Make Your Home A Knockout With These Great Home Decorating Tips

By Pat Hatfield

There's no need for costly interior decorators when you want to change the look of your home. All it takes is a little bit of thought and effort. It really is the hardest part to sit down and come up with a plan. Once you have the plan in place you're just taking one step at a time towards getting it accomplished. You don't have to redecorate your entire house in one weekend. You won't have to get blood from a turnip in order to afford these home decorating tips. Check out these informational websites - roofing contractors Jacksonville Fl and roofing Tampa FL.

Plants and flowers, either real or artificial, can be used to enhance any part of your home. When you use live plants you're not just decorating you're home. You are literally cleaning the air inside your home too. Admittedly, there are people out there who have a lethal touch when it comes to live plants. Other people have children or pets that do the plant killing work for them. In these instances, artificial plants with a realistic appearance are an excellent compromise. It's always important to match the silk flowers wit the overall vibe you're going for in the room.

We consider the above thoughts and tips must be taken into account in any conversation on house decorating. But there is so much more that you would do well to study. We believe they are terrific and will aid you in your quest for solutions. Gaining a high altitude snapshot will be of immense value to you. So we will give you a few more important ideas to think about.

Mirrors are great choices for almost any decorating project. Mirrors are highly versatile and can be used in many different ways to make your dcor pop. Small rooms, in particular, benefit from the creative use of mirrors as they make these rooms feel bigger than they are. Of course, the right decorative touches with mirrors can also make them highly effective tools for decorative accents within the room as well. Mirrors can be found to fit almost any theme from funky disco themes to "antiqued" or "old world" style mirrors, and countless others in between. It's also possible to arrange mirrors in such a way that they maximize the lighting in the room too. Don't waste a lot of time with levels and rulers. Just keep rearranging them until you find an overall look you like.

If you want to effect a change in any room, change the lighting within it. No matter what kind of furniture and other decorative items you might have in a room, if the lighting isn't right, you won't be able to fully appreciate the other elements. Buying extra lamps will not help you even if it feels right to do so. Saving money is possible if you shop around, especially if you find yourself needing to buy lamps for this purpose. To make your room more appealing, it is important that the level of brightness that the bulbs use is the right brightness level. You should probably experiment for a few days to see which type of lighting works best throughout your household.

When you decorate your home you're really putting your own creative vision, time, and talent to the test. You're the one who lives in your home. Make sure you decorate it so that it will make you happy. You can find all kinds of ideas for decorating in the everyday world around you.

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A Few Extremely Important Guidelines On How To Clean Your Outdoor Furniture Table

By Jake Chambers

You must thoroughly clean your outdoor furniture table on a day-to-day basis. As it is outside the house it is more prone to dust and damage than your in house furnishings would be. It is easy to deal with a buildup of dirt on a daily basis than to allow for it to build up over the summer season leaving you with inches of dust to plow through.

If your outdoor furniture table is made from plastic, you can clear it effortlessly with a solution of cleaning up liquid and hot water. Make use of a sponge to wipe off the intense dirt first and then work with your hot water. The detergent suds will get rid of most of the dirt even though you may well have to work at severe spots.

Plastic is vulnerable to unsightly stains but don't simply throw bleach onto it and hope for the best. Study the care instructions first as bleach can turn various white plastic furniture yellow and this might not be the look you want in your garden.

If you have patio umbrellas and other fabric based items on your garden furniture you can easily wash these with a mild detergent. Figure out first if they are machine washable as that would be the most effective solution. Otherwise, you will need to put the gloves on and wash them by hand. Pick a warm sunny day so that they can dry up properly as storing damp fabric merely leads to fungus.

Cleaning up your outdoor furniture table and other garden add-ons can be turned into a responsibility for all of the family not only Mom! Younger children like to be involved in things. They wish to contribute to the family. Make use of that energy now, as teens, that will be a much tougher sell. At the end of the day, everyone uses the furniture, so everyone should be responsible for helping to take care of it.

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Pria Yang Meninggalkan Pekerjaannya & Memilih Menjadi Tarzan

Pria Yang Meninggalkan Pekerjaannya & Memilih Menjadi Tarzan

JS-Bergelayut dari satu pohon ke pohon lain sembari berteriak, “Ouoooo…”. Apakah ini hanya terjadi dalam film Tarzan yang begitu populer pada 1970-an? Ternyata tidak. Du Toit DeWet mempraktekkan kehidupan rimba yang dijalani tokoh fiktif di film Hollywood itu.

Pria 24 tahun itu memilih meninggalkan pekerjaannya di sebuah supermarket di Manchester, Inggris, demi menyelami kehidupan layaknya Tarzan. Ia menanggalkan seragam petugas keamanannya dan terbang ke George, Afrika Selatan. Di kota ini, ia mengganti bajunya dengan sepotong kain, kemudian masuk ke hutan untuk menjalani kehidupan nyata seorang Tarzan.

“Orang mungkin berkata aku gila, tapi aku tahu ini adalah apa yang kuinginkan sejak lahir,” katanya.

DeWet sejak kecil memang terobsesi menjadi Tarzan. Saat itu ia tinggal di Namibia, Afrika, bersama ayahnya. Sang ayah merupakan kolektor buku dan komik Tarzan. Di kota pedalaman ini pula ia sering keluar-masuk hutan untuk memotret pelbagai binatang dan aneka serangga.

Nah, ketika tinggal di Manchester, ia kangen pada kehidupan masa kecilnya tersebut. Maka pada 2007, DeWet memutuskan benar-benar menjadi Tarzan. “Di Manchester, aku bukan tipe pria yang menyukai pesta. Aku tak pernah mabuk,” katanya. “Di sini, aku lebih suka makan buah-buahan dan berry yang kutemukan di hutan. Aku tahu serangga apa yang bisa kumakan.”

DeWet juga mengaku berteman dengan pelbagai binatang. “Teman terbaikku adalah Shaka, seekor gajah. Aku menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan monyet, zebra, dan buaya daripada dengan orang-orang,” ujarnya seperti dikutip Orange.

Apakah ia tidak merasa kesepian tinggal di hutan? “Tidak. Aku senang bisa menemukan Jane yang membantuku melewatkan waktu.” Jane adalah pacar Tarzan di kehidupan fiktif yang ternyata juga ia temukan di kehidupan nyata.

4 Makanan Terbaik untuk Otak

4 Makanan Terbaik untuk Otak

JS-Menjadi bagian terpenting bagi tubuh, otak menjadi pusat dari semua aktivitas manusia. Oleh karena itu, otak memerlukan asupan makanan sehat untuk membuatnya bekerja optimal.

Berikut ini beberapa jenis makanan yang berguna bagi kesehatan otak, seperti dikutip Boldsky, Selasa (28/2).

Vitamin B Kompleks 
Kelompok vitamin B kompleks terdiri dari delapan vitamin berbeda. Konsumsilah makanan atau multivitamin yang mengandung vitamin B kompleks, yang membantu meningkatkan fungsi otak. Vitamin ini membantu tubuh mengkonversi kolin, yaitu asam amino yang ditemukan dalam sumber makanan menjadi asetilkolin, yaitu neurotransmiter kimia yang membantu dalam memori dan proses belajar. Vitamin B kompleks banyak terdapat dalam kentang, biji-bijian, brokoli, bayam, jamur, pisang, berbagai produk olahan kacang kedelai, telur dan kacang almond.

Gandum Utuh 
Gandum utuh seperti roti gandum, oatmeal, beras merah, dan millet merupakan makanan sumber energi utama untuk tubuh dan otak. Makanan ini bekerja untuk meningkatkan aliran darah ke otak yang berarti menunjang kualitas dan kuantitas fungsi otak. Biji-bijian ini juga mengandung banyak vitamin B6, yang penuh dengan tiamin. Tiamin sangat bagus untuk siapa pun yang berusaha untuk meningkatkan daya ingat.

Asam Lemak Omega 3 
Untuk memiliki memori dan konsentrasi yang tajam, konsumsilah makanan yang kaya akan asam lemak omega 3 yang mampu mengontrol depresi dan stres. Pastikan untuk selalu mengonsumsi minyak ikan, minyak zaitun, bawang putih, ikan tuna, kalkun, salmon, telur, nasi, sereal, dan pasta.

KarbohidratMakanan seperti beras merah, apel, pisang, kismis, biji-bijian, dan kecambah, mengandung karbohidrat. Tubuh mengubah karbohidrat kompleks dalam makanan menjadi glukosa, kemudian tubuh akan menggunakannya sebagai bahan bakar untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan, fungsi memori dan konsentrasi.

So, let's start feed the brain.

10 Cara Terburuk Untuk Mengakhiri Hubungan Cinta

10 Cara Terburuk Untuk Mengakhiri Hubungan Cinta

Putus cinta merupakan hal yang paling tidak di inginkan oleh setiap pasangan yang sedang memadu kasih namun karena hubungan yang sudah tidak cocok dan banyak masalah  serta banyaknya pertengkaran membuat kamu harus memutuskan hubungan cinta kamu nah berikut ini ada 10 Cara Terburuk Untuk Mengakhiri Hubungan Cinta seperti yang kutip dari kamu mau tahu cara yang bagai mana itu simak berikut ini .

1. Surat
Media ini banyak digunakan orang untuk mengakhiri hubungan yang meregangkan jarak baik karena perseteruan atau persleingkuhan. Meskipun sulit untuk memecahkan masalah secara pribadi, namun menulis surat bukanlah cara terbaik untuk ditempuh dan sebaiknya dihindari.

2. SMS
Sangat tak mengenakkan ketika Anda membuka ponsel dan disambut dengan kalimat, “Sepertinya kita harus menjadi teman.” Jadi, tak peduli apa yang Anda katakan atau bagaimana Anda mengatakan hal tersebut, faktanya tetap bahwa mengirimkan pesan teks putus cinta lewat pesan merupakan cara menyedihkan dan terkesan membuang seseorang.

3. Lewat telepon
Memutuskan lewat telepon hanyalah cara seorang pengecut karena Anda tidak ingin menemuinya secara pribadi untuk mengatakan keputusan tersebut.

4. E-mail
Sebenci apapun Anda ingin memutuskan pasangan, berdiam diri dan memutuskan tali cinta lewat e-mail adalah cara yang bakal membuat pasangan terluka. Kemungkinannya, dia akan membaca e-mail tersebut pada saat yang tak terduga sehingga akan menyisakan sedikit ruang yang menyakitkan untuknya.

5.Menyampaikan pada teman
Menyimpan kata-kata tak mengenakkan yang dikomunikasikan ke orang lain untuk disampaikan kepada Anda bukan cara santun yang bisa dilakukan. Jangan sampai perbincangan tersebut justru menjadikan gosip tak sedap di antara teman-teman Anda. Ingat, putus adalah urusan pribadi yang sebaiknya tidak diumbar dan biarkan dia mendengarnya pertama kali dari mulut Anda.

6. Facebook/Twitter
Berteriak-teriak di jejaring sosial sehingga seluruh dunia  bisa melihat bukanlah cara bijak untuk ditempuh. Ketika hubungan hancur dan Anda kembali menjadi lajang tak berarti Anda harus berbuat memalukan mantan pasangan. Banyak cara lain yang lebih santun untuk dipilih bukan?

7. Pengaruh orang lain
Memutuskan seseorang memang dibutuhkan keberanian yang datangnya dari dalam hati. Karenanya, menyoal alasan putus pun sebaiknya tidak dikarenakan orang lain yang berusaha memengaruhi Anda. Seberapapun orang tersebut memberikan pengaruh terhadap Anda sebaiknya jangan membiarkan pengaruh tersebut yang mendorong keputusan putus cinta Anda terhadap pasangan. Jadi, pikirkan baik-baik sebelum Anda melangkah lebih jauh.

8. Memutuskan di depan publik
Ketika Anda sedang makan bersama di restoran atau hangout di mal, Anda sengaja memanfaatkan momen tersebut untuk memberitahukan keputusan akhir dari hubungan yang tak bisa terus dijalankan. Hal ini sangat tidak etis untuk dipilih. Sebaliknya untuk mengutarakan keputusan tersebut, sebaiknya pilihlah lokasi yang tenang seperti rumah atau taman sehingga Anda mengecewakan orang tersebut dengan lembut.

9. Menghilang begitu saja
Menghindari kekasih Anda secara mendadak adalah hal yang harus dihindari. Suka atau tidak ketika sesuatu hal buruk terjadi pada Anda, tundalah perpisahan tersebut dan muncullah di hadapannya dengan sopan dan tidak menjadi pengecut yang kabur begitu saja. Menghilang hanya akan membuat perpisahan jadi lebih sulit.

10. Membiarkan dirinya tahu dari teman
Ketika Anda ingin mengakhiri hubungan cinta, salah satu cara termudah untuk dilakukan yakni memberitahunya secara langsung tentang hubungan Anda. Salah satu cara yang paling sedih ketika Anda mengakhiri hubungan adalah memasukkan orang asing yang tak ada sangkut pautnya dalam keputusan tersebut sebagai mediator keputusan Anda.

Music downloads for mp3 players from on the net popular music store

By John Diaz

The on line music retailers supply the ideal remedy for music downloads for mp3 players. We witnessed the rise with the mp3 players and saw the walkmans vanish. In today's globe we want top quality when it comes to our music that we listen to on our mp3 players, car stereo etc.

No one has the time to rip audio Cd's and transfer them into their mp3 players. The internet offers online music stores which offer you all kinds of music which you can buy and download. Click on buy, download the track and transfer it on to your mp3 player, it's that simple.

On-line music shops, the right choice
When mp3 players were introduced that was the time when we began converting the tapes and vinyl's to digital. It was a extended course of action and the good quality was just not exactly the same. Then came the on-line music shops which revolutionized the music business and created music downloads for mp3 players and so on a lot more uncomplicated. Folks do not have to invest in the complete album for just one or two songs that they like, just visit these web sites click get, download the songs you'd like and transfer it to your mp3 player.

Mp3 players can be connected to any laptop or PC which offers you the liberty of downloading and transferring music to you mp3 player from anywhere. These stores are offer a 24x7 service and even if you wake up in the middle of the night with a tune on your mind you can just download it and listen to it on your mp3 player.

Find the one for you
Every individual has a different and varied taste in music. From Rock to Pop to Hip-Hop to Electro to Trance and the list goes on. Looking for an online store that offer all these is difficult. The correct online store has to be found that specializes in the music one is looking for. The best way to download music is to select the appropriate site that offers you the genre of music you like. This is very beneficial as there are so many bands you might not have heard of that make your kind of music, you have the opportunity to explore the genre you love to a whole different level.

Music downloads for mp3 players are simplified by websites like iTunes, Beatport and Rhapsody that are among the top sites that are preferred by music lovers worldwide. It makes downloads for mp3 players that much simple and keeps your playlist updated with the latest tracks.

Sign in for the world of music
Music downloads for mp3 players might be made even simpler by signing into these on the internet music shops. They offer a wide range of delivers that may allow you to to download far more music and get discounts from time to time. Their internet websites are absolutely secured and trusted and therefore you are able to give inside your card facts to create music downloading quick as you'd not have to preserve going by way of precisely the same payment process each and every time you purchase music from the site. Music downloads for mp3 players have develop into simplified with more and more on the internet music retailers coming up.

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Manfaat Luar Biasa Daun Sirsak

Manfaat Luar Biasa Daun Sirsak

Hingga kini, masyarakat lebih mengetahui manfaat dan mengonsumsi buah sirsak. Padahal beberapa penelitian menunjukkan khasiat yang luar biasa dari daun sirsak.

Ya, daun sirsak telah digunakan secara tradisional untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit. Biar Anda tahu, berikut ini manfaat yang akan Anda rasakan dari pengonsumsian daun sirsak.

Turunkan Demam
Meskipun masih jarang digunakan di Indonesia, ternyata daun sirsak sudah lama digunakan di beberapa negara, termasuk Haiti, Jamaika dan Hindia Barat sebagai obat demam. Menurut Raintree Nutrition's Tropical Plant Database, daging dan daun sirsak yang dijadikan jus dipercaya membantu menurunkan suhu tubuh. Bahkan dalam budaya Peru, teh yang terbuat dari daun sirsak mampu meredakan peradangan selaput lendir (mucous membrane) karena asma.

Atasi Gangguan Pencernaan
Di Amerika Selatan dan Karibia, daging buah sirsak yang sudah masak menjadi obat untuk mengatasi masalah pada sistem pencernaan, seperti diare dan disentri. Mengonsumsi daun sirsak juga dipercaya dapat membunuh parasit, cacing pita dan racun berbahaya bagi tubuh.

Beberapa ahli herbal percaya bahwa kandungan alkaloid dalam daun sirsak dapat membantu mengurangi depresi. Alkolid bertanggung jawab menghambat pengambilan serotonin dalam otak, yang mengendalikan suasana hati dan emosi, seperti kebahagiaan dan kesedihan. Namun, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alkaloid sebenarnya bisa merusak sistem saraf dan dikaitkan dengan perkembangan penyakit parkinson.

Obat Penenang
Masyarakat Amerika Selatan dan Karibia menggunakan campuran daun, batang dan akar sirsak sebagai obat penenang. Tanaman ini juga bisa mengobati masalah jantung. Namun, manfaat dan efek sampingnya masih belum didukung dengan hasil penelitian.

Ada kabar baik bagi penderita kanker atau tumor. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan di Amerika dan Jepang, menunjukkan manfaat yang luar biasa dari daun sirsak dalam pencegahan dan penyembuhan kanker. Untuk pencegahan, disarankan untuk makan atau minum jus daun sirsak setiap hari.

Sementara untuk penyembuhan, bisa dengan merebus 10 lembar daun sirsak tua ke dalam tiga gelas air mendidih. Berikan satu gelas bagi penderita kanker atau tumor sebanyak dua kali dalam sehari. Setelah diminum, tubuh akan berasa hangat, dimana efeknya menyamai kemoterapi. Daun sirsak membunuh sel-sel yang tumbuh tidak normal dan membiarkan sel-sel tumbuh secara normal, berbeda dengan kemoterapi yang membunuh semua sel.

Penurun Tekanan Darah
Beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan tikus menunjukkan bahwa daun dan kulit batang pohon sirsak berkhasiat menurunkan hipertensi, vasodilator (pelebaran pembuluh darah), relaksan otot polos dan aktivitas cardiodepressant (menekan aktivitas jantung).

First Aid

Daun sirsak juga bisa diberikan sebagai pertolongan pertama saat Anda memiliki luka. Rebuasan air daun sirsak juga bisa digunakan sebagai kompres untuk mengobati berbagai radang dan kaki bengkak. Selain itu, daun sirsak juga dapat digunakan untuk mengatur sistem saraf dan terbukti efektif untuk mengobati insomnia.

Berani Coba Parfum Berbahan Air Kencing?

Berani Coba Parfum Berbahan Air Kencing?

Sbj - Parfum aneh berbahan urin (air seni/kencing) ini berasal dari kreasi Cherry Tree. Sebagai dukungan terhadap alam dan daur ulang sampah ia mencoba mendaur ulang segala sesuatu di sekitarnya. Lalu muncullah keinginan mendaur ulang air seni.

Cherry mulai membuat aroma yang unik pada tahun 2006. Ia menampung semua air seninya tepat saat bulan purnama. Lalu menyimpan urin dalam botol parfum.

Tree terpesona aroma urin yang berubah-ubah. Aroma urin sangat dipengaruhi apa yang dimakan sehari-hari. Menurutnya, bau urin akan terasa lebih wangi saat seseorang makan banyak madu dan beraroma buruk saat makan daging ayam.

"Saya tidak malu dengan ide menggunakan urin sebagai parfum. Beberapa jenis aroma musk juga diekstraksi dari kelenjar kelamin rusa," katanya seperti dikutip dari Genius Beauty.

Cherry percaya idenya akan bertahan lama. Dia bahkan mencoba memroses urin sebanyak dua kali untuk membuat aroma sekreatif mungkin.

Ia berharap kreasinya dapat dijual suatu saat. Orang-orang dapat menggunakan parfum dari urinnya sendiri. Terlepas dari ide uniknya, Cherry menekankan pentingnya pengolahan limbah untuk melestarikan lingkungan.

Tampaknya Cherry Tree harus mencoba membuat parfum dengan bahan baku urin seorang pemakan jengkol atau pete . . ha ha ha . .

Berani mencoba? Sumber :

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Seizing The Game With Golf Practice Nets

By Sam Askin

Golf is a game relatively new in countries like China although it is very famous in a few and because training cannot be built over night, golf practice nets and artificial putting greens have highly assisted in introducing the sport to a much wider audience.

The most effective benefit nets have is the fact that they could be built everywhere from a back yard to a sports hall or perhaps a community centre. There can be climates where outdoor golf is out of the concern in winter time while there are also places where terrain id is scarce however the fascination of golf is enormous.

In Japan, the only alternative city dwellers has is tiered driving ranges and all but the very wealthy afford playing here. In other parts of Asia and Europe, outdoor winter activity is associated with learning to play snow related sports.

The golfer can approximately set up a few swings often with Golf practice nets indoors. Obviously, it's not really the same as playing in a course however the nets build a service suitable for a smaller location at home or in the community. This could become a income source for teaching professionals who are only idle at their golf clubs in undesirable winter seasons because they can do courses for starters.

Each and every golfer?s objective is usually to witness the golf ball strike out of eyesight. It won?t happen in a net but technologies are available which can determine how far a ball would have moved and in what direction from the club head. This has allowed the development of indoor sports where a participant can actually feel the sensation of playing a round. A series of well-known programs are on every game. For each strike, an image of exactly where the golf ball has landed shows up on the front screen from its previous placement and gives the golfball's length from the golf hole.

With this process, an eighteen golf hole course could be played out with an man-made green in order that an actual putting might take place; a man-made carpet is suited for this and just takes up small space. The games has consequently moved on to a computer system however it is nowhere close to as satisfying as playing in golf nets and really striking the balls using the respective clubs.

Nets therefore can help keep a golfer?s interest over the winter through periods of forced inactivity but they also contribute to perform for the people with insufficient time to spend on the practice ground. A net can be used in the back garden?s areas throughout the week or in the club for warming up before a real game. As low maintenance items taking up minimal area, they're neither a major expense for local authorities, clubs or sports centers.

No matter whether kept in the garage for the winter as well as used outdoor for the summer, these nets are home-friendly. They help to keep the gamers prepared for the actual round as they supply them the chance to practice in every spare time. There's a powerful place for golf training nets within the game?s equipment market.

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Have You Thought About College?

By Otis Trevor

Going to college is an expensive proposition, and to do it, you will probably need to make some sacrifices. Here are some ideas for raising money and freeing up cash for your college expenses.Sell stuff. That motor home or bass boat that you use maybe once a year can pay for a lot of college classes. If you have a second or a third car, consider selling one and maybe taking the bus more. You will be helping the environment, saving on a car payment and getting cash for college at the same time.

Federal grants are open to potential scholars regardless of your age. By filling out the grant application, you will be awarded grant money based on your income level and your financial situation. To qualify you need to have been accepted to a college or university, or be a continuing student in good academic standing. This application must be filled out annually, and the amount of your grants depends a lot on how early you apply.

Scholarships are also available, even to those who are long out of high school. Your college financial aid office will have a list of many possible programs, some sponsored by your school. This can include work study programs, corporate sponsorship and merit based scholarships.

While your financial aid office is a good place to start, there are thousands of scholarships offered nation wide, each with their own set of requirements, many targeting a specific segment of the population.Some are based on your national heritage, others on what organizations you or your family belong to. Some are promoting specific career goals while others simply want to help people in your community get back to school.

Scholarships are another way to get free money for school, but they can be tricky to find. Your college will have a list of programs that are either sponsored by or associated with your school, or which they have had a experience with over the years. This is the first place to try, as the financial aid staff can help you with the application process.By using an on line search engine, you can find additional scholarship programs in your community and nationwide that might help you finish your college degree.

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Exactly Why Networking Is Essential To Internet Advertising And Marketing

By Emily Smith

Just about the biggest reason that folks get into Internet Advertising is that they want more freedom and the ability to work from home. Then again, though, if you are used to working with lots of people professionally, this may result in feeling isolated. Additionally, there are a good number of challenges when things go wrong--sometimes you have to be able to get in touch with somebody who will help you or even just tell you what they've experienced. For this reason, networking is often important just as it is in many walks of life. In this article we will check out the ways you can network as an internet marketer.

An easy technique to possess some sort of dialogue with marketers is to join forums where you'll find individuals with all levels of experience. These forums are nearly always set up to allow it to be simple to seek advice and to share some experiences. You should definitely do some research to make sure that you're only investing time within a reputable forum and if you find one, you will need to ensure that the time you spend on there will actually be helpful. Here is one word of caution: make sure to limit your time to ensure that you will not accidentally forget to work on other areas of your business. However, if you contribute yourself and help other individuals as you grow to be more knowledgeable it can be a good way to interact with other marketers.

An obvious method to network and yet one that a lot of men and women overlook is to attend live events. Lots of events get held all through the year and these events usually require a fee but if you search you'll find a few. A lot of marketers out there will advise you that they got their start through live events or mainly because a seminar taught them how to go from frustration to success. It is usually great to speak to someone in person to get to know them better. There is a social side to live events where you mingle and sometimes have drinks and you could meet someone who will become a future joint venture partner or somebody who really will assist you to out in some fashion or other.

When you go to live events, make sure to get the contact details of the individuals you connected with to see if you are able to be of benefit to one another. If you are able to pick up the phone to someone or hook up on skype you then start to cement relationships that can lead to opportunities in the future. Networking once you start will open many doors as you are introduced to friends of your contacts and with any luck, this will help your business to grow. You can also network through social media. If you're on Twitter or Facebook and use them correctly, you are able to begin a number of conversations and put you in front of some vitally important people.

Internet marketing is actually a business where networking and building contacts will assist you to succeed and prevent you from feeling isolated.

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Ma Xiuxian, Murid SD Tertua Berusia 102 Tahun

Ma Xiuxian, Murid SD Tertua Berusia 102 Tahun

Tidaklah berlebihan bila kita sebut nenek yang berusia 102 tahun ini sebagai siswa Sekolah Dasar Tertua di dunia, memang begitu adanya. Luar biasa di usia yang tidak semua orang bisa capai tersebut masih ada motivasi dan keinginan untuk bisa belajar selayaknya seorang anak kecil. Sungguh luar biasa.

Dialah sosok Ma Xiuxian, dari kota Jinan, Propinsi Shandong Cina, yang menjadi salah seorang murid di Sekolah Dasar setempat. Menurut harian setempat The Qilu Evening Post mengatakan bahwa masa kecil sang nenek Ma memang tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk mengenyam pendidikan karena kondisi perekonomian keluarga yang saat itu teramat miskin hingga pada usia 13 tahun Ma sudah menghabiskan masa kanak kanaknya menjadi pekerja di perusahaan pemital benang kapas.

bila kita melihat betapa semangatnya sang nenek Ma untuk menghabiskan sisa usianya yang sudah sangat senja dan hanya tersisa dalam hitungan hari demi hari tersebut tidakkah membuat mata hati kita tergerak untuk lebih bersemangat untuk menuntut ilmu sampai kapanpun dan dalam kondisi seperti apapun.

Cerita Sang nenek Ma yang berusia 102 tahun ini cukup bisa menginspirasikan pada kita betapa sangat berharganya ilmu bahkan di sisa hidup yang sudah senjapun. Walaupun pemrakarsa kembalinya sang nenek ke Sekolah SD tersebut muncul dari sang putra termuda bernama Yi Fengxin yang berusia 58 tahun, tanpa motifasi kuat dari sang Nenek Ma tidak akan semua ini terjadi. Artinya keinginan keras dan motivasi 

Nenek Ma memang patut kita acungi jempol.

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Fakta Seputar Pensil

Fakta Seputar Pensil

sbj - Sebatang pensil punya banyak cerita. Tidak hanya sebagai alat tulis saat ujian atau alat gambar paling lazim dikenal, namun banyak lagi.

Nah, berikut ini beberapa fakta menarik soal pensil.

1. Setiap tahun diproduksi 14 miliar batang pensil di seluruh dunia. Yang terbanyak di Amerika Serikat (2 miliar batang). Jika semua pensil itu digunakan untuk membuat garis, akan tercipta 64 garis keliling dunia.

2. Satu batang pensil bisa menulis 40 ribu kata atau setara dengan garis sepanjang 35 mil.

3. Awalnya pensil dipakai untuk menandai kambing. Sifat graphite (bahan dasar pensil) yang lunak membuat para peternak mudah menorehkan marka di kulit kambing.

4. Pensil pertama kali diciptakan pada tahun 1565 di Inggris, tetapi baru seabad kemudian diproduksi secara massal di Jerman.

5. Pada 30 Maret 1858, manusia menciptakan penghapus. Sebagian besar pensil Eropa tidak menggunakan penghapus di pantatnya. Tidak seperti pensil di Amerika yang menggunakan penghapus.

6. Setiap batang pohon dengan ukuran rata-rata akan menghasilkan 170 ribu batang pensil.

7. Pensil terbesar dibuat oleh Ashrita Furman di New York. Panjangnya 23 m, berat 10 ton, dan harganya AS$ 20 ribu.

8. Pensil diberi warna cerah agar mudah ditemukan. Pensil kini berbentuk heksagonal (bukan bulat) agar tidak menggelinding di bidang datar.

9. Peraut pensil pertama kali dibuat dan dipatenkan oleh matematikawan asal Prancis, Bernard Lassimone, pada tahun 1828. Sebelumnya orang meraut pensil menggunakan pisau.


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Cerita Siput dan Katak

Cerita Siput dan Katak
JS-Ada seekor siput selalu memandang sinis terhadap katak. Suatu hari, katak yg kehilangan kesabaran akhirnya berkata kepada siput:

"Tuan siput, apakah saya telah melakukan kesalahan, sehingga Anda begitu membenci saya?"

Siput menjawab: "Kalian kaum katak mempunyai empat kaki & bisa melompat ke sana ke mari,
Tapi saya mesti membawa cangkang yg berat ini, merangkak di tanah, jadi saya merasa sangat sedih."

Katak menjawab: "Setiap kehidupan memiliki penderitaannya masing², hanya saja kamu cuma melihat kegembiraan saya, tetapi kamu tidak melihat penderitaan kami (katak)."

Dan seketika, ada seekor elang besar yg terbang ke arah mereka, siput dg cepat memasukan badannya ke dalam cangkang, sedangkan katak dimangsa oleh elang...

Akhirnya siput baru sadar... ternyata cangkang yg di milikinya bukan merupakan suatu beban... tetapi adalah kelebihannya...

Nikmatilah kehidupanmu, tidak perlu dibandingkan dg orang lain. Keirian hati kita terhadap orang lain akan membawa lebih banyak penderitaan...

Rejeki tidak selalu berupa emas, permata atau uang yg banyak bukan pula saat kita di rumah mewah & pergi bermobil.

Karena bukan kebahagiaan yg menjadikan kita berSYUKUR tetapi berSYUKURlah yg menjadikan kita berbahagia...

Wow, Bunglon ini 1,6 cm Saja

Wow, Bunglon ini 1,6 cm Saja

Sekelompok ilmuwan dari Museum of Natural History, Munich, Jerman baru-baru ini mengumumkan penemuan baru, yaitu bunglon mini.

Ukuran bunglon jantan hanya sekitar 1,6 cm (wikipedia) dan mungkin bila tumbuh maksimal tak bisa lebih dari 3 cm, karenanya dinobatkan sebagai reptil terkecil.

Namanya: Brookesia Micra, hasil temuan Frank Glaw, pimpinan peneliti dari Bavarian State Collection of Zoology yang mulai melakukan ekspedisi dari tahun 2003 sampai 2007 di Madagaskar.

"Brookesia" sesuai genusnya, sementara kata "Micra" berasal dari bahasa Yunani "μικρός" (mikros), artinya kecil.

Ilmuwan mengakui bahwa spesies tersebut tidak terlalu sulit untuk ditangkap sebab hanya memanjat ranting pohoon setinggi 10 cm.

"Mereka tidur dan Anda bisa mengambilnya dengan mudah. Ini seperti mengambil strawberry. Mereka tidak bergerak semalaman penuh," ungkap Glaw yang merupakan ilmuwan Museum of natural History di Munich, Jerman, seperti dikutip Our Amazing Planet.

Selain Brookesia micra, ilmuwan juga menemukan tiga jenis bunglon lainnya. Ilmuwan juga memprediksi bahwa mungkin ada bunglon lain yang lebih kecil. Bunglon-bunglon yang ditemukan sangat rentan pada kerusakan habitat.

Lho, berarti masih ada bunglon-bunglon renik lainnya....

Sumber: sains.kompas - wikipedia

Sumber foto : sains.kompas - animal press - wikipedia

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Ponsel pertama di dunia, Gede Banget

Ponsel pertama di dunia, Gede Banget

sbj - Inilah ponsel yg ukurannya sebesar tutup tempat sampah tetapi ponsel ini cuma memiliki jangkauan setengah mil.

Dilihat dari segi design dan ukuran, ponsel pertama di dunia ini amad jauuuuhhhh berbeda sama ponsel masa kini, yg cukup kecil untuk menyelinap di saku dan dapat menghubungi hampir kemana saja di dunia ini. Tapi dari sini lah telepon nirkabel bermula.

Sang pencipta sendiri, Nathan Stubblefield akhirnya diakui sebagai bapak teknologi telepon seluler tepat 100 tahun setelah ia mempatenkan desain tersebut untuk sebuah "telepon nirkabel"

Nathan Stubbefield sebenarnya hanyalah petani melon biasa yg sangat menyukai IPTEK bahkan dia telah menemukan radio sebelum Nikola Tesla atau Guglielmo Marcon tetapi radio yg dia temukan menggunakan frekuensi audio induksi, dikarenakan radio induksi menyebabkan gangguan pada wilayah sekitarnya sehingga kalah populer dengan radio transmisi yg di temukan oleh Nikola Tesla atau Guglielmo Marcon.

Pada tahun 1902 petani melon ini datang dengan penemuannya, setelah mengorbankan setiam jam menit dan detik demi untuk membuat jaringan telekomunikasi di kampung halamannya Murray, Kentucky.

Note: Nathan Stubbefield menunjukan penemuannya (dapat dilihat tiang di tengah gambar)

Dia membangung 120 kaki tiang di kebun, yg dapat mentransfer percakapan dari satu telepon ke telepon yg lain dengan menggunakan medan magnet.

Dia mendemonstrasikan temuannya di alun-alun kota pada hari Tahun Baru 1902.

Pada tahun 1908 dia mematenkan telepon nirkabel versi baru untuk berkomunikasi dengan kendaraan bergerak.

Sayangnya telepon nirkabel tidak sukses dalam masa hidupnya,dia meninggal dengan keadaan miskin pada tahun 1928.

Tapi sekarang dia telah diakui sebagai "Father of The Modern Mobile Phone" ,bahkan Virgin Mobile membuat page khusus untuk menandai ulang tahun temuan Nathan Stubbefield di website resmi nya.


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Kiamat 2012 Diundur

Kiamat 2012 Diundur

ssbj - Beragam bantahan dan penjelasan telah diberikan, namun memasuki tahun baru ini, masih saja ada orang yang bertanya: benarkah kiamat akan tiba pada 2012?

Isu kiamat 2012 dipicu berakhirnya kalender Bangsa Maya yang akan jatuh 21 Desember 2012. Di kalangan keturunan Maya pun ada yang mempercayainya. Mereka melakukan ritual menyambut "kiamat" dan menyiapkan peti mati yang diisi barang kenangan.

Namun, Leonzo Barreno, ahli Maya dari Saskatchewan, Kanada mengatakan, konsep 'kiamat' adalah interpretasi salah dari kalender hitung panjang (long count).

Dosen University of Regina itu menambahkan, tetua Bangsa Maya memberitahunya, 21 Desember tahun ini hanya bermakna sederhana, pergantian kalender baru.

Barreno, yang berimigrasi ke Kanada dari Guatemala 23 tahun lalu dilatih khusus oleh tetua Bangsa Maya untuk membaca kalender. "Ada dua sisi kisah yang berlawanan," kata dia. "Di satu sisi, kalender ini dihubungkan dengan datangnya kiamat. Lainnya, adalah versi dari suku Maya, yang jarang Anda jumpai di media, Sebab, mereka (wartawan) tak pernah mewawancarai kami, orang Maya."

Bahkan, dia menambahkan, orang Maya hanya terlihat lima detik dalam Film "2012" yang dibintangi John Cusack. Padahal film itu didasari apa yang diklaim sebagai prediksi Bangsa Maya.

"Saat saya tumbuh dewasa di kalangan Bangsa Maya, juga selama pelatihan, saya tak pernah mendengar kata "kiamat" dari para tetua dan pemimpin spiritual."

Bagi Bangsa Maya, Barreno menambahkan, 21 Desember 2012 adalah momentum kegembiraan, bukan sesuatu yang menakutkan. "Ini sesuatu yang klise," kata dia kepada CBC. "Ini pernah terjadi sebelumnya, menurut para tetua Maya, ini adalah kali kelimanya terjadi."

Untuk diketahui, prasasti Bangsa Maya di Tortuguero, Meksiko dianggap menyampaikan, Bolon Yokte -dewa yang berhubungan dengan perang dan dunia bawah akan turun pada 2012.

Namun, senada dengan Barreno, ahli Maya dari Jerman, mengatakan, persepsi 'kiamat' keliru. Ia yakin, 21 Desember 2011 hanya soal pergantian kalender yang berusia 5.125 tahun.

Apalagi, seperti yang diyakini Bangsa Maya, Bolon Yokte adalah figur yang terkait dengan perubahan. Banyak keturunan Maya yang juga menepis prediksi kiamat, dan menyebutnya sebagai 'ide Barat'.

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Maternity Wedding Dresses Help You Fully Show Your Glamour

By John Jones

Pregnant women are beautiful. Even though their faces become much fatter and originally slim silhouette is replaced by a chubby figure, their glamour has never declined. You must also agree with this like the large quantity of people. Nevertheless, how to make a pregnant woman become more appealing on her wedding?Certainly, there will be so many stunning maternity Bridesmaid Dresses that wonderfully adorn their body shapes and make them feel comfortable. But which one is really required by the bride? Okay, this can only be decided by the bride, rather than anybody else even though he/she has been so experienced with matters on any kind of nuptial theme. Then, what to wear if tying the knot in such a cozy season?

As for the petite bride, an A-line wedding dress would be perfect, because this kind of dress may lengthen your body and make you look slim. In this sense, you should refuse sheath-style wedding gowns, in that sheaths may shorten the whole body.And full skirts which will cause you to be "bottom heavy" should also be rejected.For broader shouldered brides, you can try bridal dresses with halter or off-the shoulder neckline, or you can adopt strapless wedding gowns together with fine cute accessories which can go well with your body type.

It will be hard to find a wedding dress for the pregnant that carries intricate accessories or a dazzling color at present. Like this or not, lousy cliches to symbolize a rich fashion taste have been replaced by new rules. To enhance your charm on your big day, it's of great significance to keep an open mind to those frequently changing trends. Referring to the latest fashion sense on maternity wedding dresses, off the shoulder, halter and a line neckline patterns exactly steal the limelight because of making wearers look and feel great.

If you still can't find the dress that you want, you can go ahead and search from local thrift or vintage stores. This requires a lot of patience since you cannot be sure if they have the style that you want. This would mean that you may need to go around town. You can also check online shops for a vintage 2012 prom dresses. This makes looking for a dress even more convenient since there is a wider array of choices online. You can also have the dress sent to your address.

At last, before heading to the market for a maternity wedding dress, it' s important to bear this in mind: maternity bridal gowns are unequal to simply plus size 2012 prom dresses. They are not gowns on which only measurement becomes much larger and finally show disharmonious looks. On the contrary, overwhelmed delicateness or elegance on them are also appealing touches to your wedding semblance. Since each girl deserves an appealing look on her big day, talented designers will continue to explore their minds for something groundbreaking. That will deserve expecting!

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Empire Waist Wedding Dresses Lead the Biggest Trends in 2011

By John Jones

The sincere proposal from the man touched your heartstrings finally. To hold the wedding in such a sunny climate sounds rather romantic. Then, what will you have to prepare for the coming ceremony? Surely, to make your special day really special, you will arrange a distinct menu, some special activities, a beautiful wedding cake, get everything insured, etc. Most soon-to-be brides also go to consult a professional wedding planner for some unique ideas. But believe it or not, a stylish & elegant bridal gown is the real must, which will help you steal the show.

Different with usual fashion clothing, wedding dresses load special meaning for each girl. Believe it or not, every girl has completed a rough outline about her wedding gown even when she is a child. They will look forward to generating a magnificent nuptial in a gorgeous church. With elegant black evening dresses, they can show their best while marching down the aisle.

If you are rather clear about your style, go for a custom made purple prom dresses directly.Send the tailor your ideas. With pieces of fabrics and some hard work, he will make the dream wedding gown for you. But if you are hesitant on making a decisive decision on which style to buy but want to make a great fashion statement, just follow the fashion mainstream please. This makes sense on all of your purchases. Surely, it' s the same with your hunting for a stylish or unique wedding dress.

Anytime, it' s of great importance to make sure what you wear fits the current trend. Your self-assurance can be boosted if you usually seem fashionable. People beside you will send you more notice and respect because of your stylish appearance too. When it comes to one of the most memorable dates throughout the life, every bride shows strong passion in adding trendy, glamorous and luxurious spices to their semblances. Then, wedding gown definitely becomes the most crucial element in lighting up your charm.

In fact, you could grab your bridal party and shop from store to store in just a few hours - getting the best variety since you will be visiting many places.In my opinion, the best idea is to plan out your entire day in advance. Jump onto google and use their maps service to locate a few stores in town. You should be able to find the exact addresses and even the telephone numbers of these businesses. Having a plan in advance will make the entire day easier.

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P90x Review On Wonderful Method To Keeping Fit

By Daniel Humfrey

If you are looking to have lean as well as split, this P90x Review has actually ended that you are able to locate no better program. But, this system is not uncomplicated, as well as you must be prepared to work more difficult than you've in your entire life! If you are seeking a mild training session for modest increases, this is not a great fit for your condition. P90x is for individuals significant concerning transforming their bodies from the ground up, in a few short months of intense training.

Also, be prepared to commit to the featured eating plan also. This is extremely vital, as well as if you don't eat as you should, you won't see the outcomes you are after. Why is this? Many professionals think diet is the most necessary element when attempting to lose weight, and you are able to undo your work out increases by exactly what you pick to ingest every day.

No Walk In the Park.

Finally, I ensure that you'll be ready to give Tony Horton a piece of your mind prior to you've completed your first DVD. Why? He yanks no punches, and he has no qualms concerning driving you-- hard. While you can consistently pause the DVD for a break, if you wish to keep up with him and his crew, get ready to have actually your butt handed to you for the 1st week or two! Nonetheless, if you keep pushing with this, you'll discover that you are able to match their degree of physical fitness, which is incredibly gratifying. In reality, several actual users have commented on this, stating they may hardly make it with an entire work out when they initially started. Now, they are with Tony every measure of the method, as well as energized when the DVD concerns an end. Additionally, Tony has a remarkably positive and high energy attitude, as well as he is outstanding at motivating you to break with your instruction wall every day.

Easy to Make use of.

After substantial investigation, this P90x Evaluation has actually found that while the work outs are not simple, they are uncomplicated to follow. Tony describes each brand-new workout step by measure, as well as then indicates it one or 2 times in lagging motion. This makes it uncomplicated for also the most train illiterate individual to follow along, as well as grasp each brand-new motion by having ease.

Further, P90x does not call for much in the way of equipment, as you are primarily utilizing your own body weight. All you will need in addition, is some resistance bands or dumbbells and a pull up bar. If you wish, you can get the Peak Outcomes Bundle for $ 269.70, which features every item you will require. Normally, you are able to just visit a regional merchant, and find every piece of needed equipment quickly as an alternative.

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Remaja Ini Selamat Meski Parasutnya Tak Terbuka dari Ketinggian 1.000 M

Remaja Ini Selamat Meski Parasutnya Tak Terbuka dari Ketinggian 1.000 M

ssbj - Jakarta - Greg Benson, mahasiswa Universitas Strathclyde, pasti bakal merasa beruntung sekali. Bagaimana tidak, Benson tidak luka parah setelah parasutnya tidak terbuka saat ia terjun dari ketinggian 1.000 meter.

Benson tengah mengambil pelajaran skydive yang keempat. Ia pun menumpang Cessna 206 dari Strathallan Airfield di Perthshire, sebelum akhirnya loncat.

Di sinilah petaka terjadi. Saat loncat itu, parasut justru melilit kakinya, sehingga tidak bisa terbuka dengan normal. Tidak hanya itu saja, parasut cadangannya juga ikut-ikutan tidak berfungsi.

Usai jatuh, Benson memang segera dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Namun 48 jam kemudian, ia sudah diperbolehkan pulang.

Ayah Benson yang merupakan seorang perwira polisi pun tidak percaya dengan kejadian ini. Bahkan instruktur lainnya mengaku tidak percaya jika Benson bisa selamat.

"Ketika saya mengatakan kepada mereka, dia (Benson) bebas cidera, kata mereka 'Itu tidak mungkin'," jelas Ayah Benson seperti dilansir dari dailymail, Minggu (26/2/2012).

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Jurus Jitu Nembak Cewek Dalam 30 Menit

Jurus Jitu Nembak Cewek Dalam 30 Menit

Nembak cewek itu seru. Tapi, juga banyak hambatannya. Salah-salah, gebetan bisa melayang. Tigapuluh menit udah lebih dari cukup. Nggak percaya?

Nembak cewek tuh saat yang paling nyebelin sekaligus berkesan. Abis, kita kan nggak bisa nebak reaksinya bakal kayak gimana. Nerima atau nolak. Teriak kegirangan, senyum-senyum penuh makna, atau malah ngetawain. Wuah, pusiiing! Makanya pantes deh kalo beberapa dari kita jadi suka gentar pas mau nyatain cinta ke gebetan.

Padahal sih sebenernya nervous tuh wajar lho. Namanya juga ngadepin momen bersejarah, siapa juga bakal deg-degan. Ngaku deh, elo-elo yang mengklaim diri gampang nyatain cinta juga tetap ngerasa nervous kan waktu berhadapan sama doi? Cuma aja nervous ini emang nggak boleh "dipelihara", entar malah mengacaukan acara.

Biar nggak kelamaan trus malah jadi basi atau garing, dan elonya salting sendiri, kemakan sama deg-degan gara-gara nervous, prosesnya tembak menembak ini nggak boleh lebih dari setengah jam!

Nggak boleh kurang juga. Soalnya, ehm, nggak bakalan berkesan juga dong ah!

Nah, biar tambah paten, waktu yang setengah jam itu juga kudu dibagi-bagi lagi. Kalo perlu, malah menit per menit. Gimana pembagiannya?

5 Menit Pertama

Penampilan, bro! Dari ujung rambut sampe ujung kaki. Udah rapi belum, udah wangi belum? Ini penting, soalnya di mana-mana kesan pertama tuh didapet dari penampilan.

Makanya jangan sampe tuh baju yang dipake nggak matching atau kumel dan lusuh. Doi bisa males ngeliat lo. Apalagi kalo ditambah aroma badan yang nggak sedap plus bau mulut, wuah…elo belum ngomong apa-apa gebetan udah ilfil duluan!

Tapi nggak usah kerapian dan terlalu wangi juga sih. Sampe pake kemeja tangan panjang, dasi, sama jas segala, terus nyemprotin minyak wangi disekujur tubuh misalnya. Mau nembak, apa mau ngelamar kerjaan, mas?

5 menit berikutnya

Perhatiin gerakan tubuh! Jangaaan…sampe elo melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang mengisyaratkan kalo elo lagi nervous. Kayak ngutak-ngatik zippo, ngetuk-ngetuk meja, ngegoyang-goyangin kaki, de el el. Entar ketauan kalo lo deg-degan. Tengsin, jack, bisa-bisa diketawain nanti!

Tapi jangan juga bersikap sok pede. Duduk tegap kayak arca, ngebusungin dada, menatap sambil ngangkat dagu, de es be. Kesannya sengak banget tuh. Cowok aja bete ngeliat cowok begitu, apalagi cewek. Asal lo tau, cewek itu mendambakan cowok yang ramah dan hangat. Nah, kalo begitu ngeliat gerakan tubuh lo dia langsung narik kesimpulan elo nggak asik, gimana?

10 menit ke depan

Elo mesti merhatiin obrolan. Lha ini, nggak gampang nih. Obrolan "pembuka" ini tujuannya bukan cuma mencairkan ketegangan, tapi juga kalo bisa mengakrabkan elo dan gebetan. Makanya dari mulai pemilihan topik sampe kata-kata harus diperhatiin bener.

Bagusnya sih elo nyari bahan obrolan yang dimengerti sama elo berdua, biar nggak disconnect di tengah jalan. Lebih asik lagi kalo bahan obrolan lo itu bukan sesuatu yang berat-berat, yang full jokes aja lah. Biar bisa ketawa-ketawa dan bikin dia nyubit-nyubit gemes gitu…Auw!

O iya jack, elo juga mesti jagain mulut lo supaya nggak kelepasan make kata-kata kotor atau katro, kayak yang biasa dipake pas ngobrol bareng anak-anak. Soalnya kalo lo kelepasan, wuah…bisa minus nanti nilai lo di depan dia.

10 most crucial minutes

Ini dia momen bersejarah yang ditunggu-tunggu. Jack, ngelewatin sepuluh menit terakhir ini bikin jantung serasa mau copot. Pikiran juga pasti penuh sama hapalan kata-kata manis yang bakal jadi senjata buat menaklukkan dia. Biar rada ketolong, coba kita perinci lagi trik-triknya.

1 menit pertama, atur nafas. Biar lebih tenang, jack.

2 menit berikutnya, tatap matanya dalem-dalem (taela…sumur kali dalem!).

3 menit selanjutnya, pegang tangannya dengan penuh perasaan. Usap-usap dan rasakan kelembutannya.

5 menit kemudian, tembaaak! "I love you. Kamu mau nggak jadi pacarku?" Hehehe… To the point aja ngomongnya, nggak usah pake ngegombal segala. Bilang mata kamu indah lah, kamu cantik lah, huh, jurus kayak gini sih cupu berat! Lagian, kalo lo kebanyakan ngerayu, tembakan lo malah nggak ngegigit. Udah keburu basi!

Oya. Selama persiapan sampe gongnya, yang paling penting buat diinget adalah:

Yang nervous tuh bukan lo doang! Lo kan nggak tau kalo target lo itu juga kebat-kebit hatinya? Makanya, biar pembicaraan lebih bisa mengalir, anggap aja kalo doi tuh sama posisinya sama elo. Sama-sama deg-degan!

Nah, kalo gongnya udah keluar, selanjutnya tinggal tunggu aja jawaban dari dia. Selama nunggu jangan berhenti berdoa, biar hatinya tergetar… Sip?


1. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Entar deh, gue pikir-pikir dulu."

Elo bilang: "Boleh, tapi apa yang gue bilang tadi itu keluar dari perasaan lho…"

2. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Mmm, kayaknya kita mendingan temenan aja deh."

Elo bilang: "Yaaah…! Temen gue udah banyak… Sekarang gue butuh pacar!"

3. Kalo gebetan gagap: "Gu… gu… gue… ee…."

Elo bilang: "Sstt… Elo nggak usah ngomong apa-apa, gue udah tau kalo elo pasti mau bilang iya." (Kalo doi emang gagap beneran, mending buru-buru lo bawa ke dokter deh!)

4. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Gue belum boleh pacaran sama ortu."

Elo bilang: "Tenang! Gue nggak bakalan bilang sama ortu lo!"

5. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Gue mau konsentrasi belajar, belum mau pacaran."

Elo bilang: "Gue juga. Tapi gue pengen terus belajar sama elo…."

6. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Gue udah punya cowok."

Elo bilang: "Tapi elo masih punya lho kesempatan dapetin cowok yang lebih baik, contohnya gue." (Hmm.. Biar bisa dipake, tapi mending lo pikir-pikir dulu deh, ngegebet cewek orang!)

7. Kalo gebetan diem aja.

Elo bilang: "Diem berarti iya nih. Kalo gitu sekarang kita pacaran…hehehe."


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WOW Ore Earning Through Palyer Deals, Guild Bank, Purchasing Online

By Danica Schisler

In World of Warcraft, quests are a great way for players to earn WOW gold and reputation. Players work together and compete in quests with each other to earn gold and do WOW power leveling in the game. The Dispel Illusion quest is one of them. Higher-level quests reward gamers with experience points and beneficial equipment. The Dispel Illusions quest takes location after gamers have completed several other quests in the game and have reached level 80 in experience points. The quest requires gamers to assist a game title character purge a city of infected citizens. On the end of the quest, the gamers must defeat a hard-to-beat manager character called Dreadlord Mal'Ganis.

Player Deals If you have buddies inside the game, you may be capable to strike a deal with them. For those who have a profession that is valuable to them, they might be willing to gather ore in return for what you can collect. For those who do not have any items they desire, you may be capable to cost few Gold on WOW on ore by purchasing directly with them rather of at the auction house, which requires a portion of the sale. For those who are inside a guild, they may be more willing to help you. Guilds connect players jointly and generally provide in-game help.

Enter the City of Stratholme while in the game with the in-game software character Arthas. Use your existing weapons and spells to defend yourself as you battle and remove infected citizens. Heal yourself and fellow characters as necessary in order to avoid dying. Try to find crates within the city as you travel and utilize the arcane disruptor on them. Locate at the least 5 crates to disrupt.

Fight with Arthas and withstand 5 mobs of undead citizens attacking a person at your position of the exit gate from your city. Glimpse for your in-game opponent Meathook to appear. Start all your game attacks on him in order to defeat the sub-boss monster. Reposition to fend away another 5 mobs of undead attackers, once more healing and fighting being a team to outlive.

Look for another sub-boss monster named Salramm the Fleshcrafter to appear. Attack this sub-boss with all of your weapons and attacks together. Look for Mal'Ganis while subsequent Arthas. Fend away attacks from dragonflight soldiers disguised as humans. Make your way toward the one section of Stratholme that does not have infected citizens. Locate the quest boss Mal'Ganis.

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Actos Bladder Cancer - A Medical Condition Actos Users May Acquire

By Kenneth A. Manning

Actos Bladder Cancer is usually a complications manufactured by people that use Actos treatment to handle style-2 diabetes mellitus. This medicine is done by Takeda Pharmaceutical drugs to handle the sugar levels of sufferers encountering type 2 diabetes. Investigation around the pill showed that 2 million clients have come across one side results the substance poses. This is due to the reality that there initially were no word of caution labels privately influence that will the result of the substance.

If you'd like to know if you get an Actos lawsuit or otherwise not, it becomes ideal to have the encourage on the attorney who has a great deal of practical knowledge when controling scenarios like this. It is also possible to obtain the enable you to require for the side effects the medicine has caused you. If you can show the problem is a result of the intake of the pill, you can be eligible to finding compensation.

Actos has evolved an enormous market of remarkable sales already in the market, but it really has demonstrated to cultivate numerous potentially fatal adverse reactions. Various recent surveys declare that Actos might be connected with a heightened chance of bladder cancer malignancy, and it can also lead to or exacerbate center failure, lactic acidosis and liver troubles. Hence, should you had diabetes drugs Actos and regrettably developed bladder many forms of cancer or suffering from the other side results of this pill, you could probably lay claim settlement on your battling and damages or injuries through an Actos Lawsuit.

Who Are Able To Data file an Actos Lawsuit? If you wish to data file an Actos Lawsuit, you need to understand that the majority of the pharmaceutical damage cases are linked with elaborate legal functions, which needs an extensive authorized understanding, reveal question of health studies, acknowledgment by top researchers and doctors furthermore substantial options to battle from big prescription drug businesses.

According to Mayo Hospital, the repeat pace of kidney melanoma is rather large, and a few clients needs to endure surgical procedures couple situations. For this reason, while most of the drug injuries cases vary, however, you might possibly look for payment for: Health care debts Upcoming health expenses Lost wages Long run lost pay Suffering and pain Future suffering and pain loss in consortium Cease working beginning loss Missing making capability

You should know that many suit contains a time limit clause or Time limit (the effective night out to cessation date for which you need to submit your personal injury lawsuit), also it may differ among states in Us. For instance, the statute of limitations rule in Big Apple is rigid a few-12 months with the date of your persons pain. For that reason, don't waste material your energy in thinking about filing an Actos Lawsuit, because if you wait very long, you are going to eliminate the opportunity recuperate your loss. E mail us right away for just a cost-free instance evaluation, also to know about lawsuit's departure phase.

Should you or any family member is think about one of many sorry victim, you could go after an injury lay claim. This will provide you with possibility to guard an Avandia Lawsuit and grow compensated for high priced medications and amounting professional medical expenses. In such circumstances that your loved one's loss of life is induce through taking Actos, a manslaughter assert is what you ought to follow or submit to obtain the reimbursement you have earned as the remaining relation. With this Actos Lawsuits, you might want a fantastic Actos lawyer who will allow you to recognize your Actos problem. A professional and skilled law firm can also help you to be able to create a good case in opposition to those people to blame for your sufferings.

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Yaz Lawsuit - Serious Yaz Side Effects Triggers Yasmin Lawsuit

By Christine J. Witmer

Bayer Medical, the corporation that trading markets Yaz and Yasmin, at present encounters not less than 74 Yasmin Lawsuit and Yaz law suits and the selection keeps increasing. The legal cases all include accusations that a new progestin contained in the oral contraceptives, called drospirenone, grows the potential risk of really serious and possibly life-damaging Yaz and Yasmin unwanted effects, including cardiac arrest, swing, lung embolism, deeply train of thought thrombosis, gall bladder sickness and sudden death. The Yaz and Yasmin legal actions also state that Bayer embellished the many benefits of Yaz and Yasmin without success to properly advise individuals about serious Yaz and Yasmin unwanted effects.

Due to the fact Yaz and Yasmin contain the progestin drospirenone, Yaz and Yasmin might equally put individuals in danger of an ailment called hyperkalemia. This disorder is marked by higher blood potassium stages inside bloodstream and infrequently has no signs or symptoms whatsoever. If unattended, it can lead to stroke and remedy inability

It is best to record a Yaz lawsuit or Yasmin Lawsuitt if you've been using Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella oral contraceptives. These medications have brought about to a lot down side results in many females who have undoubtedly taken them with out learning their negative adverse reactions.

A few of the unwanted effects happen to be extremely serious like heart problems including our blood clot, deeply spider vein thrombosis and cerebrovascular accident. If you've been utilizing the supplement with no knowing its future adverse reactions, then, it is important to find a attorney who is aware of Yaz conditions. Online can offer essential information about how to submit a Yaz lawsuit or Ocella Lawsuit countless attorneys who definitely have handled this kind of instances have given information on their site. Shoppers of Yaz and other alike oral contraceptives can buy a skilled lawyer who is able to enable them to get sufficient compensation for any dangerous side effects from the producer. The settlement is important as being the buyer might need more medical therapy to take care of coronary heart relevant ailments. You can check out it with the data of Yaz law firms who may help you inside your fight to get due payment with the producing company.

Anyone who has utilised Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella oral contraceptives should not keep away from completing a Yaz lawsuit as a consequence of complications engaged. There are various respected lawyers who will guide buyers get proper rights and payment. You can just speak to a lawful firm online leave the job in their mind. Websites of esteemed solicitors give a living space where the consumer provide one simple criteria of their situation.

If you want Yaz lawsuit pay out volumes, you will be wanting to know what personal injury lawsuit negotiations are in the first place. They are a bit different from actual legal action being any time a determine explains to a opposition the amount of money to give a litigant. An agreement in fact occurs just outside of the courtroom, this is essentially the most probable stopping to a physical injury personal injury lawsuit, particularly a bed that requires medical companies.

A good reason many organizations use money rather then filling out a case is it will keep them out of your touch and negates the cost of a legal professional. Regardless of whether a company should pay large numbers inside of a pay out, it may well still kept income since it did not have to give the continuous prices of litigation with finality concerning the lawsuit.

Yaz and its particular equivalent Yasmin are two popular birth handles at the present time based upon 4 . generation combo contraceptive know-how. The fact is that, though, most women have used these prescription drugs, and ladies have already been really damaged by them. These medications have triggered gals to acquire considerable difficulties like blood clots and gall bladder condition.

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Different Kinds Of Car And Van Leasing Contracts And Monetary Options

By Briana Jake Woodward

Sometimes it is more convenient and prudent for persons to enter into car leasing contracts instead of owning a vehicle. This is made possible through Car and van leasing contracts which allow the use of the vehicle(s) for a fixed period of time for an agreed amount. The agreement will evidently be governed by a number of conditions.

The vehicle leasing may be used for commercial or private use and accommodate the lessee in a variety of ways. The leaser will benefit from the arrangement as well. A variety of leasing plans are available and this is what we shall be considering hereafter.

The use of a vehicle for private use, either with or without maintenance, is known as a Personal Lease. Whether the vehicle is maintained by the leaser or not is an addition which may include the replacement of tyres, or access to roadside assistance in the event of breakdowns or accidents. If the option is not chosen to be included then the person leasing the vehicle will usually be held to more stringent conditions which would attract additional levies to be imposed for excessive wear or for any maintenance required.

The lessee has the opportunity to contract specific terms for the lease. A typical lease normally sets guidelines and limits for the vehicle's mileage. Limits usually include the number of miles the vehicle may be driven. Typically ten thousand miles per year for passenger vehicles, with fees for anything over the agreed upon amount, is the norm. However, some leases will permit, for an additional fee, this amount to be increased if necessary. A lease may specify that any added cost will be transferred to the lessee.

Finance Companies often form coalitions with Leasers and offer attractive benefits for potential lessees referred to them. These offers often includes the waiving of signing fees of a favourable offer to purchase the vehicle at the end of the contract.

Leasing companies also offer commercial/business contracts. These types of contracts are beneficial for companies who only need a vehicle for certain business operations and for a specified time frame (between twelve to sixty months).

The choice to maintain the vehicle's tires, or acquire a substitute vehicle if needed, are important guarantees for any business. For this type of arrangement the vehicle is retained by the leaser. Some companies are willing to work with the lessees so they can determine, each month, how the payments are to be calculated.

Many large companies offer Cross border leasing agreements too. This option is for the vehicle to be used even in another country. Cross border leases are common occurrences in European countries. These types of leases serve as a benefit to the lessee because of differential taxation of assets across various countries.

Loan payments are normally considerably higher than Leasing Fees for vehicles of identical make and plate. This alone makes leasing appealing for many people. Couple this with less strict qualifying procedures and optional advantages, and the result is a fast growing sector in many countries, where leasing is becoming more popular and in demand.

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Increasing Your Financial Prospects With Options

By Robert Williams

The stock market industry is rife with terminology that can be confusing. Understanding not only the terms, but how each of the products can be used, is an important part of the excitement of being involved in taking risks that can provide significant rewards. Options are products that can be lucrative or can be costly, as all ventures into the market, and should only be used when the investor is experienced.

Derivatives are a product sold that relies on the value of an associated product. Options are contracts that rely on the price of the associated stock and are considered derivatives. The contract allows for purchasing the underlying stock at a pre-determined price before a pre-determined date. The more informed investors use market language to make the same statement. The writer sells a contract enabling the buyer to call or put at the strike price before the exercise date.

Options are divided into four categories. They include buyers and sellers of calls as well as buyers and sellers of puts. Those who purchase calls believe that the underlying stock price will increase. Those who sell calls receive a premium for the contract and are obligated to sell if the strike price is met on the exercise date.

If the investor believes the price will go down, they purchase a put. Those who sell puts receive a premium and must purchase when the strike price is met. All investors should do research into companies involved, the stock market status and any other issues that might factor into changes in prices.

Investors who own the underlying stock and write calls do so to generate more profit. Covered calls are the safest of the different types of options and are considered to be conservative. Writing a covered call generates a premium. The contract sells the right to purchase stocks in the investor's possession when it hits the strike price.

Both companies and individual investors use this took to protect their portfolios against significant loss. It is much safer to use them this way, than as a speculative vehicle. Hedging acts as an insurance against significant losses. While the cost of the option still affects profits, if the market is volatile there could be much greater loss.

Speculators are high risk takers and use options to increase their potential for high earnings. But this same risk can cause huge deficits as well. When attempting to speculate, the investor must be educated about several variables. The variables include the price change, how much it will be and when it will change. They must be well informed about the risks and have experience reading the market.

No one new to the stock market or to these products should make significant investments in this product. They are extremely volatile and should only be considered with advice from an expert. While safest option is a covered call, if it is not executed properly, or if the market is volatile, it can still entail a loss.

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Purchase Nothing Less however Quality Salon Furniture

By Harold D. Gregory

Your own salon can be the most breathtaking and the biggest in your vicinity; you may have the excellent staff and the greatest cosmetics as well as inexpensive services, nonetheless you might still end up lacking something. Of course, apart from each one of these things you may absence one of the most important stuff you ought to get for your beauty parlor, your salon furniture.

Work on impressing customers with not just the service and the location but furnitures as well. Keep in mind how impressions are created the first time you see somebody? The same goes with a beauty salon as well as any establishment, your client's first sight of your place and the experience they obtain are ones that will depart a lasting impression. Along with understanding how these impacts will soon be offered a hot topic when they talk to their pals, or even that these will go directly on a social network's live stream leaving behind the whole world to see and read regarding your salon.

Take the time to consider the perfect planning and implementation, that is best done before you open and go into official production. By doing so, you have everything set for your visitors, your staff and yourself. You must be willing to choose the appropriate venue, furnitures, equipments, tools and even the smallest cosmetic products should be given regard. Why? These things are usually what you need the the majority of to make an impression for your clients, one that you've usually wanted them to possess the day you decided to open your own salon.

Do not just put money into quality compromised pieces of equipment; they are the ones that will probably give you a headache from on the side costs, pointless ones. Be a smart buyer, be considered a smart salon owner. Invest in quality furnitures that the beauty parlor deserves to possess. Create that picture of elegance and class in the comforts of your personal business.

Choose the right salon furniture for every part of your salon, don't leave bare space. It's genuine when they say, never over decorate which too much furnitures is not contrasting, but when you decide and feel the need for much more, always go for the ones that are quality created. Make it quality over price; it's more ideal, more reasonable at the same time. For every centavo spent on high quality made beauty salon equipment you are sure they're meant to last via the years. Do not hesitate to inquire about around and perform your own research. As a result, you get more ideas of proper options and you will also be able to substantiate your own assumptions about particular goods, it would definitely be considered a relief to shell out money on things that you're self-assured about.

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Developing Teacher Leadership By Means Of Seminars

By Alana P. Lucas

Educators have an essential role within the community. That's the reason why it is very important to enhance teacher leadership. Teaching can be explained as providing information towards a learner -- whether student or perhaps an employee - to enable them to put it to use within their day-to-day lives. It could actually also be thought as a way of explaining to learners tips to become successful within their own endeavors. Teachers, for that reason, can one way or another be looked into as leaders.

Within a professional learning community, it truly is of utmost importance that a teacher must be good in teaching. In addition to that, instructors should also lead by example. If you are a teacher, you need to lead a life that is promising. You must not in any respect do unreasonable things that will encourage your own student to do the same. For instance, if you're teaching young kids you shouldn't speak bad words. Or if perhaps you are in your business office you shouldn't show employees that you're into illegitimate deals, simply because from the moment you do, employees under your supervision shall mimic your every single move.

For most professional learning communities, instructors usually make the mistake of becoming a bad example for students. In class, you will discover teachers which conduct themselves with an unethical manner, which is very off-putting thinking of their social standing. In the workplace, some employers often come to work late, thereby leading the workers towards the wrong path. Professional development for teacher leadership is undoubtedly an example of a seminar by which the educator can obtain some knowledge regarding how to lead a team in the proper path.

A professional learning community where the teacher has insufficient arsenal, usually leads the group to a devastating road. This can seem absurd yet it's the sad truth that you could notice nowadays in the majority of professional learning communities such as schools. Workshops with regards to improving teacher leadership are therefore an essential part of a community's success.

State regulatory and licensing boards should be aware of the teachers' necessity to improve their leadership skills. A person is not born with leadership qualities right away. Leadership is in some manner developed along the route. Professional development for teacher leadership courses are a must in every community. It enables educators to totally harness their leadership skills while also enhancing their own classroom management strategies. An instructor who's knowledgeable about all these aspects could be a key factor for the education with the youth, much more in educational institutions exactly where students consist of young kids or pre-teenagers. This is basically the age when youngsters are most impressionable, and an instructor takes on an important role about what kind of impression will be left within these children's minds.

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Methods to Remedy Continual Exhaustion

By Arthur Gingerman

There aren't any ways to heal chronic fatigue syndrome appropriate now, even if research proceeds to discover out the potential brings about and corresponding solutions for CFS. Yet not absolutely everyone who encounters serious exhaustion, really suffers from your serious tiredness syndrome. Fatigue is a human body issue where there would seem to get not enough strength within just the application to help the pursuits the individual would love to interact in. Here is the objective why fatigue is involved with inadequate focus, memory problems, head aches and immune technique boueux. Fatigue is current in many chronic diseases in addition to in additional substantial viral infection. To understand more about Circulation Booster Evaluation or any other ailments, it is actually vital to understand every thing you quite possibly can about receiving wholesome.

The tips on how to get rid of chronic fatigue for extreme wellness issues rely over the scenario. If you will discover emotional instability suspected for the root of serious fatigue (i.e. depression, an anxiousness issue), then, a psychiatric plan of solution might be adopted. Anti-depressants jointly with cognitive behaviour treatment method signify frequent examples of medicines utilized for serious exhaustion indications. Inside the occasion the individual is diagnosed possessing a viral infection, anti-biotics and immune functionality boosters will likely be utilized for health healing. In the event you like this article, then you can expect to likely like my website, which you can obtain right here.

In many cases the sole ways to get rid of long-term fatigue would be to make serious living fashion modifications so that you make the many appropriate whole system premises to operate in optimum recommendations. Quitting smoking cigarettes cigarettes, shedding weight, strengthening diet software and lowering worry ranges stand for the foremost conflicts of battling against persistent tiredness with lifestyle style modifications. The solutions to cure continual tiredness fluctuate from one individual to a different and predicament to predicament. And as it takes place virtually in all places within just the health-related planet, the nice benefits of almost any treatment method finally would depend within the unique reaction of the impacted particular person.

The web also is filled with methods to get rid of chronic tiredness from the home. A couple of of those may be truly put in to follow in a particularly reliable and effective way, even so, there may be a lot of inconsistent and unclear details on-line. You only cannot think anything you read. The ideal support you could possibly attain may very well be to initial check out your solution alternatives jointly with your Basic practitioner, talking about the many health care assessments you'll will need for prognosis. Just in case the doctor won't uncover the source of your dilemma, it won't suggest which you occur for being generating it all up.

New methods to treatment long-term fatigue syndrome are examined each day. Ideally the treatment on the upcoming would've much more answers and procedure remedies for humanity. Even so, right up until as a final point a authentic 'cure' gets available for CFS, victims need to do with what you will find at hand. The battle toward serious exhaustion can be thought to be a prolonged a person, however it actually is perfectly worth battling.

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Rela di Jepit Ribuan Penjepit Pakaian Demi Seribu Re Tweet

Rela di Jepit Ribuan Penjepit Pakaian Demi Seribu Re Tweet
Demi mendapatkan 1.000 retweet atas postingannya, ia rela bersakit-sakit setelah 'digigit' oleh serenteng penjepit jemuran. Auw...

Sebuyama -- si pelaku aksi gila ini -- adalah seorang penulis di salah satu situs komedi Jepang bernama Omokoro.

Suatu hari, dilansir Ubergizmo, Omokoro telah menembus 10.000 follower di akun Twitternya. Lantas, sang chief editor Omokoro meminta Sebuyama untuk datang ke kantor pada pukul 10 malam, untuk memintanya mencari tahu jenis tweet macam apa yang paling menarik untuk diretweet.

Sebuyama yang telah memiliki 2.131 follower itu pun menerima 'tantangan' sang bos. Ia lantas mencoba berbagai eksperimen di depan laptopnya untuk menarik perhatian para tweeps. Sang atasan menilai riset ini akan sukses jika Sebuyama telah mendapatkan 1.000 retweet atau lebih.

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