Hiroyuki Suzuki : Dari Mafia Yakuza Menjadi Hamba Kristus

 Hiroyuki Suzuki : Dari Mafia Yakuza Menjadi Hamba Kristus

Dia adalah seorang gangster kejam yang ditransformasi oleh Tuhan menjadi penginjil jalanan dan menjadi salah satu pendiri Prison Fellowship Jepang.

Sebagai seorang gangster jalanan ketika ia masih remaja, Hiroyuki Suzuki menuntut "uang keamanan" dari pemilik usaha, mengancam untuk melukai mereka atau merusak properti mereka jika mereka tidak mematuhinya.

Tidak lama kemudan ia menjadi anggota dari "Yakuza," yang dikenal sebagai Mafia Jepang yang terkenal. "Saya menembak dan membunuh serta melukai banyak orang," akunya, "Saya mencuri, merampok, dan melakukan banyak kejahatan." Sebagai penjudi kelas berat dengan gaya hidup yang tinggi-, akumulasi utangnya mencapai lebih dari $ 2 juta dolar (AS).

Setelah melanggar aturan Yuzuka dengan berteman dengan bos geng lain, Suzuki terpaksa bersembunyi, melarikan diri ke Tokyo dan meninggalkan istri dan anaknya. Khawatir bahwa "Yakuza" akan menemukan lokasi dan membunuhnya, Suzuki merasa putus asa. "Kecemasan karena merasa saya akan dibunuh kapan saja mendorong saya untuk mengkonsumsi obat-obatan," kenangnya, "Saya sangat tertekan dan ingin bunuh diri."

Suatu hari, merasa sedih dan sendirian, ia mencari perlindungan di gereja yang terjepit di antara rumah bordil dan tempat perjudian. Dia teringat kuasa doa yang telah bertahun-tahun dialami istrinya ketika pendetanya berdoa untuk penyembuhan dari tempurung lutut yang patah dan membuat pemulihan penuh.

Begitu berada di dalam gereja ia pingsan di depan salib, menangis atas kesalahan yang telah dilakukannya, yakin bahwa ia tidak layak untuk berdoa kepada Tuhan. Ketika seorang hamba Tuhan mendekatinya, Suzuki berteriak bahwa ia tidak bisa dipulihkan lagi. Hamba Tuhan ini mengatakan kepadanya terlepas dari latar belakangnya dan perbuatan mengerikan yang telah ia lakukan, Allah masih mengasihinya. "Alkitab mengatakan engkau berharga," sang Pastor meyakinkan dia. Suzuki percaya, tapi dia bilang, "Saya ingin percaya itu sebagai kebenaran."

Akhirnya Suzuki memperoleh keberanian untuk kembali ke Osaka untuk menemui istri dan putrinya. Meskipun mereka berdua pindah ke Korea, istri dan putrinya kebetulan mengunjungi Osaka saat Suzuki datang mencari mereka. "Ajaibnya, istri saya menerima saya dengan hangat," katanya, sesuatu yang mendalam menegaskan keyakinan barunya.

Suzuki membawa mereka ke Tokyo untuk memulai hidup baru bersama-sama. Kehidupan barunya membawanya ke sekolah teologia dan akhirnya ia mendirikan 'Misi Barabas', suatu penjangkauan Kristen bagi anak-anak nakal, anggota geng, dan orang-orang dalam kesulitan. Seperti Barabas, orang yang  dibebaskan dari hukuman, Misi Barabas terdiri dari mantan anggota Yakuza yang telah dibebaskan oleh Kristus dari hidup mereka yang penuh kejahatan.

Meskipun ia diusir dari Yakuza, Suzuki tidak takut akan pembalasan dendam mereka. "Sekarang Tuhan melindungi saya,". Setelah beberapa tahun kontak dengan Prison Fellowship International, Suzuki dengan mantan koleganya Yakuza mendirikan Prison Fellowship Ministry di Jepang. Secara resmi diakui sebagai pelayanan PF ke-100 selama Convocation PFI pada bulan Agustus 2003.

Masih menyandang tato yang banyak yang pernah menandai mereka sebagai anggota Yakuza dan bekas luka dari perkelahian jalanan masa lalu, Suzuki dan rekan-rekannya secara unik mampu mengidentifikasi dan berhubungan dengan anggota geng, tahanan, dan mantan tahanan. Di antara berbagai program yang mereka telah terapkan adalah program dukungan bagi korban dan keluarga para tahanan, dan program kerja untuk mantan narapidana.

Suzuki juga melayani  sebagai pendeta dari Siloam Gereja Kristus di pinggiran timur Tokyo. Dia memperkirakan bahwa sekitar 50% dari jemaatnya adalah mantan narapidana dan mantan anggota geng. Baru-baru ini, Kementerian Kehakiman Jepang mengangkat secara resmi Pastor Suzuki sebagai seorang pendeta penjara, membuatnya menjadi mantan tahanan pertama untuk memegang posisi tersebut di Jepang.

Suzuki telah menyebarkan Firman dengan cara yang unik. Pada satu kesempatan, ia dan rekan-rekannya membawa salib kayu besar sepanjang jalan dari Okinawa ke Hokkaido untuk membawa pesan Injil. Pastor Suzuki menggunakan kesempatan kedua dalam hidupnya untuk membantu orang lain memulai awal hidup yang baru. "Saya berterima kasih atas belas kasihan Tuhan untuk hidup saya, dan kehormatan untuk mengikuti-Nya di sepanjang hari-hari kehidupan saya yang tersisa," serunya. “Amen”.


7 Mata Uang Dengan Sejarah Unik

7 Mata Uang Dengan Sejarah Unik
Uang diciptakan untuk mempermudah manusia dalam melakukan perdaganagan yang digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah  disuatu negara. Namun tahukah tahukah kamu uang diciptakan tidak luput dari sejarah yang menyertainya salah satunya adalah 7 mata uang berikut ini yang dibuat pada masanya yang sampai saat ini masih meninggalkan cerita unik. Mau tahu uang apa aja itu simak 7 Mata Uang Dengan Sejarah Unik berikut ini.

7. Uang kumpulan voucher (vietnam)
Jika kita pernah berpikir bahwa uang bisa membeli segalanya, ternyata tidak. Uang Vietnam di tahun 70an ini berlaku sebagai kumpulan potongan voucher yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membeli pakaian dan perlengkapannya.

Mungkin jika kita harus memotong salah satu bagian untuk membayar baju, sebagian lagi untuk membayar celana, dan sebagian lagi untuk ikat pinggang.

6. Mata Uang berbentuk komoditas
Garam adalah salah satu barang tertua yang digunakan sebagai pembayaran. Sebenarnya, kata “salary” (gaji) berasal dari bahasa Latin “salarium” yaitu uang yang telah dibayarkan kepada prajurit Roma untuk membeli garam.

Garam juga juga digunakan sebagai alat tukar (mata uang) utama di gurun Sahara selama berabad-abad, dan digunakan secara luas di seluruh Afrika Timur. Biasanya, seseorang pada masa itu akan menjilati garam satu blok untuk memastikan garam tersebut asli dan memutuskan untuk membuat pecahan dari blok itu sebagai pecahan uang kecil.

Balok garam pada gambar berusia 1500 tahun.

Mata uang unik lainnya adalah :
* “RENG”, uang berbentuk bola benang yang dibungkus dalam sabut kelapa. Digunakan jama dulu di Kepuluan Solomon.
* Kakao digunakan di seluruh Meksiko dan Amerika Tengah
* Keju Parmigiano Reggiano , bahkan bisa digunakan sebagai jaminan pinjaman di Italia

5. Uang pecahan terbesar (Hungaria)
Inilah pecahan mata uang pemegang rekor sampai saat ini. Dicetak oleh Hungaria pada tahun 1946 dengan nominal 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengo. Ya! Seratus juta triliun Pengo dengan kurs saat itu hanya sekitar 20 US cent. Lihat saja, sampai jumlah nolnya pun tidak mungkin tercetak di sana.

4. Modifikasi Uang Karena Kudeta (Zaire)
Saat rezim Joseph Mobutu dikudeta pada tahun 1997 di Zaire (yang sekarang bernama The Democratic Republic of the Congo) Pemerintahan yang baru saat itu terlalu sibuk untuk mendesain dan mencetak uang baru selain karena jumlah uang saat itu terbatas pula.

3. Kulit tupai (Rusia)
Di beberapa abad silam, kulit tupai merupakan uang yang sah digunakan di Rusia. Bahkan beberapa bagian dari tupai mati ini seperti kuping, hidung, dan kuku-kukunya berfungsi sebagai “receh”. Kemungkinan Rusia saat itu bisa terbebas dari penyakit-penyakit yang ditularkan satwa.

2. Koin perak plus bonus air suci (Kep. Palau)
Jika di uang kertas USD ada “In God We Trust”, negara kepulauan Palau selangkah lebih maju. Negara ini pada tahun 2007 mencetak koin perak dengan gambar perawan suci dan menyertakan bonus botol kecil berisi beberapa tetes air suci dari sebuah mata air suci di Lourdes Perancis.

Negara ini pernah pula menyertakan mutiara, bahkan batu meteor pada uang koinnya. Perak dan air suci, hmm apakah negara ini ada masalah dengan serangan vampire dan werewolf ?

1. Uang dari batu (Pulau Yap, Kep. Solomon)
Di pulau Yap, sebuah pulau di Kepulauan Solomon, Anda akan menemukan “uang” terbesar dan teraneh di dunia : batu rai (semacam batu kapur). Uang ini berbentuk lingkarang dengan diameter 12 kaki dan berat 8 ton.

Entah sejarah atau kepercayaan apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat di Pulau Yap ini sangat mensakralkan batu ini, mungkin sama seperti masyarakan modern sangat mengagungkan batu emas.

Karena jenis batu ini tidak bisa ditemui di Pulau Yap, masyarakat Pulau Yap rela mengorbankan nyawa mereka untuk berpetualang mencari batu ini.

Tahukah kamu? Nilai nominal dari batu ini dinilai bukan hanya berdasarkan ukuran, tapi juga dinilai berdasarkan pengorbanan mendatangkannya ke Pulau Yap, termasuk jumlah nyawa yang melayang karena pengorbanan tersebut.

Karena bentuknya besar, uang ini dibiarkan tergeletak di luar rumah pemiliknya, bahkan kadang di hutan. Meski tergeletak di mana saja, orang2 pasti mengetahui siapa pemiliknya saat ini. Apabila terjadi pergantian kepemilikan, akan dilakukan dalam upacara tertentu.

Tentu saja itu jaman dulu. Pemerintah setempat telah melarang batu-batu uang ini keluar dari Pulau. Tapi setidaknya kamu bisa jumpai uang antik ini di lobi Bank of Canada di Ottawa andri cinta ucok.

Si Gagap Jualan Buku

Ada seorang Pengusaha yang baru memulai usaha baru untuk memasarkan Buku Cerita / Novel, karena dia butuh karyawan dia membuka lowongan kerja buat dijadikan seorang sales, dan ada seseorang yang berbicaranya gagap..

Gagap : "Sese.. la..mat paagi.. Pak...!!!"
Pengusaha : "Selamat pagi..."
Gagap : "Saa ya.. lii.. hat di sii..ni bu..tuh karr..yaa..wann.. Pak??"
Pengusaha : "Iya, saya butuh karyawan yang pandai dan bisa membuat laku buku-buku saya."
Gagap : "Saa..ya bii..sa Pak..!"
Pengusaha : "Bisa apa?? kamu ngomong saja susah.. bagaimana mau menjadi sales?? Sedangkan sales itu harus pintar berbicara dan harus lancar...?"
Gagap : "Baa..pak booleh coo..baa duulu saa..ya pas..ti bisa!!"
Pengusaha : "Baik coba kamu jual 5 buku ini.. 1 jam kemudian kamu kembali."
Gagap : "Baa..ikk Pak!!"

Setelah 1 jam Gagap kembali keperusahaan tersebut dan menyetor semua hasil penjualannya,

Gagap : "Ini Pak Haa..sill..nya."
Pengusaha : "Wahh hebat... Bagaimana kamu bisa menjualnya??"
Gagap : "Gaam..pang Pak!! Saa..ya Menna..warkan tee.russ kaa..lau dito..lak, saa..yaa bii..lang... Maau Beeli aatau.. Saaya Baacain Buukunya Saampai Haabiss.....???"

Foto Atlet Paralympic London 2012

Foto Atlet Paralympic London 2012
Foto para atlet Paralympic London 2012, para atlet ini dengan luar biasa mampu menemukan caranya sendiri untuk bersaing pada level yang tertinggi melampaui kekurangan mereka.

 Matt Stutzman, Atlet Panahan Amerika

Lu Dong, Perenang Putri China

 Tao Zheng, Perenang China Gaya Punggung

Natalia Partyka, telah meraih medali emas dan perak baik di Olimpiade maupun di Paralympic

Juan Jose Mendez dari Spanyol membalap hanya dengan satu tangan dan satu kaki

Sumber :DailyMail

Taking the Stress and Worry Out of Making Bail

By Smyke Gratila

Bail is a fee paid by someone accused of a crime in order to be released from jail while awaiting court dates or trials. Obtaining bail is not always an easy task; there are lots of formalities to the process. So it is worthwhile to approach bail bond agents or bail bond companies when securing bail. There are companies that take charge of these situations and help the clients.

These companies provide affordable bail bonds to their clients. The bail bond agents have experience with posting bail, and get the process done in an affordable and simple manner.

These companies take charge of the whole matter and the family members of the convicted people under crime charges do not have to try and figure out the complexities of posting bail on their own. The bondsmen simply ask for detailed information about the crime and try to get bail through proper means and sources, so the person may be released from jail while awaiting court dates and trials.

Bail is a promise in the form of a set sum of money, used to assure that the defendant returns to court at a pre-determined date and time. A bail amount is typically anywhere from a thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the infraction.

Because coming up with thousands of extra dollars is not feasible for most people, seeking the services of a bail bond company is often necessary in order to relieve loved ones from serving time in jail. Bail bond companies can post the bail amounts so that those accused can be immediately released. This is done with the strict requirement that defendants appear in court at the appointed times. Most bail bond companies charge ten percent of the total bail amount. For more information on how to make bail and about getting bail bond assistance, visit 1stclassbailbonds.com. 1st Class Bail Bonds is a widely respected Southern California bail bond company that provides 24-hour assistance from experienced and caring bail professionals.

About the Author:

When Considering Louisville HVAC Repair

By Greg Nickels

Owners will eventually need some kind of Louisville HVAC repair done on their units. The unit can continue to perform best when certain jobs have been done and these jobs can be done by any owner.

Often the only time an owner will have the name of a service company is when their unit malfunctions. Instead find a company before something happens to your unit. Proper maintenance will ensure that the unit remain working correctly for longer and so it is important to have a service company on hand to perform routine maintenance on the unit. Ask family, friends or neighbors for names of these service companies.

There are still some things any owner can do to make sure their unit will continue to perform optimally. Go outside and take a look at the state of your unit. Many times these units are filled with leaves and other debris that gets blown into them by the wind. Take the time to carefully clean out any and all debris.

Sadly many homeowners simply overlook, forget or just ignore the importance of clean filters. Locate the filter and see if it can either be cleaned or if necessary replace the unit. Look at the manufacturers website or the instruction manual to find out what procedure to follow. Make it a habit to check and clean or replace the filter at the very least yearly.

All units will have vents and like the filters these vents can become dirty. In order to maintain proper and efficient operation of your unit is to take the time to clean these vents. This is not a difficult job but one that any owner can do quickly.

In order to keep your current unit running smoothly you will need Louisville HVAC repair. Find a service company ahead of time before a problem arises. There are simple things you can do such as cleaning the outdoor unit of debris. You should also take the time to clean the filter as well as the vents.

About the Author:

Manfaat - Manfaat Menarik Nafas Dalam Dan Panjang Bagi Kesehatan

Manfaat - Manfaat Menarik Nafas Dalam Dan Panjang Bagi Kesehatan

Menarik nafas dalam-dalam adalah hal penting bagi kesehatan fisik maupun emosi. Tetapi, karena bernafas cenderung dianggap sebuah refleks menyebabkan aktivitas menghirup nafas secara dalam sering dilupakan.
Nah Ternyata, keuntungan menarik nafas panjang dan dalam tidak hanya untuk meredakan perasaan gugup tetapi masih banyak lagi. Pada saat tertentu dapat memberikan manfaat kesehatan lainnya. Berikut ini adalah manfaat lain dari bernafas panjang dan dalam :


1. Meredakan Stress

Bernafas secara dalam dan panjang membantu mengurangi stres ketika Anda sedang merasa tertekan. Aktivitas sehari-hari dan hubungan kita dengan sesama terkadang dapat meningkatkan kadar stres. Hal ini menyebabkan pernafasan menjadi lebih cepat dan tekanan darah pun meningkat. Padahal, kedua kondisi ini dapat berakibat buruk bagi kesehatan.

Menarik nafas secara dalam dan panjang dapat merupakan salah satu hal yang terbaik untuk meringankan rasa stres, sehingga pikiran kembali fokus dan jernih.

Pernafasan yang dangkal sering merupakan tanda terlalu banyak tekanan. Akibatnya, sedikit oksigen yang mencapai otak dan otot-otot dalam tubuh. Hal ini pada gilirannya akan meningkatkan ketegangan fisik.

Secara organ tubuh ketika menarik nafas dengan panjang dan dalam, tubuh anda akan mengirimkan sinyal untuk memperlambat reaksi di otak, sehingga ada perubahan hormonal dan faktor-faktor fisiologis lain. Lewat cara ini efeknya adalah memperlambat denyut jantung serta menurunkan tekanan darah yang tinggi saat stres. karena otak anda menjadi tenang dan rileks.

Kemudian otak meneruskan sinyal tersebut ke tubuh, sehingga Anda merasa rileks kembali.

Salah satu cara untuk membuat tubuh rileks adalah dengan berkonsentrasi pada pernafasan. Bernafas bisa sebagai teknik relaksasi untuk mengelola stres dan sakit kepala. Kuncinya adalah fokus pada menghilangkan ketegangan dengan bernafas melalui diafragma, mengisi perut dengan udara.

Bernafas dalam dapat membantu mengurangi keparahan dan frekuensi ketegangan sakit kepala yang berhubungan dengan stres, memperlambat denyut jantung, tekanan darah rendah dan mengurangi kelelahan.

2. Mengurangi Rasa Cemas

Rasa cemas dapat berbahaya bagi kesehatan dan menyebabkan beberapa masalah kesehatan dan penyakit. Latihan nafas mendalam dapat membantu membersihkan setiap “sumbatan” dalam pikiran, sehingga membantu Anda kembali fokus. Dengan begitu Anda dapat mengurangi ataupun menghilangkan rasa cemas Anda.

3. Membantu Memperbaiki Kesehatan Fisik dan Mental

Bernafas dalam-dalam dapat meningkatkan kadar oksigen dalam darah, meningkatkan kesehatan dalam berbagai cara memperlambat detak jantung Anda, memperbaiki sirkulasi, menurunkan tekanan darah, dan membantu pencernaan, sehingga pada akhirnya membantu meningkatkan kinerja mental dan energi.

4. Mengurangi Rasa Gugup

Gugup merupakan perasaan yang umum dialami oleh setiap orang. Terkadang rasa gugup dapat membuat seseorang sulit untuk berbicara, ketika hal tersebut terjadi, bernafas dalam-dalam dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasinya. Cobalah untuk menutup mata sambil menarik nafas dengan dalam selama satu atau dua menit.

5. Menurunkan Amarah

Ambil nafas secara dalam ketika Anda mulai merasa emosi sedang meninggi. Saat marah, tubuh akan merasa tertekan, dengan bernafas secara dalam bisa menurunkan emosi dan tekanan yang muncul.


6. Memperbaiki Sirkulasi Darah

Menarik nafas dalam-dalam secara teratur dapat meningkatkan dan memperbiki pengiriman oksigen ke seluruh organ tubuh. Cobalah menarik nafas dalam melalui perut Anda untuk meningkatkan suplai oksigen ke organ-organ tubuh dan membantu seluruh perkembangan dari sistem tubuh.

Saat kondisi emosi meninggi dan detak jantung terasa cepat, tariklah nafas dalam-dalam. Cara ini bisa sangat efektif menurunkan detak jantung saat kondisi Anda sedang stres. Ambil nafas dalam-dalam dengan benar, lakukanlah sebanyak tiga kali. Detak jantuk dan tekanan darah pun akan menurun.

7. Membantu Detoksifikasi

Menarik nafas dalam secara rutin kita dapat melakukan detoksifikasi organ tubuh. Karena ketika kita menarik nafas dengan dalam, dapat membantu mengeluarkan racun dalam tubuh sehingga membersihkan sistem tubuh Anda.

8. Menurunkan Tensi / Tekanan Darah

Bernafas secara dalam merangsang munculnya oksida nitrat alami yang berfungsi membuat seseorang lebih tenang. Zat tersebut akan memasuki paru-paru bahkan pusat otak, sehingga tekanan darah yang dalam keadaan tinggi bisa menurun.

Pasien jantung yang mengambil nafas pendek sebanyak 12-14 hembusan per menit (enam hembusan nafas permenit sudah dianggap optimal) lebih cenderung memiliki kadar oksigen rendah, yang dapat merusakan otot rangka dan fungsi metabolisme, sehingga menyebabkan atrofi otot (penurunan massa otot). Rutin menarik nafas dengan dalam telah terbukti menurunkan tekanan darah.

9. Membantu Mengurangi Rasa Sakit

Dengan menarik nafas dalam-dalam, tubuh akan mengeluarkan hormon endorfin. Ini adalag sejenis zat yang memberikan rasa nyaman dan juga merupakan pereda rasa sakit alami. Hormon ini juga dapat membuat otot-otot menjadi lebih rileks. Otot yang tegang meruoakan penyebab utama nyeri pada leher, punggung dan lambung. Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menarik nafas dalam-dalam memberikan manfaat bagi penderita asma.

10. Relaksasi Perut

Penelitian telah menunjukkan dengan menarik nafas dengan dalam dapat merelaksasi perut dan membantu perut Anda untuk bergerak dengan tepat. Jadi, jika Anda sedang mengalami pergejolakan di dalam perut cobalah untuk menarik nafas dengan dalam, terutama ketika Anda sedang berada di toilet.

11. Mempercepat Penurunan Berat Badan

Walaupun rahasia mempercepat metabolisme berat badan adalah dengan membakar lemak, tapi latihan pernafasan dalam bisa menjadi bagian dari yoga yang dapat membantu untuk menurunkan berat badan.

Pernafasan dalam membuat tubuh lebih mudah mendapatkan oksigen yang dibutuhkan untuk proses metabolisme secara efisien. Teknik pernafasan yang tepat sangat penting untuk latihan aerobik yang efektif juga, sehingga dapat meningkatkan energi dan membuat Anda merasa lebih mudah untuk terlibat dalam aktivitas fisik lebih kuat.

12. Meningkatkan Aliran Limfatik (Getah Bening)

Dengan membantu mengembangkan paru-paru lebih penuh, pernafasan dalam juga meningkatkan aliran cairan limfatik yang membantu mencegah infeksi.
Sistem limfatik bekerja dengan cara yang sama untuk sistem peredaran darah.
Bila darah membawa oksigen dan nutrisi ke sel-sel tubuh, getah bening dapat mencegah tubuh dari penyebab penyakit seperti bakteri, infeksi virus, zat-zat asing, mati sel-sel darah putih, racun dan limbah selular lainnya.

Meski aliran getah bening harus diperbaiki untuk menghilangkan sisa metabolisme dari tubuh, tapi seperti sistem peredaran darah sistem limfatik pun tidak memiliki pompa sendiri. Sebaliknya, cairan getah bening tergantung pada mekanisme pernafasan untuk membantu bergerak. Jadi, pernafasan yang baik akan bisa meningkatkan aliran limfatik.

13. Meningkatkan Fungsi Paru
Pernafasan dada yang pendek tidak menyediakan oksigen yang cukup dalam darah, yang berarti bahwa kurang pula oksigen yang tersedia untuk jaringan dan organ tubuh. Hal ini karena ketika orang menarik nafas cepat dan dangkal, paru-paru tidak cukup mengembang untuk memungkinkan transfer maksimum oksigen ke dalam darah.


Bernafas dengan teknik yang benar yaitu dengan menarik nafas panjang dan dalam, maka organ-organ dalam tubuh Anda untuk bekerja secara optimal.

a. Hirup nafas dari hidung sebanyak-banyaknya sampai perut membesar kemudian tahan untuk awalnya bisa 30 detik, lalu udara dibuang melalui mulut sehingga perut mengempes lagi.

b. Paling bagus adalah jika menghirup, menahan nafas dan membuang nafas dilakukan dalam jeda waktu yang sama.

e.g. : Misalnya menghirup nafas 30 detik, menahan nafas 30 detik dan membuang nafas 30 detik.

Jika kemampuannya sudah meningkat waktunya untuk latihan nafas ini bisa terus bertambah sesuai kemampuan masing-masing.

Sedangkan ketika Anda menarik nafas dalam atau pernafasan diafragma menyebabkan perut untuk lebih luas. Pernafasan diafragma dapat menarik udara ke dalam lobus bawah paru-paru dimana sebagian besar terjadi transfer oksigen.

Nah, dengan melakukan teknik pernafasan yang benar dengan cara tarik nafas dalam akan sangat membantu membuat tubuh sehat secara keseluruhan. Mulai sekarang, luangkan waktu sejenak untuk menarik nafas dalam-dalam hingga Anda merasa ada udara melewati hidung melalui perut hingga keluar lewat mulut.

2 Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia yang Mendunia

2 Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia yang Mendunia
Semoga ini menjadi awal yang baik untuk kita sebagai Bangsa Indonesia untuk mewujudkan Bahasa Indonesia menjadi salah satu Bahasa Internasional. Saat ini ada dua kalimat Bahasa Indonesia yang popular di Mancanegara pada bidang otomotif terutama motor.
Bagi anda yang mempunyai kegemaran Otomotif tentu telah mengetahui 2 kalimat tersebut. Ya Benar , 2 kalimat tersebut merupakan “Jargon” dari 2 merek produser motor terbesar di tanah Air, yaitu Yamaha dan Honda.
Yamaha dengan “Semakin di depan” dan Honda “Satu Hati” nya. 2 Kalimat tersebut sekarang juga menjadi “Jargon” dengan kedua Tim “Raksasa” pada perhelakan Event Internasional “MotoGP”.
Ini Suatu Kebanggaan bagi kita Bangsa Indonesia, walau hanya beberapa patah kata, tetapi Bahasa Indonesia mendapat tempat di hati penggemar olahraga sport ini, Terbukti dua season race MotoGp Qatar dan Jerez, pasti ada sekumpulan penonton yang membawa dan mengibar-ngibarkan bendera Yamaha “Semakin di Depan” dan Honda “One Heart / Satu Hati”, Siapa yang membawanya ?, ya mungkin ada orang Indonesia juga, tetapi ada juga para penonton eropa juga membawa bendera dukungan tersebut.Ini sebuah langkah yang tepat untuk mempromosikan Bahasa Indonesia, jika tahun kemarin hanya Yamaha yang menggunakan “Jargon” Berbahasa Indonesia, saat ini Honda juga telah menggunakan “Jargon” berbahasa Indonesia. Menurut pendapat saya hal ini harus mendapat Apresiasi lebih dari kita semua, Jika tahun kemarin “Semakin Di Depan” telah mendunia lewat “Jargon” Tim Yamaha Factory semoga tahun ini “Satu Hati” juga akan mendunia lewat “Repsol Honda” 
Memang sih bukan kali ini saja kalimat dan kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia digunakan dalam event dunia, tetapi “Semakin di Depan” dan “Satu Hati” berbeda karena kalimat ini memang mewakili Bahasa Indonesia, bukan Merek produksi Indonesia, seperti Pertamina, Djarum, Sampoerna atau yang lainnya yang merupakan Merek Produk.

Knowing More About Intermodal Transportation Los Angeles

By Mitzi Fitzgerald

Various industries have come up in the world today. This has resulted to increased demand for transportation services because raw materials are highly needed. Other shipping needs include relocation from one region to another which calls for reliable services. Care has to be taken when handling freight to avoid subsequent losses. The use of containers has helped much in achieving quality delivery of various products. Due to the emergence of intermodal transportation Los Angeles residents can put all movement worries to rest.

Matters related to risk occurrence when goods are on transit are kept as low as possible. This is made effective by perfection in keeping containers clean at all times. Contamination of delicate products is avoided to ensure that clients receive their freight in favorable conditions. Goods can therefore be stored for long without depreciating in value.

Less handling is required when using containers. This contributes to effectiveness in product maintenance. Great care is taken to ensure that each cargo gets to the owner in perfect shape without any alteration. Perishable goods and other fragile materials are conveniently handled through this method. Problems arising from theft are also lessened since accidents are not likely to happen.

Various means of transport are applicable since containers are highly mobile. Some of the means available include water, road and railway transport. The owner of the cargo is entitled to decide which mode best suits the individual need. It has also helped in offering quick delivery of products as well as reducing the cost of transferring goods to various destinations.

All the workers employed to carry out loading and inspection duties are highly qualified. The most favorable method is suggested by these professionals according to the type of products in question. This helps a lot in ensuring that the right measures are taken and that correct handling is done. The drivers who are assigned various trucks are also competent to prevent risks that result from reckless driving. It is one way to be guaranteed of success in all shipping needs.

Struggles involved when transporting bulky materials are also reduced. Both large and small delivery needs are met and this has enabled various enterprises to carry out businesses operations with much ease. The availability of special containers has been the major contribution behind this. Safety is enhanced for all items making it possible to plan for sale.

Services are made available at considerate prices. The pricing has enabled various corporations and individuals to achieve their objectives, thanks to the presence of high performing equipments. Application of modern technology has played a crucial role in ensuring that costs arising from extra workforce are minimized. This contributes to the general pricing of services since the benefit is passed to clients.

When seeking intermodal transportation Los Angeles service providers are the best. Location is not an issue because delivery is done both locally and internationally. All that the cargo owner is required to do is to provide appropriate addresses about the location. The items are made available within the scheduled time. Client information is also handled with enough confidentiality to avoid exposing personal secrets.

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The Role Of A Youth Inspirational Speaker

By Nichole Cunningham

A youth inspirational speaker is a person who inspires young people. Youths all over the world face a number of challenges. The ways in which they overcome such challenges determine their ability to succeed in life. At times, these challenges may cripple young people to the point that they can no longer accomplish anything in the world.

Drug and substance abuse is one of a myriad of problems that deeply affects young people. Other than the huge medication expenses incurred in treating the victims from the effects of such drugs could be otherwise used in worthier causes. The anxiety caused to friends and relatives of such victims may not be conducive for creative thinking.

Young people also need knowledge on how to invest. They on numerous occasions have access to vast sums of money. Without proper knowledge such funds may be misappropriated. Proper guidance on the utilization of such funds comes handy. This guarantees them of financial success in the years to come. The path one chooses to take may be the distinction between success and failure.

In modern times, friends can connect from all corners of the world. Social networking has made this a lot easier. Young people of diverse cultures are thus able to influence each other. However, with this enhanced connectivity comes the problem of increasing peer pressure. Nobody should succumb to pressure to do what is not right. Young people must be continuously advised on how to make the right decisions. Some decisions are life changing and irreversible.

Presently, the youth relate with people from diverse places. The youth need guidance on what would actually suit them. They should come out with something positive from any relationship. It is worth noting that one may end up acquiring undesirable traits. Options of avoiding such situations need to be explored.

Some people argue that knowledge is power. Such power is manifested by superior judgment. It is also evidenced by increased tolerance. Young people should be encouraged to read widely. This not only leaves them more knowledgeable but also enables them to appreciate the beliefs and values of other people.

The effectiveness of a youth inspirational speaker is determined by certain factors. A good speaker needs to be vastly knowledgeable on what affects his or her audience. This allows for any issue to be adequately tackled. The examples used stick on the minds of listeners. This allows the message to satisfactorily sink.

Good orators mostly make good youth inspirational speakers. With their special manipulation of language, they are able to captivate any audience. Listeners are thus enabled to get wind of what the speaker is saying. They are ultimately able to face real problems.

Youth inspirational speakers are no doubt important in any society. The youth face multiple challenges that could lead them to give up in what they are pursuing. Such people give them the hope to pursue their dreams. They have an unending belief that they are capable of achieving whatever they set out to do. This makes them better people.

About the Author:

Obtain Details with Free Police Records on the Web

By Claire Dowell

When you want to check out the criminal history of an individual, one can look it up through a police records. The Department of Criminal Justice Information Services in Florida manages the state's criminal files including Florida Police records.

A lot of useful information can be found on a police record that is issued in the state of Florida. It would indicate if the individual has been arrested or not. The real name of the involved individual is indicated on the document as well as the person's date of birth and address of residence. Information about the incident is the primary focus of the record. One can see if the individual has been involved with any violent acts, fraud or misconduct. Also, one can find the names of the people involved in the incident.

One of the top reasons for requesting a police record in Florida is to conduct a background check on certain individuals. Employers now use this file as reference in checking the background of their employees. They also use it when planning to hire a new person to their company. By doing so, employers can prevent any work related problems thus also avoiding financial issues. There are also those who are cautious about the people they are dealing with such as their caretakers, nannies, tutors, neighbors, relatives and friends. The records of these people are checked to ensure that they are living in a safe neighborhood. Private investigators and authorities also use the police record when they investigate a crime.

Requesting for the police record in Florida can be done by mailing the order to the office of the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services. A return address has to be indicated on the request so that the result can be mailed once the file has been found. A $24 fee has to be paid in order to process the retrieval of the document. One also has to include the basic information such as the name and the birth date of the person whose records is being checked in order to make the search a lot easier. It takes several days for the office to obtain a copy of the record.

The Police records in Florida are being managed by the office of the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services. There are several other places that you can go to if you cannot personally file the request at the office. The Florida State Repository and the State Police Department can also help you in providing the police record of an individual. The easiest way to get hold of the document is do obtain it through the Internet.

Online retrieval of a police record in the state of Florida is now possible. This can save you time and effort in going to the office to file the request. The record can be obtained even without going to the office as long as there is Internet connection and with just a simple click of the mouse the record can be displayed on the screen.

About the Author:

Are You Dressing Your Body Type? The Rules Of Stripes

By Brad Wilson

A lot of men want to dress well to show off their unique masculine physique but they want to do this with more than a few solid colours. The problem is, many don't understand how to use patterns, so they are afraid the patterns they choose will come off as over the top. Is this you?

It doesn't matter what you are using; either a pair of chinos with a dress shirt or a suit for men from Brook Taverner, you can never go wrong wearing stripes. Stripes are as popular as ever in the fashion community and are a fantastic way to dip your toes into world of patterns without having to dive in headfirst.

While patterns are popular and seems the perfect step you need to take now, there are a couple of rules you must never ignore if you plan to make the best with them.

Rules For Wearing Stripes

Appear Taller- If you are short and have been seeking means of looking taller to impress those you meet, you can use vertical stripes. Stripes on your dress shirts and pinstriped suits can give the illusion of a longer body, and while this is only an illusion, the perception and impression it obtains sticks.

Width of Your Stripes- The width and weight of the stripes you choose to wear with your men's suits will have a direct affect on the way your body looks. For this reason, there are strict guidelines you should adhere to if you want to add extra pounds to your frame or if you want to avoid looking like you are adding extra weight altogether. If you are a big man, or simply have a few extra pounds you would rather not show off, keep your stripes relatively thin and close together. This will draw the eye up, instead of out. So if you are thin and want to add a bit of meat to your stature, you can use a wider stripes.

Using Stripes And Colours- The first task to using stripes is to choose which direction of stripe you need and the second is to choose the colour. Avoid complementary colours in your clothing, or those that sit opposite one another on the colour wheel. These can be a bit loud and aesthetically painful when placed on top of one another. If you plan to use a blue suit, don't use a dress shirt with orange stripes. It is better you use a black or gray shirt instead.

Using Stripes Together- It is obvious that many people oppose using two or more articles of clothing with stripe, but they can bring out your real physique if done well. This means that you can use a pinstriped suit with a striped shirt. However, if you do choose to wear two different articles of clothing with stripes, make sure the stripes are a different weight. It is important that one mix well with the other so they can work well together.

Want to start exercising your new fashion sense, but afraid you may use the wrong pattern? Consider starting out with stripes and following these simple rules so you always look your best.

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Tidak Ingin Insomnia ? Hindari Makanan ini Ketika Malam

Tidak Ingin Insomnia ? Hindari Makanan ini Ketika Malam
Suka insomnia? Hati-hati kualitas kesehatan anda pasti lambat laun menurun. Tidur yang nyenyak bisa membuat tubuh Anda merasa segar saat bangun di pagi hari. Namun, sebagian besar orang mungkin mengalami masalah susah tidur. Hal ini bisa saja terjadi karena pengaruh makanan yang Anda konsumsi sebelum pergi tidur. Beberapa makanan perlu Anda tahu bisa membuat tidur Anda terganggu.
Jika Anda sedang mencari malam yang damai, di sini ada 4 makanan yang harus Anda hindari sebelum tidur seperti dikutip laman AskMen:

Es Krim dan permen

Es krim sarat dengan lemak, sehingga Anda tidak akan memberikan tubuh Anda kesempatan untuk membakar semua kalori sebelum tidur. Ditambah lagi, kandungan gula dalam es krim sangat tinggi. Gula hanya akan disimpan dan berubah menjadi lemak. Dengan demikian, konsumsi es krim bisa membuat bobot tubuh meningkat.

Para peneliti juga telah menemukan bahwa makan makanan tinggi gula sebelum tidur bisa menyebabkan mimpi buruk. Sebuah studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa 7 dari 10 orang yang makan junk food seperti permen sebelum tidur lebih mungkin rentan terhadap mimpi buruk. Hipotesisnya adalah bahwa gula tingkat tinggi menciptakan gelombang otak yang lebih mengerikan.

Bawang putih

Sebaiknya hindari konsumsi bawang putih sebelum tidur. Selain karena alasan menimbulkan bau mulut, bawang putih juga dikenal sebagai "ramuan panas,". Sama halnya dengan makanan pedas, bawang putih cenderung memiliki beberapa sifat yang dapat menyebabkan timbulnya rasa mulas.

Kadang-kadang, bawang putih juga memiliki efek samping mengganggu lambung, jadi jika Anda memiliki perut yang lemah atau rentan terhadap refluks asam, sebaiknya hindari konsumsi bawang putih agar istirahat malam anda tak terganggu.

Coklat Hitam

Siapa yang tidak ingin menyelinap menikmati sedikit gigitan coklat sebelum tidur? Sayangnya, jika Anda ingin tidur malam lebih lelap, coklat hitam justru bisa menjadi pengganggu tidur lelap Anda, sehingga harus dihindari.

Coklat hitam atau Dark chocolate merupakan makanan tinggi kafein, yang dikenal bisa membuat seseorang mata seseorang lebih terbelalak. Hampir semua coklat berisi kafein, jadi jika ingin tidur lebih lelap sebaiknya hindari coklat sebelum tidur.

Daging Olahan

Daging-daging olahan seperti daging asap, burger atau sosis mengandung asam amino tyramine yang cukup tinggi. Zat ini akan memicu otak untuk melepas norepinephrine, yang membuat Anda selalu terjaga semalaman suntuk. Pilihlah daging ikan, ayam atau daging sapi segar untuk makan malam, bukan yang sudah mengalami proses pengawetan.

The Truth About Photography

By George Tony

I am telling you right now that becoming a really great photographer is going to require that you put in an insane amount of work. I will tell you right now that if you want to achieve anything of importance then it will be in your interest to make sure that you focus as much as you possibly can. The truth is that if you are able to focus on a few core rules then there is nothing that can stop you from actually becoming a great photographer. All it requires is that you put in the work and pretty soon you will have amazing photos in your portfolio.

The truth is that if you are able to focus then you will soon enough be able to take great pictures. The truth is focus is the most important element of taking great pictures so start to develop it. The truth is that if you are able to remain alert in everything that you do then you will be able to remain focused. The truth is taking pictures is literally as easy you getting rid of all the distractions in your life. The television is the biggest culprit and thing you need to get rid of.

You now need to make sure that you move forward by getting the camera of your dreams. The truth of the matter is that there is no way that you are going to be able to take great pictures unless you are prepared to actually buy a great camera. Believe me my friend the money that you invest in the new camera will be exactly what is going to result in you getting the skills you want. There is no way that you are not going to be able to take great pictures if you just buy the best camera that is out there.

To get your level of photography to a whole different level you are going to want to experiment as much as you possibly can. I am telling you right now my friend that trying out different things is the key to actually becoming the best photographer in the world. To really go above your comfort level it is important that you start experimenting with things like landscapes etc. It is super important that you just keep on experimenting with different techniques to find the one that you want to move forward with. Trust me my friend becoming the best photographer in the world will become that much easier when you are in a niche that you absolutely love.

The truth is super simple and that is that becoming the best photographer in the world is as easy as following the simple principles that I have laid out for you here today. Now to get results you just need to get out there and take action.

About the Author:

The Popularity Of Invisalign New York City

By Esperanza Galloway

Invisalign includes the latest orthodontic technology where a set of aligners are placed over the teeth for straightening purposes. This option has received increased attention as it allows for increased comfort and convenience among patients in comparison to conventional braces. With invisalign New York City patients are assisted in the development of a beautiful smile.

It is important to consider the properties the clear aligners can provide over traditional metallic braces. Conventional options have resulted in a large number of children and adolescents being criticized due to the drastic appearance of metal brackets and wiring. This has led to more individuals showing an interest in alternatives which are less noticeable and simpler to maintain.

The aligners are developed to custom fit the mouth of the patient according to a 3D plan. Each time a correction or adjustment is necessary, these aligners will be changed and required to be worn for a particular period of time. It is important for patients to understand that this is also a lengthy process and is largely dependent on the nature of the misalignment of teeth.

Patients wearing such aligners seldom report intense pain or discomfort. The orthodontist will focus on the nature of misalignment during an oral assessment and discuss whether such technology is an option for your needs. It is necessary to understand that severe cases of crooked, misshapen or missing teeth will not benefit from the aligners and instead requires metallic bracing.

The major benefit of invisalign is in the fact that this clear tray can be removed when eating or during cleaning procedure unlike the difficulty that is experienced with brackets and wiring. Special tools and techniques are often necessary for metallic braces in which a tremendous amount of plaque may build up and increase risk for cavities. The aligner simply needs to be rinsed and teeth brushed and flossed.

Contact sports often requires individuals to wear so called mouth guards to protect from significant injury. For those presenting with traditional braces, wearing such guards may be an impossibility. Wires and brackets also cause the development of ulcers and irritation due to the friction of the metal against the tissues.

With invisalign technology patients are provided with an alternative for straighter teeth. With invisalign New York City candidates presenting with mild to moderate misalignment, this option provides a convenient and comfortable option to create a dream smile. It is important to consider the costs involved in such bracing options for healthy outcomes.

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Komandan dan Sersan Koplak

Cerita ini terjadi di sebuah gedung yg dipasangi BOM waktu. Seorang SERSAN bertugas
menjinakan BOM dgn dipandu via radio oleh komandannya.

KOMANDAN :”Kijang satu ke kijang dua. Bagaimana kondisi disana?? - Ganti”
SERSAN :”Saya di depan BOM yang akan meledak komandan, mohon instruksi - Ganti”

KOMANDAN :”Tolong bersihkan area dulu sersan!”
SERSAN :”Maksudnya, saya nyapu dan ngepel dulu ya komandan? Mohon insruksi ! Ganti ”

KOMANDAN : ”Bukaaan! Semprul km! Ambil radius beberapa mt dr pusat BOM lalu bersihkan area tersebut dari obyek yang bisa membahayakan”
SERSAN : ”Siap Komandan!! ”

*tak berapa lama*

SERSAN : Lapor Komandan, area sudah dibersihkan. Ganti”
KOMANDAN : ”Oke, sekarang kamu fokus ke BOM!! Berapa menit waktu yg tersisa sersan?”

SERSAN :”Sekarang menunjukan hitungan mundur 15:00:56 komandan !!”
KOMANDAN :”Berarti km masih punya waktu 15 menit, Cepat buka tutup BOMnya pake obeng!”

SERSAN : ”Kalo saya buka nanti garansinya batal donk komandan?”
KOMANDAN : ”SEMPRUL KAMU!!! Emang barang elektronik toko pake garansi? Cepat Bongkar!!!” | SERSAN : ”SIAP”

SERSAN :”BOM sudah terbuka komandan sekarang ada banyak kabel, mohon instruksi Ganti” KOMANDAN : ”Sekarang potong kabel yang terdekat”
SERSAN : ”Siap, Laksanakan...!"*prettt... tuuuuuttttttttt*

Tiba-tiba pembicaraan terpotong, kondisi markas Heboh dan komandanpun marah marah sambil memaki kebodohan si sersan.
KOMANDAN :”Itu prajurit dr mana sih? Goblok kok dihabisin sendiri. Saya suruh potong kabel di BOM itu, bukan kabel headset yang nempel di badan dia!!!”

Lalu operator mengaktifkan komunikasi cadangan, begitu nyala terdengar suara ”kemana-kemana-kemana” ternyata lagu alamat palsu.

Komandan dan anak buahnya di markas mendengarkan dengan geram. Akhirnya setelah 10 detik SERSAN mengangkat juga dengan santai.

SERSAN :”Panggilan dicopy, siap menerima instruksi ”
KOMANDAN : ”HEHH !! Itu tadi kamu apaan? Saya panggil kok ada suara musik seperti itu HAHH ???

SERSAN :”Itu namanya RBT komandan, sekarang lagi trend”
KOMANDAN :” ini jalur militer sersan!!! jangan main-main kalo berhadapan dengann BOM, MENGERTI????”
SERSAN :”SIAP, komandan!”
Di markas, komandan lihat buku nyari data tentang BOM jenis apa itu sambil bertanya ke sersan.

KOMANDAN :"Sersan ! Tolong dicari darimana asalnya yang tadi, Saya tunggu datanya !! "

SERSAN :"Asalnya dari Depok komandan, nama penyanyinya Ayu Tingting "
KOMANDAN :"Arghh... Saya minta data BOMnya bukan RBT yang tadi"
SERSAN :"Oh maaf, komandan"

SERSAN :"Lapor, BOM sudah dilokalisir, ada 4 kabel, minta instruksi, ganti!"
KOMANDAN : "sekarang potong kabel hijau "
SERSAN :"siap"
KOMANDAN :"bagaimana sersan? Sudah mati?"
SERSAN : "belum komandan!"

KOMANDAN :"Sekarang tinggal kabel warna apa aja?"
SERSAN :"Merah, Hitam dan Hijau"
KOMANDAN :" HAH?! Kenapa yang hijau masih ada?"
"Tadi kamu potong kabel warna apa?"
SERSAN : "Hijau komandan"
KOMANDAN : "apa gak salah potong kamu?"
SERSAN :" sumpah tadi saya potong yang ijo, mungkin komandan yang salah!"

KOMANDAN :"Monyong, udah salah pake ngeyel"
SERSAN : "Lah, yang hijau memang ada 2 komandan 1 hijau daun & 1 lagi hijau langit"
KOMANDAN : " o_0 NGACO !!! Langit itu biru bukan hijau"
SERSAN : "tapi dikampung saya ijo"

KOMANDAN :"KOPLAK!!! Berarti yang kamu potong tadi yang ijo langit?"
SERSAN : "ya komandan, siap menerima instruksi"
KOMANDAN : "Dasar GOBLOK "*sambil geleng-geleng kepala*

"Komandan ngomelin ajudannya "Bilangin Personalia, lain kali kalo mau rekrut anggota tanya dulu apa warna langit di kampungnya"

Terdengar si SERSAN panik "Kondisi darurat! BOM akan meledak, mohon instruksi"
KOMANDAN : " OK, ikuti kata2 saya "

KOMANDAN :"assyhadualla"
KOMANDAN : "illa..."
SERSAN : "ILLA..." *sersan bingung*
KOMANDAN : "haillallah"|
KOMANDAN :"waassyhaduanna"
KOMANDAN : "muhammadarrosullullah"

"*tambah bingung*"..?!?!?"


James B.Irwin : Astronot Apollo 15 Yang Menjadi Penginjil

James B.Irwin : Astronot Apollo 15 Yang Menjadi Penginjil
James B. Irwin , seorang anggota astronot Apollo 15 pernah menyatakan bahwa setelah perjalanannya ke bulan ia percaya misinya yang paling penting dalam hidup adalah melayani Tuhan dan membagikan iman dalam Yesus Kristus. 

Kolonel James Irwin dan Dave Scott menjadi orang ke-7 dan ke-8 yang berjalan di bulan dan mereka adalah astonot pertama yang menggunakan kendaraan bermotor di bulan, Rover yang bernama Moon Baggy. Dengan kendaraan tersebut, tim Apollo 15 mampu menjelajahi dan mengeksplorasi daerah-daerah di Bulan yang lebih luas, yang belum mampu terjamah oleh tim sebelumnya. Misi mereka di bulan berlangsung dari 26 Juli -7 Agustus 1971. Mereka juga menemukan Rock Genesis, penemuan arkeologi penting yang membantu para ilmuwan memperkirakan umur bulan. 

Irwin juga menjadi orang pertama yang mengutip dari Alkitab saat berada di bulan, Mazmur 121:1: ". Aku melayangkan mataku ke gunung-gunung, dari manakah akan datang pertolonganku. " 

"Bumi ini sangat kecil," kenang Irwin . "(Itu) seukuran kelereng, kalau bumi sekecil itu, seberapa kecilkah aku? Hanya titik di alam semesta, tetapi walaupun demikian begitu signifikan sehingga Tuhan mau mengasihiku dan menciptakan aku serta kasih-Nya menyentuh hidupku.... Aku merasa istimewa seperti malaikat untuk mendapatkan pandangan Allah di bumi. " 

Ia pensiun setahun kemudian dari Astronauts Coprs dan mendirikan High Flight, suatu organisasi Injili inter-denominasi untuk menjangkau banyak jiwa. Irwin semakin termotivasi untuk menyampaikan Injil setelah mendapatkan nasihat dari dr.Billy Graham yang menyatakan bahwa orang-orang ingin mendengarkan pesannya. Irwin telah menerima Yesus sebagai Juruselamat pribadinya sejak berusia 11 tahun tapi belum pernah membagi imannya kepada orang lain. Karena itu ia mempergunakan kesempatan dan undangan untuk berbicara untuk membagikan imannya, bukan hanya sekedar menceritakan pengalamannya sebagai astronot. 

Sebagai seorang anak, beberapa bermimpi menjadi seorang polisi atau polisi, beberapa menjadi seorang penyanyi atau aktor, beberapa menjadi presiden, beberapa menjadi astronot. Kolonel James Irwin adalah salah satu orang yang melihat mimpinya terpenuhi dan terbang ke bulan, namun diyakini prestasi terbesarnya adalah berbagi imannya dengan orang lain. 

Dalam autograph yang terdapat foto dirinya berjalan di bulan terdapat suatu tulisan: "Yesus Kristus yang berjalan di bumi adalah lebih penting daripada manusia berjalan di bulan"

James Irwin telah meninggal Agustus 1991tapi dia akan terus dikenang sebagai astronot sekaligus penginjil yang antusias memberitakan tentang Injil sampai akhir hidupnya.

Heighten Your Child's Cognitive Skills With The Help Of A Tutor

By Andrea Hill

In Singapore, there is emphasis on education. Students are encouraged to perform well in school, and acknowledge their intellectual capacities. Knowledge-based economies such as Singapore grow through the aspect of education, and it's therefore an imperative for students to devote time and energies to the rudiments of learning. Sadly, there are many Singaporean students who still underperform!

Academic underperformance can be fatal, especially if not addressed properly at an earlier time. Is your child going through a tough time in school? Is your child facing the burdens of a strenuous academic life? Have no fret. A reptutable Singapore tuition agency helps your child perform at optimized levels. These tuition services can definitely enhance your child's ability to understand various academic lessons thrown at his or her way.

For some parents, tuition services are hard to shoulder. These services can be a bit costly and time consuming. Nevertheless, majority of parents still employ competent tutors to provide specialised and personalised assistance to their kids. Why? Because tutors do more than just enhance your kid's grades.

These lecturers do not just help your child overcome the numerous demands of schooling. They also help your child appreciate the fun in learning. What's really special about hiring a tutor is the idea of honing your child's competencies on a holistic level. Imagine having a trusted expert focusing on your child's competencies. The outcome of this scheme is simple: a well-rounded student who holds the edge when it comes to cognitive dexterity and critical thinking.

Tuition services can help your child in many ways. If you want your kid at his or her best, then collaborate with a tuition agency. Do not let your beloved angel get left out in the dark. Hire a tuition agency to optimise your child's performance.

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What Not To Do When Hunting For Home Tuition Services

By Aaron Smith

Home tuition is now regarded as a vital factor in setting up children with a complete educational experience, such is the situation in Singapore, where a growing number of parents and students stand by the benefits of working with a competent home tutor.

But hiring the services of any Singapore tuition agency is by no means a definite assurance of positive results, that is why it is vital to ensure the quality of the tuition agency you will be working with. Here are some things to avoid when in the process of choosing a home tuition agency.

Do not rush in blindly. Keep in mind that the decisions you make in such situations will have a sizeable impact on your child's entire education, thus, it's best to arm yourself with sufficient knowledge to be able to make a well-informed choice. Make a list of possible options for tuition providers and gather sufficient information through each of these agencies' websites, and from the feedbacks of their clients.

Do not believe in everything you hear. Although gathering information from client feedback is an important part of selecting a tuition agency, one must figure out how to separate objective evaluations from biased remarks. Always make sure that you are gathering information from credible sources.

Do not disregard your child's opinion. As parents, we strive to produce the best for our kids, even up to the point that we make their choices for them. But we must keep in mind that it will be the child who'll be dealing directly with the tutor, so we must not disregard their opinions when selecting tutors.

Do not compromise quality for less expensive rates. It is a widely known fact that quality education simply does not come cheap, the same thing is true for a high-quality tutorial service. Judge the home tuition service's value by the benefits and knowledge that your child will gain, and not by how much you can save through it.

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Paralympic Video Clip "Hero"

Paralympic Video Clip "Hero"
Saksikan perjuangan para atlet yang tetap memiliki semangat dan daya juang yang nggak kalah dengan orang normal. So, jangan gampang menyerah dan putus asa. Link download : di sini

Ciri-ciri Cowo Cari Pacar Lewat Facebook

Ciri-ciri Cowo Cari Pacar Lewat Facebook

Sekarang Facebook memang jadi sebuah situs sosial yang multiguna. Selain bisa buat curhat, menyampaikan pendapat dan pamer foto, Facebook juga sering dipakai buat cari jodoh. Terbukti sekarang banyak cowok yang melancarkan sejumlah jurusnya untuk dapetin cewek di Facebook. Tidak percaya? Meski hanya melalui dunia maya, mencari gebetan di Facebook juga bisa terlihat ciri-cirinya. Pengen tahu apa ciri cowok yang lagi cari gebetan di Facebook? Langsung saja yuk simak ciri-cirinya berikut ini!

1. Meng-add cewek-cewek cantik Kamu bisa lihat di keterangan profilnya, siapa saja yang menjadi langganan dia. Jika dia mempunyai banyak langganan cewek itu artinya dia hobi meng-add cewek dan lagi nyari "mangsa" nih. Bagi kamu cewek jomblo harus siap menerima rayuan mautnya.

2. Punya banyak teman cewek Bandingkan seberapa banyak teman cewek dan cowok di Facebooknya. Jika perbandingannya lebih banyak teman cewek itu artinya nih cowok lagi jomblo dan sedang mencari sang dambatan hati.

3. Suka basa-basi Dia suka berkomentar atau ngajak chating semua cewek yang dianggapnya cantik. Entah itu hanya tanya kabar, atau ngajak kenalan. Tandanya cowok ini lagi nyari gebetan. Ini adalah strategi si cowok agar si cewek bisa tertarik dan terjerat cintanya. Weh… mantapss..!

4. Bikin status tentang cinta atau puisi cinta Cowok yang lagi nyari gebetan tentu akan mengeluarkan segala jurusnya untuk memikat cewek. Entah itu dengan berkomentar gombal atau bikin status yang puitis. Padahal statusnya itu dapet nyontek dari lagu-lagu, romantis… Gak modal tapi ampuh.

5. Status lajang Ciri yang paling umum yakni status lajang atau jomblo yang disandangnya. Jika statusnya lajang, pasti cowok ini lagi nyari seorang cewek untuk jadi dambatan hatinya. Tapi jika statusnya berpacaran namun ia mempunyai empat ciri diatas, itu artinya dia cowok playboydan sedang mencari mangsa. Untuk cewek harus berhati-hati dengan cowok ini!
Itulah ciri cowok lagi nyari gebetan di facebook. Bagaimana, apakah kamu pernah melihat cowok dengan ciri-ciri tersebut? Atau jangan-jangan kamu cowok yang dimaksud yah??

Importance Of Home Tuition

By Lenie Brooks

Parents have numerous reasons for hiring tutors for their children. In Singapore, students are encouraged to perform well academically, as well in extra-curricular activities that shape their abilities and interests. Apart from attending required public or private classes, majority of the students in the country also enroll in part-time home tuition. Singapore's system of education is one of the most competitive worldwide.

How the Singaporeans esteem learning, talent, and skills is manifested by the popularity of tuition programmes. For instance, learning the English language is regarded to be one of the most valuable tools to be qualified for the biggest opportunities in the midst of globalisationn, so parents hire an English tutor to ensure that their child acquires efficient language comprehension teachings and tips that can help develop their learning abilities. A student who receives proper education is believed to acquire more opportunities, hence a brighter future.

The living costs and the value of career among Singapore homes often leave both parents having to work a full-time job. Tuition services are acquired to guide children in their academic needs while their parents are coping with the responsibilities of their chosen vocations. Parents who do not have the time to personally teach their children everyday hire home tutors to give them the much needed assistance.

Benefits Of Home Tuition Programmes To The Educational System In Singapore.

It is known that students who struggle with academics can improve with the extra practice and study time provided by home tuition. However, it does not mean that smart students do not need these services. Even smart students need the guidance, motivation, and perhaps the challenge provided by home tuition. Pupils just need the right motivation. Some children are possibly just too embarrassed to ask questions and clarify the lessons that they don't understand in class. Home tuition is for everyone, whatever their learning abilities may be.

With regular class periods down to just an hour per subject, it is hard to guarantee that every student fully comprehends the lessons. Moreover, cutting down the budget for the education sector have caused classrooms to house around 40 students to vie for the instructor's attention. Home programme offers just the perfect solution: extra hours of practice and one-on-one student-teacher sessions.

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Benicia Dentists for Family Dental Services

By James Kent

Experts in their field combine their continued research with many years of successful diagnoses and treatment to be able to offer education, along with said treatments to each one of their patients. They are experts because they have years of experience witnessing the multitude of ways that patient oral hygiene, general health, age, and oral injury can impact the shape, sturdiness, and health of a mouth. An experienced Benicia dentist can provide each patient that they serve with the knowledge of what they can do to prevent damage and improve their oral health over their very own bathroom sinks, instead of in their doctor's chair in an emergency.

There's one question that you need to ask yourself. If you could postpone or eliminate pain and loss with a little advice wouldn't you take it? The number one problem that professionals complain about with their patients is how seriously both the men and women take their oral hygiene. First of all, they aren't spending enough time thoroughly brushing. Second of all, they aren't spending enough time properly flossing or they're simply not flossing at all. And thirdly, they aren't going to the dentist when they do experience pain, bleeding, swelling, or even tooth loss in some cases. The excuses include dental fear, income restrictions, and lack of insurance, but there are affordable care options that can be sought, especially in times such as these.

The dentist also does procedures such as pulling wisdom teeth which will eventually happen in almost everyone's life. Family doctors are great for this because they can follow what is happening with your child's teeth as they get older so there are no guessing games about what needs to happen inside your child's mouth.

If your child needs braces, they will be taken care of in-house or be recommended to a great orthodontist. The orthodontist is a completely different job but they do go hand in hand so it is common for a dentist to have one office that he or she works with closely to ensure they are providing the best care for their patients.

What sets your local Benicia dentist apart from many other children's dentists is their ability to keep it fun at the same time. Most children don't want to go to the dentist because they are either scared or it is a complete bore. When they go to Benicia Children's Dentist, they will learn to recognize plaque, how to remove it, and even get a complimentary toothbrush. So again, if you have problems with your children and dentist, then visit Benicia children's dentist.

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Lamborghini Unik Dari Rongsokan

Lamborghini Unik Dari Rongsokan

Meski hanya menjadi seorang petani, namun itu tidak menyurutkan niatan Wang Jian untuk membangun sebuah replika mobil idamannya dengan tangannya sendiri.

Ya, petani yang juga memiliki keahlian sebagai mekanik ini berhasil membangun replika dari Lamborgini Reventon. Hebatnya, mobil replika ini dibangun mengggunakan barang rongsokan.

Pria berusia 28 tahun tersebut, memulai usahanya untuk membangun replika supercar ini bulan Mei tahun lalu, ketika ia membeli sebuah Volkswagen bekas.

Meskipun kerja-kerasnya ini sekarang telah selesai, Jian tidak mampu untuk mengendarai mobil ini di jalan raya karena ia tidak mendapatkan ijin pakai di jalanan umum. walau demikian, Jian masih bisa menggunakan Lamborgini buatannya sebagai kendaraan pengangkut pupuk.

Fear in Personal Transformation

By Simon Andrew

A lot of people feel nervous when they hear something that deals with making changes. The emotional minds of many people have been triggered by change over the years. The triggers hinder lots of folks from having their personal characteristics transformed to boost self-esteem. A variety of techniques can be used have our personal traits transformed. Change involves the adjustments that aid us in improving our lives.

We amend our thinking, habits, behaviours and patterns by having our ways transformed. We are able to ultimately be on our way to success by revolutionizing ourselves. A lot of people do not challenge their fears, making it hard to get through the day. Positive transformations are important to make in one's life since that builds strength of character and self-esteem.

Visualisations can frequently be used to make transformations that are constructive. Begin with visualizing yourself so as to make positive transformations. Focus on the positive. Ask yourself whether you are a positive or negative thinker. You should work hard to increase your confidence and self-esteem if you have destructive feelings.

Positive change will occur if you stick to your plan and work to have your ambitions achieved. New age solutions are promoted to assist people with making personal transformation to enhance their lives since a lot of people fear change. Change involves how to adjust and learn something new. You will receive greater rewards when you transform your habits, behaviour and thinking to patterns that are productive.

It will be difficult to attain success if an entity remains in the patterns that are not changed. We should directly face our fears to make a few changes that are productive and that will guide us to build self-esteem and strength of character.

People who have got low self-esteem usually are afraid to transform in accepting any differences that happens. This means that we should accept differences by having the mind retrained so that it can accept change. We must therefore move to acceptance so as to move on in the journey to transform our way of life.

How Self-analysis Can Help

You should evaluate yourself in order to make changes that are constructive. Self-analysis is defined as the ability to evaluate the self. When someone usually goes thru this analysis, he finds out problems that he didn't know existed. For instance, a person that analyzes self might discover that he is afraid of being alone. This is something that is feared by many people, yet many of us don't realize it is embedded in the unconscious and subliminal mind. You'll find out your fears and work to have them eliminated by self-analyzing.

You will often make positive transformations while you build self-esteem by expressing your thoughts and feelings when you perform self-analyze. You'll admit accordingly to your admissions while you recognise your qualities and the way you behave. You'll become closer to the self throughout the process while building self-esteem. You can start to frequently measure your personal achievements to build a stronger personality by becoming closer to self.

Self-analysis will allow you discover the feelings which make you uncomfortable. People frequently don't examine their uncomfortable feelings, making it difficult for them to make positive transformations.

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Instant Ways To Use Coupons And Save Money

By Earnestinee Howells

Coupons are making their way back into popularity these days. A lot of stores are realizing that people need a little help to make them shop at their store, but they don't want to make everything that they sell cheap. So they put coupons for people to find, learn more about reading ahead.

Start a coupon exchange club in your neighborhood. By meeting monthly with friends and fellow couponers, you can effectively garner the coupons you need most. For example, if you have an infant or small child that uses diapers, many of your fellow couponers will have no need for diaper coupons and would be willing to clip and trade diaper coupons for other coupons they would use.

A good coupon tip you should use is to do all of your shopping at the end of the month. Most stores have it so that their coupons expire at the end of the month. Shopping during this time will make it more convenient for you to get the best deals.

Let your friends and family know you are clipping coupons. What will probably end up happening is that everyone will save their "junk mail" for you. This mail can be a treasure trove of coupons and deals. If they don't want to use them, they miss out--that doesn't mean you have to!

If your store has a buy one get one free deal you can look for coupons to use on these and you may end up getting two items for free. It is totally worth it to double check the buy one get one free deals your store has to make sure you aren't missing anything.

If you are going to make the most out of your coupons, make sure you are well aware of what policy is in place at the store you wish to redeem them at. Some stores, for example, have a limit on the number of coupons or which ones they will accept.

Not everything on sale has a coupon in the paper or online. Sometimes the coupons are available at the store. Look for those extra coupons that you see attached to items or available at certain places in the store. This can add to your savings with little effort on your part.

When using coupons, it is important to recognize that small amounts of money add up over time into large amounts. Coupon savings of only 10 or 25 cents may not seem like very much, but you would be surprised at just how much money these small value coupons will end up saving you over your life time. Save little to save big.

As you are going to buy anything online, go ahead and look up to see if you can find any promotional discounts or coupons that you can apply to your purchase. You might get lucky and find something that is going for far cheaper than you had previously thought it to be.

Always keep a copy of the store's policy with you. If you run into trouble and are told that you can't make a certain transaction, simply get out the policy and go through it with the employee. Make sure that you don't lose your temper, either. The only way you will get the situation resolved is if you remain patient and kind.

Try to remember that couponing is not free. You do have to invest your time and organization into the ordeal. Also, never just buy something because you have a coupon. Stay within your budget. If you spend money just because you feel like you are saving money, you are in fact wasting money.

Do you have more than one of the same coupon? You can usually use more than one coupon at the same time. Just make sure you follow the rules on the coupon and buy the amount of product that your coupons are for. For instance, if you have four coupons for one item, you can buy four items.

Create a reading list for your coupon goals. Think of it as weekly research to save you lots of money. Discover what newspapers tend to carry good coupons on each day of the week. Subscribe to multiple weekend papers. Know when your favorite stores release their weekly circulars. Then you'll have the most intelligence at your fingertips.

As previously noted, couponing can indeed be a great way to save a lot of money (and to even get free products). But unless you are well versed in the ways of gathering, organizing and using coupons, you may find that you don't get the results you dreamed of. Apply the tips from the article above to get the most of your couponing time and money.

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