sudah tidak cocok dan banyak masalah  serta banyaknya pertengkaran membuat kamu harus memutuskan hubungan cinta kamu nah berikut ini ada 10 Cara Terburuk Untuk Mengakhiri Hubungan Cinta seperti yang palingseru.com kutip dari okezone.com kamu mau tahu cara yang bagai mana itu simak berikut ini .

1. Surat
Media ini banyak digunakan orang untuk mengakhiri hubungan yang meregangkan jarak baik karena perseteruan atau persleingkuhan. Meskipun sulit untuk memecahkan masalah secara pribadi, namun menulis surat bukanlah cara terbaik untuk ditempuh dan sebaiknya dihindari.

2. SMS
Sangat tak mengenakkan ketika Anda membuka ponsel dan disambut dengan kalimat, “Sepertinya kita harus menjadi teman.” Jadi, tak peduli apa yang Anda katakan atau bagaimana Anda mengatakan hal tersebut, faktanya tetap bahwa mengirimkan pesan teks putus cinta lewat pesan merupakan cara menyedihkan dan terkesan membuang seseorang.

3. Lewat telepon
Memutuskan lewat telepon hanyalah cara seorang pengecut karena Anda tidak ingin menemuinya secara pribadi untuk mengatakan keputusan tersebut.

4. E-mail
Sebenci apapun Anda ingin memutuskan pasangan, berdiam diri dan memutuskan tali cinta lewat e-mail adalah cara yang bakal membuat pasangan terluka. Kemungkinannya, dia akan membaca e-mail tersebut pada saat yang tak terduga sehingga akan menyisakan sedikit ruang yang menyakitkan untuknya.

5.Menyampaikan pada teman
Menyimpan kata-kata tak mengenakkan yang dikomunikasikan ke orang lain untuk disampaikan kepada Anda bukan cara santun yang bisa dilakukan. Jangan sampai perbincangan tersebut justru menjadikan gosip tak sedap di antara teman-teman Anda. Ingat, putus adalah urusan pribadi yang sebaiknya tidak diumbar dan biarkan dia mendengarnya pertama kali dari mulut Anda.

6. Facebook/Twitter
Berteriak-teriak di jejaring sosial sehingga seluruh dunia  bisa melihat bukanlah cara bijak untuk ditempuh. Ketika hubungan hancur dan Anda kembali menjadi lajang tak berarti Anda harus berbuat memalukan mantan pasangan. Banyak cara lain yang lebih santun untuk dipilih bukan?

7. Pengaruh orang lain
Memutuskan seseorang memang dibutuhkan keberanian yang datangnya dari dalam hati. Karenanya, menyoal alasan putus pun sebaiknya tidak dikarenakan orang lain yang berusaha memengaruhi Anda. Seberapapun orang tersebut memberikan pengaruh terhadap Anda sebaiknya jangan membiarkan pengaruh tersebut yang mendorong keputusan putus cinta Anda terhadap pasangan. Jadi, pikirkan baik-baik sebelum Anda melangkah lebih jauh.

8. Memutuskan di depan publik
Ketika Anda sedang makan bersama di restoran atau hangout di mal, Anda sengaja memanfaatkan momen tersebut untuk memberitahukan keputusan akhir dari hubungan yang tak bisa terus dijalankan. Hal ini sangat tidak etis untuk dipilih. Sebaliknya untuk mengutarakan keputusan tersebut, sebaiknya pilihlah lokasi yang tenang seperti rumah atau taman sehingga Anda mengecewakan orang tersebut dengan lembut.

9. Menghilang begitu saja
Menghindari kekasih Anda secara mendadak adalah hal yang harus dihindari. Suka atau tidak ketika sesuatu hal buruk terjadi pada Anda, tundalah perpisahan tersebut dan muncullah di hadapannya dengan sopan dan tidak menjadi pengecut yang kabur begitu saja. Menghilang hanya akan membuat perpisahan jadi lebih sulit.

10. Membiarkan dirinya tahu dari teman
Ketika Anda ingin mengakhiri hubungan cinta, salah satu cara termudah untuk dilakukan yakni memberitahunya secara langsung tentang hubungan Anda. Salah satu cara yang paling sedih ketika Anda mengakhiri hubungan adalah memasukkan orang asing yang tak ada sangkut pautnya dalam keputusan tersebut sebagai mediator keputusan Anda.

Music downloads for mp3 players from on the net popular music store

By John Diaz

The on line music retailers supply the ideal remedy for music downloads for mp3 players. We witnessed the rise with the mp3 players and saw the walkmans vanish. In today's globe we want top quality when it comes to our music that we listen to on our mp3 players, car stereo etc.

No one has the time to rip audio Cd's and transfer them into their mp3 players. The internet offers online music stores which offer you all kinds of music which you can buy and download. Click on buy, download the track and transfer it on to your mp3 player, it's that simple.

On-line music shops, the right choice
When mp3 players were introduced that was the time when we began converting the tapes and vinyl's to digital. It was a extended course of action and the good quality was just not exactly the same. Then came the on-line music shops which revolutionized the music business and created music downloads for mp3 players and so on a lot more uncomplicated. Folks do not have to invest in the complete album for just one or two songs that they like, just visit these web sites click get, download the songs you'd like and transfer it to your mp3 player.

Mp3 players can be connected to any laptop or PC which offers you the liberty of downloading and transferring music to you mp3 player from anywhere. These stores are offer a 24x7 service and even if you wake up in the middle of the night with a tune on your mind you can just download it and listen to it on your mp3 player.

Find the one for you
Every individual has a different and varied taste in music. From Rock to Pop to Hip-Hop to Electro to Trance and the list goes on. Looking for an online store that offer all these is difficult. The correct online store has to be found that specializes in the music one is looking for. The best way to download music is to select the appropriate site that offers you the genre of music you like. This is very beneficial as there are so many bands you might not have heard of that make your kind of music, you have the opportunity to explore the genre you love to a whole different level.

Music downloads for mp3 players are simplified by websites like iTunes, Beatport and Rhapsody that are among the top sites that are preferred by music lovers worldwide. It makes downloads for mp3 players that much simple and keeps your playlist updated with the latest tracks.

Sign in for the world of music
Music downloads for mp3 players might be made even simpler by signing into these on the internet music shops. They offer a wide range of delivers that may allow you to to download far more music and get discounts from time to time. Their internet websites are absolutely secured and trusted and therefore you are able to give inside your card facts to create music downloading quick as you'd not have to preserve going by way of precisely the same payment process each and every time you purchase music from the site. Music downloads for mp3 players have develop into simplified with more and more on the internet music retailers coming up.

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Manfaat Luar Biasa Daun Sirsak

Manfaat Luar Biasa Daun Sirsak

Hingga kini, masyarakat lebih mengetahui manfaat dan mengonsumsi buah sirsak. Padahal beberapa penelitian menunjukkan khasiat yang luar biasa dari daun sirsak.

Ya, daun sirsak telah digunakan secara tradisional untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit. Biar Anda tahu, berikut ini manfaat yang akan Anda rasakan dari pengonsumsian daun sirsak.

Turunkan Demam
Meskipun masih jarang digunakan di Indonesia, ternyata daun sirsak sudah lama digunakan di beberapa negara, termasuk Haiti, Jamaika dan Hindia Barat sebagai obat demam. Menurut Raintree Nutrition's Tropical Plant Database, daging dan daun sirsak yang dijadikan jus dipercaya membantu menurunkan suhu tubuh. Bahkan dalam budaya Peru, teh yang terbuat dari daun sirsak mampu meredakan peradangan selaput lendir (mucous membrane) karena asma.

Atasi Gangguan Pencernaan
Di Amerika Selatan dan Karibia, daging buah sirsak yang sudah masak menjadi obat untuk mengatasi masalah pada sistem pencernaan, seperti diare dan disentri. Mengonsumsi daun sirsak juga dipercaya dapat membunuh parasit, cacing pita dan racun berbahaya bagi tubuh.

Beberapa ahli herbal percaya bahwa kandungan alkaloid dalam daun sirsak dapat membantu mengurangi depresi. Alkolid bertanggung jawab menghambat pengambilan serotonin dalam otak, yang mengendalikan suasana hati dan emosi, seperti kebahagiaan dan kesedihan. Namun, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alkaloid sebenarnya bisa merusak sistem saraf dan dikaitkan dengan perkembangan penyakit parkinson.

Obat Penenang
Masyarakat Amerika Selatan dan Karibia menggunakan campuran daun, batang dan akar sirsak sebagai obat penenang. Tanaman ini juga bisa mengobati masalah jantung. Namun, manfaat dan efek sampingnya masih belum didukung dengan hasil penelitian.

Ada kabar baik bagi penderita kanker atau tumor. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan di Amerika dan Jepang, menunjukkan manfaat yang luar biasa dari daun sirsak dalam pencegahan dan penyembuhan kanker. Untuk pencegahan, disarankan untuk makan atau minum jus daun sirsak setiap hari.

Sementara untuk penyembuhan, bisa dengan merebus 10 lembar daun sirsak tua ke dalam tiga gelas air mendidih. Berikan satu gelas bagi penderita kanker atau tumor sebanyak dua kali dalam sehari. Setelah diminum, tubuh akan berasa hangat, dimana efeknya menyamai kemoterapi. Daun sirsak membunuh sel-sel yang tumbuh tidak normal dan membiarkan sel-sel tumbuh secara normal, berbeda dengan kemoterapi yang membunuh semua sel.

Penurun Tekanan Darah
Beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan tikus menunjukkan bahwa daun dan kulit batang pohon sirsak berkhasiat menurunkan hipertensi, vasodilator (pelebaran pembuluh darah), relaksan otot polos dan aktivitas cardiodepressant (menekan aktivitas jantung).

First Aid

Daun sirsak juga bisa diberikan sebagai pertolongan pertama saat Anda memiliki luka. Rebuasan air daun sirsak juga bisa digunakan sebagai kompres untuk mengobati berbagai radang dan kaki bengkak. Selain itu, daun sirsak juga dapat digunakan untuk mengatur sistem saraf dan terbukti efektif untuk mengobati insomnia.

Berani Coba Parfum Berbahan Air Kencing?

Berani Coba Parfum Berbahan Air Kencing?

Sbj - Parfum aneh berbahan urin (air seni/kencing) ini berasal dari kreasi Cherry Tree. Sebagai dukungan terhadap alam dan daur ulang sampah ia mencoba mendaur ulang segala sesuatu di sekitarnya. Lalu muncullah keinginan mendaur ulang air seni.

Cherry mulai membuat aroma yang unik pada tahun 2006. Ia menampung semua air seninya tepat saat bulan purnama. Lalu menyimpan urin dalam botol parfum.

Tree terpesona aroma urin yang berubah-ubah. Aroma urin sangat dipengaruhi apa yang dimakan sehari-hari. Menurutnya, bau urin akan terasa lebih wangi saat seseorang makan banyak madu dan beraroma buruk saat makan daging ayam.

"Saya tidak malu dengan ide menggunakan urin sebagai parfum. Beberapa jenis aroma musk juga diekstraksi dari kelenjar kelamin rusa," katanya seperti dikutip dari Genius Beauty.

Cherry percaya idenya akan bertahan lama. Dia bahkan mencoba memroses urin sebanyak dua kali untuk membuat aroma sekreatif mungkin.

Ia berharap kreasinya dapat dijual suatu saat. Orang-orang dapat menggunakan parfum dari urinnya sendiri. Terlepas dari ide uniknya, Cherry menekankan pentingnya pengolahan limbah untuk melestarikan lingkungan.

Tampaknya Cherry Tree harus mencoba membuat parfum dengan bahan baku urin seorang pemakan jengkol atau pete . . ha ha ha . .

Berani mencoba? Sumber : tempatshare.com

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Seizing The Game With Golf Practice Nets

By Sam Askin

Golf is a game relatively new in countries like China although it is very famous in a few and because training cannot be built over night, golf practice nets and artificial putting greens have highly assisted in introducing the sport to a much wider audience.

The most effective benefit nets have is the fact that they could be built everywhere from a back yard to a sports hall or perhaps a community centre. There can be climates where outdoor golf is out of the concern in winter time while there are also places where terrain id is scarce however the fascination of golf is enormous.

In Japan, the only alternative city dwellers has is tiered driving ranges and all but the very wealthy afford playing here. In other parts of Asia and Europe, outdoor winter activity is associated with learning to play snow related sports.

The golfer can approximately set up a few swings often with Golf practice nets indoors. Obviously, it's not really the same as playing in a course however the nets build a service suitable for a smaller location at home or in the community. This could become a income source for teaching professionals who are only idle at their golf clubs in undesirable winter seasons because they can do courses for starters.

Each and every golfer?s objective is usually to witness the golf ball strike out of eyesight. It won?t happen in a net but technologies are available which can determine how far a ball would have moved and in what direction from the club head. This has allowed the development of indoor sports where a participant can actually feel the sensation of playing a round. A series of well-known programs are on every game. For each strike, an image of exactly where the golf ball has landed shows up on the front screen from its previous placement and gives the golfball's length from the golf hole.

With this process, an eighteen golf hole course could be played out with an man-made green in order that an actual putting might take place; a man-made carpet is suited for this and just takes up small space. The games has consequently moved on to a computer system however it is nowhere close to as satisfying as playing in golf nets and really striking the balls using the respective clubs.

Nets therefore can help keep a golfer?s interest over the winter through periods of forced inactivity but they also contribute to perform for the people with insufficient time to spend on the practice ground. A net can be used in the back garden?s areas throughout the week or in the club for warming up before a real game. As low maintenance items taking up minimal area, they're neither a major expense for local authorities, clubs or sports centers.

No matter whether kept in the garage for the winter as well as used outdoor for the summer, these nets are home-friendly. They help to keep the gamers prepared for the actual round as they supply them the chance to practice in every spare time. There's a powerful place for golf training nets within the game?s equipment market.

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Have You Thought About College?

By Otis Trevor

Going to college is an expensive proposition, and to do it, you will probably need to make some sacrifices. Here are some ideas for raising money and freeing up cash for your college expenses.Sell stuff. That motor home or bass boat that you use maybe once a year can pay for a lot of college classes. If you have a second or a third car, consider selling one and maybe taking the bus more. You will be helping the environment, saving on a car payment and getting cash for college at the same time.

Federal grants are open to potential scholars regardless of your age. By filling out the grant application, you will be awarded grant money based on your income level and your financial situation. To qualify you need to have been accepted to a college or university, or be a continuing student in good academic standing. This application must be filled out annually, and the amount of your grants depends a lot on how early you apply.

Scholarships are also available, even to those who are long out of high school. Your college financial aid office will have a list of many possible programs, some sponsored by your school. This can include work study programs, corporate sponsorship and merit based scholarships.

While your financial aid office is a good place to start, there are thousands of scholarships offered nation wide, each with their own set of requirements, many targeting a specific segment of the population.Some are based on your national heritage, others on what organizations you or your family belong to. Some are promoting specific career goals while others simply want to help people in your community get back to school.

Scholarships are another way to get free money for school, but they can be tricky to find. Your college will have a list of programs that are either sponsored by or associated with your school, or which they have had a experience with over the years. This is the first place to try, as the financial aid staff can help you with the application process.By using an on line search engine, you can find additional scholarship programs in your community and nationwide that might help you finish your college degree.

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Exactly Why Networking Is Essential To Internet Advertising And Marketing

By Emily Smith

Just about the biggest reason that folks get into Internet Advertising is that they want more freedom and the ability to work from home. Then again, though, if you are used to working with lots of people professionally, this may result in feeling isolated. Additionally, there are a good number of challenges when things go wrong--sometimes you have to be able to get in touch with somebody who will help you or even just tell you what they've experienced. For this reason, networking is often important just as it is in many walks of life. In this article we will check out the ways you can network as an internet marketer.

An easy technique to possess some sort of dialogue with marketers is to join forums where you'll find individuals with all levels of experience. These forums are nearly always set up to allow it to be simple to seek advice and to share some experiences. You should definitely do some research to make sure that you're only investing time within a reputable forum and if you find one, you will need to ensure that the time you spend on there will actually be helpful. Here is one word of caution: make sure to limit your time to ensure that you will not accidentally forget to work on other areas of your business. However, if you contribute yourself and help other individuals as you grow to be more knowledgeable it can be a good way to interact with other marketers.

An obvious method to network and yet one that a lot of men and women overlook is to attend live events. Lots of events get held all through the year and these events usually require a fee but if you search you'll find a few. A lot of marketers out there will advise you that they got their start through live events or mainly because a seminar taught them how to go from frustration to success. It is usually great to speak to someone in person to get to know them better. There is a social side to live events where you mingle and sometimes have drinks and you could meet someone who will become a future joint venture partner or somebody who really will assist you to out in some fashion or other.

When you go to live events, make sure to get the contact details of the individuals you connected with to see if you are able to be of benefit to one another. If you are able to pick up the phone to someone or hook up on skype you then start to cement relationships that can lead to opportunities in the future. Networking once you start will open many doors as you are introduced to friends of your contacts and with any luck, this will help your business to grow. You can also network through social media. If you're on Twitter or Facebook and use them correctly, you are able to begin a number of conversations and put you in front of some vitally important people.

Internet marketing is actually a business where networking and building contacts will assist you to succeed and prevent you from feeling isolated.

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