Showing posts with label ruby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ruby. Show all posts

Do git commits associated to hoptoad errors

We are trying to build a better development workflow by connecting all our tools together.
So, this time we tried to connect HopToad Application with git commits because sometimes it's better to just paste the link to hoptoad error rather than describe all steps to reproduce. This idea was resulted in the command line interface for hoptoad api with a little git integration - Shelltoad.

Populate database pattern - why is it so cool?

Once my co-worker propose an idea to fill database with some fake data because we didn't have a gui forms yet and we have to show something that works to customer. That was a start for great pattern - populator.

Advanced non-flat controllers hierarchy with rails

REST became the best practice for organizing CRUD server side interface.
But what to do when we have something more than hello-world application that
goes forward from data CRUD and provides many presentations
of the same data with different filters and different layouts?

Ruby1.8: 'private' doesn't give expected level of privacy

The classic OOP pattern usually called encapsulation implemented in ruby with private and protected keywords methods. The distinction between API and implementation works great with both. The problem is that private doesn't hide method for inherited classes.

Advanced SQL and named scopes stack with ActiveRecord

If you ever work with rails application that is a little bit more complex then a simple CRUD you would know that some of the ActiveRecord magic doesn't work for complex SQL queries. I am primary talking about named scopes stack feature.

Objects behaviour inheritance with RSpec

About half of a year ago I was writing about object interface and Liskov Substitution Princeple. In short: Any class instance that extends the base class should pass all unit tests behaviour tests written for base class instance. It was a surprise for me that this concept has already been implemented in RSpec.

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